How do I handle the issue of slow access to services protected by an Anti-DDoS IP instance?


This topic describes how to handle the issue of slow access to services protected by an Anti-DDoS IP instance.

Problem description

When you access services protected by an Anti-DDoS IP instance, it takes 8 seconds. By contrast, it takes 1 second to access services not protected an Anti-DDoS IP instance.

Cause and solution

  1. Whether there are many requests from unknown sources occupying resources. It can be obtained by querying the local access log. Add requests from unknown origins to blocking rules.
  2. Check the statistics log to see if the QPS of the Anti-DDoS IP reaches the threshold. If it is achieved, it needs to be upgraded
  3. Whether there are many static files to be loaded, if so, you can enable the static file caching function