2020-01-09 16:29:19.062 CST,"pg12","testdb",6193,"[local]",5e16dccd.1831,1,"CREATE TABLE",2020-01-09 15:57:01 CST,2/34,1512004206,ERROR,53200,"out of shared memory",,"You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.",,,,"CREATE TABLE a13030 (id int);",,,"psql"
2020-01-09 16:29:19.379 CST,"pg12","testdb",6193,"[local]",5e16dccd.1831,2,"CREATE TABLE",2020-01-09 15:57:01 CST,2/0,1512004206,ERROR,25P02,"current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block",,,,,,"CREATE TABLE a13031 (id int);",,,"psql"
直观上来看,OOM似乎与max_locks_per_transaction扯不上什么关系,为什么PG会提示增加max_locks_per_transaction的值呢?在一个事务中,shared lock table最大可以跟踪max_locks_per_transaction * (max_connections + max_prepared_transactions) 个对象(如数据表),超过的会报OOM错误。注意:锁粒度是object(如relation等),跟行数无关。
\pset footer off
\o /tmp/drop.sql
SELECT 'drop table if exists tbl' || id || ' ;' as "--"
FROM generate_series(1, 20000) AS id;
\i /tmp/drop.sql
\pset footer off
\pset tuples_only
\o /tmp/create.sql
SELECT 'CREATE TABLE tbl' || id || ' (id int);' as "--"
FROM generate_series(1, 20000) AS id;
\o /tmp/ret.txt
\i /tmp/create.sql
watch -n1 "psql -c \"select locktype,mode,count(*) from pg_locks group by locktype,mode;\""
Every 1.0s: psql -c "select locktype,mode,count(*) from pg_locks group by locktype,mode;" Fri Jan 10 14:41:26 2020
Expanded display is used automatically.
locktype | mode | count
object | AccessShareLock | 1
relation | AccessShareLock | 1
virtualxid | ExclusiveLock | 2
relation | AccessExclusiveLock | 3776
transactionid | ExclusiveLock | 1
(5 rows)
Every 1.0s: psql -c "select locktype,mode,count(*) from pg_locks group by locktype,mode;" Fri Jan 10 14:41:50 2020
Expanded display is used automatically.
locktype | mode | count
object | AccessShareLock | 1
relation | AccessShareLock | 1
virtualxid | ExclusiveLock | 2
relation | AccessExclusiveLock | 10000
transactionid | ExclusiveLock | 1
(5 rows)
2020-01-10 14:44:18.855 CST,"pg12","testdb",32120,"[local]",5e181bea.7d78,3,"CREATE TABLE",2020-01-10 14:38:34 CST,2/106085,1512036258,ERROR,53200,"out of shared memory",,"You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.",,,,"CREATE TABLE tbl13034 (id int);",,,"psql"
2020-01-10 14:44:19.202 CST,"pg12","testdb",32120,"[local]",5e181bea.7d78,4,"CREATE TABLE",2020-01-10 14:38:34 CST,2/0,1512036258,ERROR,25P02,"current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block",,,,,,"CREATE TABLE tbl13035 (id int);",,,"psql"
搜索You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.该错误信息出现在lock.c中
* LockAcquireExtended - allows us to specify additional options
* reportMemoryError specifies whether a lock request that fills the lock
* table should generate an ERROR or not. Passing "false" allows the caller
* to attempt to recover from lock-table-full situations, perhaps by forcibly
* cancelling other lock holders and then retrying. Note, however, that the
* return code for that is LOCKACQUIRE_NOT_AVAIL, so that it's unsafe to use
* in combination with dontWait = true, as the cause of failure couldn't be
* distinguished.
* If locallockp isn't NULL, *locallockp receives a pointer to the LOCALLOCK
* table entry if a lock is successfully acquired, or NULL if not.
LockAcquireExtended(const LOCKTAG *locktag,
LOCKMODE lockmode,
bool sessionLock,
bool dontWait,
bool reportMemoryError,
LOCALLOCK **locallockp)
* If this lock could potentially have been taken via the fast-path by
* some other backend, we must (temporarily) disable further use of the
* fast-path for this lock tag, and migrate any locks already taken via
* this method to the main lock table.
if (ConflictsWithRelationFastPath(locktag, lockmode))
uint32 fasthashcode = FastPathStrongLockHashPartition(hashcode);
BeginStrongLockAcquire(locallock, fasthashcode);
if (!FastPathTransferRelationLocks(lockMethodTable, locktag,
if (locallock->nLocks == 0)
if (locallockp)
*locallockp = NULL;
if (reportMemoryError)
errmsg("out of shared memory"),
errhint("You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.")));
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