sed一次处理一行内容,处理时,先读入一行,去掉尾部换行符,存入pattern space,执行编辑命令. 处理完毕,除非加了-n参数,把现在的pattern space打印出来,在后边打印曾去掉的换行符. 把pattern space内容给hold space,把pattern space置空,接着读下一行,处理下一行.
wget http://aurelio.net/sedsed/sedsed-1.0 touch /usr/local/bin/sedsed cat sedsed-1.0 >> /usr/local/bin/sedsed chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/sedsed
usage: sedsed OPTION [-e sedscript] [-f sedscriptfile] [inputfile] OPTIONS: -f, --file add file contents to the commands to be parsed -e, --expression add the script to the commands to be parsed -n, --quiet suppress automatic printing of pattern space --silent alias to --quiet -d, --debug debug the sed script --hide hide some debug info (options: PATT,HOLD,COMM) --color shows debug output in colors (default: ON) --nocolor no colors on debug output --dump-debug dumps to screen the debugged sed script --emu emulates GNU sed (INCOMPLETE) --emudebug emulates GNU sed debugging the sed script (INCOMPLETE) -i, --indent script beautifier, prints indented and one-command-per-line output do STDOUT --prefix indent prefix string (default: 4 spaces) -t, --tokenize script tokenizer, prints extensive command by command information -H, --htmlize converts sed script to a colorful HTML page -f选项和sed的-f选项一样 -d打开debug,其中--hide表示隐藏指定的内容;如--hide=hold表示隐藏的保留空间缓冲区的内容 -i 的--indent 格式化复杂的sed脚本变成更加人性化的脚本
[root@localhost ~]# cat 1.txt
把linux换成debian,下面给出三种处理方式:sed处理;sedsed -d 和sedsed -d --hide
[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/linux/debian/g' 1.txt debian centos redhat debian ubuntu fedora [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d 's/linux/debian/g' 1.txt PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:debian$ HOLD:$ debian PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ centos PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ redhat PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:debian$ HOLD:$ debian PATT:ubuntu$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:ubuntu$ HOLD:$ ubuntu PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ fedora [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d --hide=hold 's/linux/debian/g' 1.txt PATT:linux$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:debian$ debian PATT:centos$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:centos$ centos PATT:redhat$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:redhat$ redhat PATT:linux$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:debian$ debian PATT:ubuntu$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:ubuntu$ ubuntu PATT:fedora$ COMM:s/linux/debian/g PATT:fedora$ fedora
HOLD:显示hold sapce缓冲区的内容
[root@localhost ~]# cat 2.txt This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end.
[root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/{N;/^\n$/D}' 2.txt This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end. [root@localhost ~]# sed '/^$/{N;/^\n$/d}' 2.txt This line is followed by 1 blank line. This line is followed by 2 blank line. This line is followed by 3 blank line. This line is followed by 4 blank line. This is the end.
用sedsed 打开debug看看执行过程 //后面的内容是我注释的
[root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d '/^$/{N;/^\n$/D}' 2.txt PATT:This line is followed by 1 blank line.$ //pattern空间读入第一行内容 HOLD:$ //hold空间开始为空 COMM:/^$/ { //正在执行的命令,判断是否为空行,很明显不是,所有不执行后面的命令,执行的结果送往屏幕并把结果给hold space. PATT:This line is followed by 1 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 1 blank line. PATT:$ //pattern空间读入第二行 HOLD:$ //hold空间开始还是为空 COMM:/^$/ { //正在执行的命令,判断是否为空行,很明显是,所有执行后面的命令 COMM:N //执行N读取下一行进入pattern空间 PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ HOLD:$ //此时hold空间还是为空 COMM:/^\n$/ D //对pattern空间继续执行后面的命令:如果是空行,执行D命令,很明显不是,所有不执行。 PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ //pattern空间内容 HOLD:$ //hold空间内容,任然为空。 COMM:} PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 2 blank line. //由于没有满足执行条件,继续读取下一行。 PATT:$ //空行,满足执行条件,执行命令 HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D //满足执行D命令条件,删除一空行(现在有两空行) PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\nThis line is followed by 3 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:\nThis line is followed by 3 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:\nThis line is followed by 3 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 3 blank line. PATT:$ \\空行,满足命令执行条件,执行命令,读取下一行. HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D \\满足执行D命令,删除一空行. PATT:$ \\空行,满足命令执行条件,执行命令,读取下一行. HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D \\ \\满足执行D命令,删除一空行. PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 4 blank line. PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\nThis is the end.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ D PATT:\nThis is the end.$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:\nThis is the end.$ HOLD:$ This is the end. [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d '/^$/{N;/^\n$/d}' 2.txt PATT:This line is followed by 1 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { PATT:This line is followed by 1 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 1 blank line. PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:\nThis line is followed by 2 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 2 blank line. PATT:$ \\空行,满足命令执行条件,执行命令,读取下一行. HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d \\满足执行d命令条件,此时模式空间的两个空行都被删除. PATT:This line is followed by 3 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { PATT:This line is followed by 3 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 3 blank line. PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:\nThis line is followed by 4 blank line.$ HOLD:$ This line is followed by 4 blank line. PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d PATT:$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { COMM:N PATT:\n$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^\n$/ d PATT:This is the end.$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^$/ { PATT:This is the end.$ HOLD:$ This is the end.
删除空行: sed '/^\s*$/d' filename sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' filename 用行标示号来删除 sed 'n1d' filename 删除第n1行 sed 'n1,n2d' filename 删除第n1行到n2行间内容(n1<=n2) sed '5,$d' filename 删除第5行以后内容内容 用特殊匹配来删除,格式如下 sed '/regular_pattern/d' filename
a\命令是追加命令,追加将添加新文本到文件中当前行(即读入模式缓冲区中的行)的后面.所追加的文本行位于sed命令的下方另起一行.如果要追加的内容超过一行,则每一行都必须以反斜线结束,最后一行除外.最后一行将以引号和文件名结束. i\ 命令是在当前行的前面插入新的文本. c\ 用新的文本改变本行的文本
[root@localhost ~]# cat 1.txt linux centos redhat linux ubuntu linux fedora [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d '/linux/c\unix' 1.txt PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix unix PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ centos PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ redhat PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix unix PATT:ubuntu linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix unix PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ COMM:/linux/ c\\N\unix PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ fedora
sed 的高级运用
[root@localhost ~]# cat 1.txt linux centos redhat linux ubuntu linux fedora [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/^linux/=' 1.txt 1 4 [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/^linux/{=;p}' 1.txt 1 linux 4 linux [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d -n '/^linux/{=;p}' 1.txt PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { COMM:= 1 PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:p linux PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { COMM:= 4 PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:p linux PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ PATT:ubuntu linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:ubuntu linux$ HOLD:$ PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d '/^linux/{=;p}' 1.txt PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { COMM:= 1 PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:p linux PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ linux PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:centos$ HOLD:$ centos PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:redhat$ HOLD:$ redhat PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { COMM:= 4 PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:p linux PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:} PATT:linux$ HOLD:$ linux PATT:ubuntu linux$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:ubuntu linux$ HOLD:$ ubuntu linux PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ COMM:/^linux/ { PATT:fedora$ HOLD:$ fedora
上面sedsed的调试显示了sed -n的参数的实际实现:禁止自动打印模式空间内容.
sed 多行处理
sed多行处理是通过n和N来实现 多行Next(N)命令是相对next(n)命令的,后者将模式空间中的内容输出,然后把下一行读入模式空间,但是脚本并不会转移到开始而是从当前的n命令之后开始执行; 而前者则保存原来模式空间中的内容,再把新的一行读入,两者之间依靠一个换行符"\n"来分隔。在N命令执行后,控制流将继续用N命令以后的命令对模式空间进行处理. 值得注意的是,在多行模式中,特殊字符"^"和"$"匹配的是模式空间的最开始与最末尾,而不是内嵌"\n"的开始与末尾.
如下现在要将"Owner and Operator Guide"替换为"Installation Guide":
[root@localhost ~]# cat 3.txt Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator Guide for a description of the tape drives available on your system. [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d --hide=hold '/Operator$/{n;s/Owner and Operator\nGuide /Installation Guide\n/}' 3.txt PATT:Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator$ COMM:/Operator$/ { COMM:n Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator PATT:Guide for a description of the tape drives$ COMM:s/Owner and Operator\nGuide /nstallation Guide\n/ PATT:Guide for a description of the tape drives$ COMM:} PATT:Guide for a description of the tape drives$ Guide for a description of the tape drives PATT:available on your system.$ COMM:/Operator$/ { PATT:available on your system.$ available on your system. [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d --hide=hold '/Operator$/{N;s/Owner and Operator\nGuide /Installation Guide\n/}' 3.txt PATT:Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator$ COMM:/Operator$/ { COMM:N PATT:Consult Section 3.1 in the Owner and Operator\nGuide for a descr\ iption of the tape drives$ COMM:s/Owner and Operator\nGuide /nstallation Guide\n/ PATT:Consult Section 3.1 in the nstallation Guide\nfor a description \ of the tape drives$ COMM:} PATT:Consult Section 3.1 in the nstallation Guide\nfor a description \ of the tape drives$ Consult Section 3.1 in the nstallation Guide for a description of the tape drives PATT:available on your system.$ COMM:/Operator$/ { PATT:available on your system.$ available on your system.
w filename:Write the current pattern space to filename.
W filename:Write the first line of the current pattern space to filename.
[root@localhost ~]# cat 1.txt linux server centos redhat linux web ubuntu linux fedora [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/^linux/,/^linux/w a.txt' 1.txt [root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt linux server centos redhat linux web
[root@localhost ~]# cat 1.txt linux server centos redhat linux web ubuntu linux fedora [root@localhost ~]# sed '/centos/r /root/1.txt' 1.txt linux server centos linux server centos redhat linux web ubuntu linux fedora redhat linux web ubuntu linux fedora
b 分支:无条件转移 ,分支到脚本中带有标记的地方,如果分支不存在则分支到脚本的末尾. t 有条件的转移,if分支,从最后一行开始,条件一旦满足或者T,t命令,将导致分支到带有标号的命令处,或者到脚本的末尾. T 有条件的转移,错误分支,从最后一行开始,一旦发生错误或者T,t命令,将导致分支到带有标号的命令处,或者到脚本的末尾.
[root@localhost ~]# cat 4.txt
a b c a d a a a
s d d d x s a
h j s a s h j h
j d f j a s j k j
a b c d
s d d d x a
h j s a s j
j d f a s k
[root@localhost ~]# sed ':a;s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/;ta' 4.txt a b c d s d d d x a h j s a s j j d f a s k [root@localhost ~]# sedsed -d --hide=hold ':a;s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/;ta' 4.txt PATT:a b c a d a a a$ COMM::a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:a b c a d a a$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:a b c a d a$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:a b c a d$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:a b c d$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:a b c d$ COMM:t a PATT:a b c d$ a b c d PATT:s d d d x s a$ COMM::a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:s d d d x a$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:s d d d x a$ COMM:t a PATT:s d d d x a$ s d d d x a PATT:h j s a s h j h$ COMM::a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:h j s a s h j$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:h j s a s j$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:h j s a s j$ COMM:t a PATT:h j s a s j$ h j s a s j PATT:j d f j a s j k j$ COMM::a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:j d f j a s j k$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:j d f j a s k$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:j d f a s k$ COMM:t a COMM:s/^\(.\)\(.*\) \1/\1\2/ PATT:j d f a s k$ COMM:t a PATT:j d f a s k$ j d f a s k 附加两种其他的解法 while read a b;do echo "$a ${b// $a}";done <4.txt awk '{a=$1;gsub(" ?"a,"");print a""$0}' 4.txt
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