据客户反映,应用会间歇性出现异常,包括 insert 单条记录在内的操作长时间无法完成,按照客户的说法,数据库内可能有“死锁”现象,希望能够找到问题发生的根因,提出解决方案,以避免问题再次发生。
2015 年 12 月 23 日,问题再次发生,客户再次联系到小 y, 小 y 通过远程方式进行了信息收集和故障诊断,最终定位了问题的根本原因。
操作系统 > > > > > > > |
> > > > > > > >
SQL> oradebug setmypid
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug hanganalyze 3
Hang Analysis in /oracle/admin/xxdb/udump/xxdb_ora_14136.trc
SQL> oradebug dump systemstate 266
Statement processed.
SQL> oradebug tracefile_name
> > > > > > > > > > > >
SO: c00000003949b948, type: 2, owner: 0000000000000000, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(process) Oracle pid=19, calls cur/top: c0000000397209b0/c0000000397209b0, flag: (0) -
int error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
(post info) last post received: 0 0 121
last post received-location: kcbzww
last process to post me: c000000039496148 1 22
last post sent: 0 0 121
last post sent-location: kcbzww
last process posted by me: c000000039496148 1 22
(latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0
Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: c000000039529928
O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 11880
OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 11880, image: oracle@ap-machine-
*** 2015-12-22 10:34:53.431
Short stack dump:
ksdxfstk()+48<-ksdxcb()+1200<-sspuser()+368<-<kernel><-_ pw_wait()+48<-pw_wait() +128<-sskgpwwait()+384<-skgpwwait()+208<-ksliwat()+1728<-kslwaitns_timed()+112<-kskthbwt()+400<-kslwait()+640<-ktugur()+4416<-ktuchg()+1280<-ktbchg2()+704<-kdiins0()+267536<-kdiinsp()+320<-kauxsin()+2960<-insidx()+1744<-insrow()+1440<-insdrv()+960<-inscovexe()+1408<-insExecStmtExecIniEngine()+176<-insexe()+1040<-opiexe()+13776<-kpoal8()+3808<-opiodr()+2144<-ttcpip()+1680<-opitsk()+2368<-opiino()+1664<-opiodr()+2144<-opidrv()+1248<-sou2o()+240<-opimai_real()+496<-main()+240<-main_opd_entry()+80
SO: c0000000396d80d8, type: 4, owner: c00000003949b948, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(session) sid: 315 trans: c0000000355b2a28, creator: c00000003949b948, flag: (100041) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-
DID: 0001-0013-00000027, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000
txn branch: 0000000000000000
oct: 2, prv: 0, sql: c0000000384bad50, psql: c0000000384bad50, user: 33/XXDB
service name: xxdb
O/S info: user: , term: , ospid: 1234, machine: rvwapp2-1
waiting for 'db file sequential read' wait_time=0, seconds since wait started=0
file#=c, block#=2f359, blocks=1
blocking sess=0x0000000000000000 seq=42271
Dumping Session Wait History
for 'undo segment extension' count=1 wait_time=2 min 45 sec
segment#=6, =0, =0
for 'buffer busy waits' count=1 wait_time=0.000009 sec
file#=2, block#=59, class#=1b
for 'SQL*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000087 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000086 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000086 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message from client' count=1 wait_time=0.000087 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
for 'SQL*Net message to client' count=1 wait_time=0.000001 sec
driver id=28444553, #bytes=1, =0
Sampled Session History of session 315 serial 4544
The sampled session history is constructed by sampling
the target session every 1 second. The sampling process
captures at each sample if the session is in a non-idle wait,
an idle wait, or not in a wait. If the session is in a
non-idle wait then one interval is shown for all the samples
the session was in the same non-idle wait. If the
session is in an idle wait or not in a wait for
consecutive samples then one interval is shown for all
the consecutive samples. Though we display these consecutive
samples in a single interval the session may NOT be continuously
idle or not in a wait (the sampling process does not know).
The history is displayed in reverse chronological order.
sample interval: 1 sec, max history 120 sec
[120 samples, 10:32:52 - 10:34:53]
waited for 'undo segment extension', seq_num: 42270
p1: 'segment#'=0x6
p2: ''=0x0
p3: ''=0x0
time_waited: >= 120 sec (still in wait)
Sampled Session History Summary:
longest_non_idle_wait: 'undo segment extension'
[120 samples, 10:32:52 - 10:34:53]
time_waited: >= 120 sec (still in wait)
进程在被 ORADEBUG 间接唤醒后,不再等待 undo segment extension, 而是做 ”
SO: c000000039496148, type: 2, owner: 0000000000000000, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(process) Oracle pid=8, calls cur/top: c00000003971e868/c00000003971e868, flag: (16) SYSTEM
int error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0
(post info) last post received: 0 0 121
last post received-location: kcbzww
last process to post me: c0000000394a0948 211 0
last post sent: 0 0 24
last post sent-location: ksasnd
last process posted by me: c000000039495148 1 6
(latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0
Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: c000000039529928
O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 10072
OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 10072, image: oracle@ap-machine- (SMON)
Short stack dump:
SO: c0000000396ead68, type: 4, owner: c000000039496148, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00
(session) sid: 329 trans: 0000000000000000, creator: c000000039496148, flag: (100051) USR/- BSY/-/-/-/-/-
DID: 0001-0008-00000002, short-term DID: 0000-0000-00000000
txn branch: 0000000000000000
oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: 0000000000000000, psql: 0000000000000000, user: 0/SYS
service name: SYS$BACKGROUND
waiting for 'smon timer' wait_time=0, seconds since wait started=3109
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
blocking sess=0x0000000000000000 seq=7382
Dumping Session Wait History
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 11 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
for 'smon timer' count=1 wait_time=4 min 53 sec
sleep time=12c, failed=0, =0
Sampled Session History of session 329 serial 1
可以看到, SMON 进程在等“ SMON TIMER ”,即空闲等待。
这说明 SMON 没有因为阻塞在异常的等待上,导致无法腾出时间来处理前台进程发过来的 undo segment 扩展请求。
> > > >
The problem is a defect in the pw_wait() O/S system call.
On HP-UX 11.31, this is caused by a problem with the HP-UX scheduler patch PHKL_37456:
PHKL_37456 scheduler cumulative patch
即 HPUX11.31 上,当安装了 PHKL_37456 这个调度补丁后,操作系统调用 pw_wait 存在缺陷,导致进程无法从 post/wait 中被唤醒,解决方案是 Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.
Processes Hang Waiting on 'cursor: pin S wait on X' (and other Wait Events) on HP-UX 11.23 and 11.31 Itanium Systems (Doc ID 580273.1) In this Document SymptomsChanges Cause Solution APPLIES TO:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
cursor: pin S wait on X (10g wait) kksfbc child completion SGA: allocation forcing component growth
There is no blocker process.
0: c0000000003e2ff0 : pw_wait() + 0x30 (/usr/lib/hpux64/libc.so.1)
Workaround: oradebug setospid+unlimit to free the hanging process: 1. Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent. Solution: on 11.23 install PHKL_37809 or later equivalent. Note: the patches whose names begin with PHKL_ are HP-UX patches. Please check with HP-UX support on the latest applicable patch numbers as such patches are regularly updated and superceded.
> > > >
之所以执行不下去,不是因为死锁,而是因为该会话即 SID=315 的会话 , 需要执行 DML ,因此需要 UNDO SEGMENT 即回滚段来存储前镜像,但发现回滚段空间不足,需要通知 SMON 后台进程来完成扩展的请求 , 但是长时间没有获得回滚段扩展成功与否的返回消息。前台进程和 SMON 之间通过 POST/WAIT 进制来通讯。
由于操作系统 HPUX 调度的缺陷,具体来说是 pw_wait 系统调用 (post/wait) 存在缺陷,当 SMON 进程完成回滚段扩展后,消息返回时,前台进程 SID=315 并没有能被及时调度到 CPU 上继续处理后续工作,即体现出来就是等待在“ undo segment extension “事件上等待,当我们人为使用 ORADEBUG 对 SID 315 收集信息并间接唤醒了该前台进程后,前台进行可以继续往下工作,这更加印证了 SMON 已经将消息已经返回给前台进程,只是由于操作系统调度进制的问题,未能即使将前台进程调度到 CPU 上,拿到 UNDO 扩展成功的消息
造成该故障的根本原因是操作系统调度机制的问题,该问题命中操作系统 HPUX 上的已知缺陷。
The problem is a defect in the pw_wait() O/S system call.
即 HPUX11.31 上,当安装了 PHKL_37456 这个调度补丁后,操作系统调用 pw_wait 存在缺陷,导致进程无法从 post/wait 中被唤醒,解决方案是 Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent. |
> > > > 3.2 建议
Solution: on 11.31 install PHKL_38397 or later equivalent.
请系统管理员为操作系统安装 PHKL_38397 补丁。
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