CNNVD-ID编号 | CNNVD-200002-039 | CVE编号 | CVE-2000-0149 |
发布时间 | 2000-02-08 | 更新时间 | 2005-05-02 |
漏洞类型 | 输入验证 | 漏洞来源 | Posted on Bugtraq February 9, 2000 by Vanja Hrustic |
危险等级 | 中危 | 威胁类型 | 远程 |
厂商 | zeus_technologies |
Zeus Web服务器存在漏洞。远程攻击者借助URL末端的空字符(\\%00)可以查看CGI程序的源代码。
Zeus Technologies has provided patches for all 14 platforms Zeus Web Server is compatible with which rectifies this issue. They may be downloaded from the FTP server below:
来源: XF
名称: zeus-server-null-string(3982)
来源: BID
名称: 977
名称: 254