import re import os import requests import hashlib def dowmloadPic(html, keyword): pic_url = re.findall('"objURL":"(.*?)",', html, re.S) if len(pic_url) < 1: return 1 i = 0 for each in pic_url: print(i + 1, end=',') md5Str = hashlib.md5(each.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # 抓去链接 oneStr = md5Str + ' ' + keyword + ' ' + each + '\n' with open('downText.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write(oneStr) # 下载图片 # try: # pic = requests.get(each, timeout=10) # except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: # print('链接超时,跳过此操作') # continue # # kz = os.path.splitext(each)[-1] # photo = + keyword + '_' + str(i) + kz # # with open(photo, 'wb') as f: # f.write(pic.content) i += 1 print('\n') return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': word = input('enter a key word:') page = input('enter the page:') page = int(page) page = 1 if page < 1 else page url = 'http://image.baidu.com/search/flip?tn=baiduimage&ie=utf-8&word=' + word + '&ct=201965323&v=flip' p = 1 while (p <= page): print(word + ',第[' + str(p) + ']页:') pn = (p - 1) * 20 url = url + '&pn=' + str(pn) result = requests.get(url).content.decode('utf-8') code = dowmloadPic(result, word) if code: print('无相关数据,提前退出程序') break p = p + 1 print('程序结束')