Kotlin 反射库(kotlin-reflect)提供了一种在运行时检查和操作类、对象、接口、函数等元素的能力。使用 Kotlin 反射可以简化开发,提高代码的灵活性和可扩展性。以下是一些使用 Kotlin 反射简化开发的例子:
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.full.memberFunctions
fun main() {
val obj = MyClass()
val clazz = obj::class
val functions = clazz.memberFunctions
for (function in functions) {
if (function.name == "myFunction") {
val kFunction: KFunction<*> = function as KFunction<*>
val result = kFunction.call(obj, "parameterValue")
println("Result: $result")
class MyClass {
fun myFunction(param: String): String {
return "Hello, $param!"
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
fun main() {
val obj = MyClass()
val clazz = obj::class
val properties = clazz.declaredMemberProperties
for (property in properties) {
val kProperty: KProperty<*> = property as KProperty<*>
val value = kProperty.get(obj)
println("Value of ${property.name}: $value")
class MyClass {
var myProperty: String = "Hello, World!"
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.full.createInstance
fun main() {
val clazz: KClass<MyClass> = MyClass::class
val obj = clazz.createInstance()
println("Created instance of ${clazz.simpleName}: $obj")
class MyClass
import kotlin.reflect.KType
import kotlin.reflect.full.type
fun main() {
val obj = MyClass()
val type = obj::class.type
println("Type of ${obj::class.simpleName}: $type")
if (type is KType.Class) {
println("Is class: ${type.classifier}")
class MyClass
使用 Kotlin 反射,你可以在运行时动态地执行许多操作,而无需在编译时知道具体的类型。这可以让你编写更灵活、可扩展的代码,但请注意,反射可能会影响性能,因此在性能敏感的场景中要谨慎使用。