Security Group

Create security group

  1. Click the + button on the upright corner to create a security group.
    Security Group empty)

  2. Name and tag the security group you will create, and you can remark it in the Description textarea. Click Confirm button to complete.
    Create Security Group

  3. Now you have a security group. You can configure, edit and delete it.

Configure security group

  1. Click Configure and you can add rule for the security group, as shown below:

  2. Click Add Rule to add rule for your security group, as shown below:
    add rule

  3. In the “Add Inboud” window that pops out, click +Add, as shown below:
    Add Rule

  4. Set the rules you need and then click Confirm to finish, as shown below:
    Confirm Inbound rule

  5. Now you have added inbound rules, then you can modify it or delete it as you want. Click the Modify bottom if you need, as shown below:
    Modify rules

  6. In the “Modify Rule” window that pops out, set the rules you need, then click “Confirm“ to finish modifying, as shown below:
    Confirm Modify Rules

Edit security group

  1. Click Edit, as shown below:

  2. In the “Edit Security Group” window that pops out, change the name, tag and description of the security group as you need. Then click Confirm to finish, as shown below:
    Confirm Edit security group

Delete security group

Note: Please remove the related instance(s) before deleting security group.

  1. Click Delete, as shown below:
    delete security group

  2. In the “Delete Security Group” window that pops out, confirm the seleted instance needed to delete and click Delete to finish, as shown below:
    delete security group

Add instances to security group

Security groups are used to set network access control for single or multiple cloud server instances, and are important means of network security isolation. You can associate an ECC instance with one or more security groups based on your business needs. The following will guide you on how to associate an ECC instance with a security group on the console.

  1. Click Configure and you can manage instances, as shown below:

  2. Click Manage Instances and then click Add Instances, as shown below:
    Manage instances

  3. Choose one or more instances that you need to add to the security group and then click Add to Security Group, as shown below:
    add to security group

  4. In the “Add to Security Group” window that pops out, select the security group that you have built, then click Add to finish, as shown below: