Install the MySQL client on the ECC instance of the Linux.
• Run the following command to download the MySQL client.
• Run the following command to install the MySQL client.
rpm -ivh
mysqldump -h [$Host] -u [$User] -P [$Port] -p --opt --default-character-set=utf8 --triggers --hex-blob [$Database_Name] > /tmp/db_name.sql
mysqldump completes the backup operation automatically after you enter the password. A similar output is displayed.
ll /tmp/db_name.sql
#### 4. To restore data from the source RDS instance, run the following command based on the backup file.
mysql -h [$Host] -u [$User] -P [$Port] -p [$Database_Name] < /tmp/db_name.sql
A similar output is displayed, indicating that the recovery operation is completed after you enter the password.