Product overview

Anti-DDoS IP is a paid protection service defending businesses such as games, internet services, and finance operations against high-volume distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that may disable user access. You can configure a protected IP and then point the business IP to it . All internet traffic will first pass through the Anti-DDoS cluster. Attack traffic will be cleansed and filtered out in the Anti-DDoS cleansing center, and normal access traffic will be forwarded to the business real servers, thus ensuring business stability and availability of the real servers.

Multi-Dimensional protection

Protection Type Description
Malformed packet filtering Filters out frag flood, smurf, stream flood, and land flood attacks as well as malformed IP, TCP, and UDP packets.
DDoS protection at the network layer Filters out UDP flood, SYN flood, TCP flood, ICMP flood, ACK flood, FIN flood, RST flood, and DNS/NTP/SSDP reflection attacks and null sessions.
DDoS protection at the application layer Filters out CC attacks and slow HTTP attacks and supports HTTP custom filtering such as host filtering, user-agent filtering, and referer filtering.

Support website protection and four-layer protection

  1. According to your configuration, implement protection for the total number of requests, the number of concurrent requests, and the maximum number of connections. Intercept the requests that exceed the limit according to different settings. Keep your services up and running
  2. Support http, https, websocket, websockets, http2.0 protocol

Defend against various types of DDoS attacks and realize various interception modes

Including but not limited to the following attack types and protection types:

  1. ICMP Flood, UDP Flood, TCP Flood, SYN Flood, ACK Flood attack.
  2. Prevent SQL injection, local include, xss, ssrf and other web attacks
  3. Shield abnormal network requests, and implement custom discard/authentication access for requests outside the rules.
  4. Blacklist defense, block the ip in the blacklist
  5. Regional ban, to achieve ip custom interception for domestic provinces and foreign regions
  6. Accurate ip access, in addition to blacklist defense, you can achieve more accurate interception by matching http fields such as url, request header, ip, UA, etc.

Change the protection IP at any time

The protected IP can be changed at any time, allowing you to configure more freely and protect more securely.

Elastic protection

Anti-DDoS IP threshold is flexibly adjusted, and you can upgrade to a higher level of protection at any time without interruption of services throughout the process.

Precision Protection Report

Provide real-time and accurate traffic reports and attack details, allowing you to obtain current service details in a timely and accurate manner.