select *
from t_dwxx a
where exists (select b.dwbh from t_grxx b where a.dwbh = b.dwbh);
语法:(lefthand) op ALL (SELECT ...)
select *
from t_dwxx a
where dwbh > all (select b.dwbh from t_grxx b);
语法:(lefthand) op ANY (SELECT ...)
select *
from t_dwxx a
where dwbh = any (select b.dwbh from t_grxx b);
语法:(lefthand) op (SELECT ...)
select *
from t_dwxx a
where dwbh > (select max(b.dwbh) from t_grxx b);
语法:(SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
select *,(select max(dwbh) from t_grxx)
from t_dwxx a;
语法:(SELECT with multiple targetlist items ...)
语法:ARRAY(SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
WITH query (never actually part of an expression)
* SubLink
* A SubLink represents a subselect appearing in an expression, and in some
* cases also the combining operator(s) just above it. The subLinkType
* indicates the form of the expression represented:
* ALL_SUBLINK (lefthand) op ALL (SELECT ...)
* ANY_SUBLINK (lefthand) op ANY (SELECT ...)
* ROWCOMPARE_SUBLINK (lefthand) op (SELECT ...)
* EXPR_SUBLINK (SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
* MULTIEXPR_SUBLINK (SELECT with multiple targetlist items ...)
* ARRAY_SUBLINK ARRAY(SELECT with single targetlist item ...)
* CTE_SUBLINK WITH query (never actually part of an expression)
* For ALL, ANY, and ROWCOMPARE, the lefthand is a list of expressions of the
* same length as the subselect's targetlist. ROWCOMPARE will *always* have
* a list with more than one entry; if the subselect has just one target
* then the parser will create an EXPR_SUBLINK instead (and any operator
* above the subselect will be represented separately).
* ROWCOMPARE, EXPR, and MULTIEXPR require the subselect to deliver at most
* one row (if it returns no rows, the result is NULL).
* ALL, ANY, and ROWCOMPARE require the combining operators to deliver boolean
* results. ALL and ANY combine the per-row results using AND and OR
* semantics respectively.
* ARRAY requires just one target column, and creates an array of the target
* column's type using any number of rows resulting from the subselect.
* 子链接属于Expr Node,但并不意味着子链接是可以执行的.子链接必须在计划期间通过子计划节点在表达式树中替换
* SubLink is classed as an Expr node, but it is not actually executable;
* it must be replaced in the expression tree by a SubPlan node during
* planning.
* NOTE: in the raw output of gram.y, testexpr contains just the raw form
* of the lefthand expression (if any), and operName is the String name of
* the combining operator. Also, subselect is a raw parsetree. During parse
* analysis, the parser transforms testexpr into a complete boolean expression
* that compares the lefthand value(s) to PARAM_SUBLINK nodes representing the
* output columns of the subselect. And subselect is transformed to a Query.
* This is the representation seen in saved rules and in the rewriter.
* In EXISTS, EXPR, MULTIEXPR, and ARRAY SubLinks, testexpr and operName
* are unused and are always null.
* subLinkId is currently used only for MULTIEXPR SubLinks, and is zero in
* other SubLinks. This number identifies different multiple-assignment
* subqueries within an UPDATE statement's SET list. It is unique only
* within a particular targetlist. The output column(s) of the MULTIEXPR
* are referenced by PARAM_MULTIEXPR Params appearing elsewhere in the tlist.
* The CTE_SUBLINK case never occurs in actual SubLink nodes, but it is used
* in SubPlans generated for WITH subqueries.
typedef enum SubLinkType
CTE_SUBLINK /* for SubPlans only */
} SubLinkType;
typedef struct SubLink
Expr xpr;
SubLinkType subLinkType; /* see above */
int subLinkId; /* ID (1..n); 0 if not MULTIEXPR */
Node *testexpr; /* outer-query test for ALL/ANY/ROWCOMPARE */
List *operName; /* originally specified operator name */
Node *subselect; /* subselect as Query* or raw parsetree */
int location; /* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} SubLink;
* Query optimizer entry point
* To support loadable plugins that monitor or modify planner behavior,
* we provide a hook variable that lets a plugin get control before and
* after the standard planning process. The plugin would normally call
* standard_planner().
* Note to plugin authors: standard_planner() scribbles on its Query input,
* so you'd better copy that data structure if you want to plan more than once.
PlannedStmt *
planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
PlannedStmt *result;
if (planner_hook)
result = (*planner_hook) (parse, cursorOptions, boundParams); //钩子函数,可以实现定制化开发
result = standard_planner(parse, cursorOptions, boundParams);//PG的标准实现
return result;
PlannedStmt *
standard_planner(Query *parse, int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams)
PlannedStmt *result;//最终结果
PlannerGlobal *glob;//全局优化信息
double tuple_fraction;//优化过程中元组的采样率
PlannerInfo *root;//执行计划的根节点
RelOptInfo *final_rel;//优化后的Relation信息
Path *best_path;//最优路径
Plan *top_plan;//顶层计划
ListCell *lp,//临时变量
* Set up global state for this planner invocation. This data is needed
* across all levels of sub-Query that might exist in the given command,
* so we keep it in a separate struct that's linked to by each per-Query
* PlannerInfo.
glob = makeNode(PlannerGlobal);
glob->boundParams = boundParams;
glob->subplans = NIL;
glob->subroots = NIL;
glob->rewindPlanIDs = NULL;
glob->finalrtable = NIL;
glob->finalrowmarks = NIL;
glob->resultRelations = NIL;
glob->nonleafResultRelations = NIL;
glob->rootResultRelations = NIL;
glob->relationOids = NIL;
glob->invalItems = NIL;
glob->paramExecTypes = NIL;
glob->lastPHId = 0;
glob->lastRowMarkId = 0;
glob->lastPlanNodeId = 0;
glob->transientPlan = false;
glob->dependsOnRole = false;
* Assess whether it's feasible to use parallel mode for this query. We
* can't do this in a standalone backend, or if the command will try to
* modify any data, or if this is a cursor operation, or if GUCs are set
* to values that don't permit parallelism, or if parallel-unsafe
* functions are present in the query tree.
* (Note that we do allow CREATE TABLE AS, SELECT INTO, and CREATE
* MATERIALIZED VIEW to use parallel plans, but this is safe only because
* the command is writing into a completely new table which workers won't
* be able to see. If the workers could see the table, the fact that
* group locking would cause them to ignore the leader's heavyweight
* relation extension lock and GIN page locks would make this unsafe.
* We'll have to fix that somehow if we want to allow parallel inserts in
* general; updates and deletes have additional problems especially around
* combo CIDs.)
* For now, we don't try to use parallel mode if we're running inside a
* parallel worker. We might eventually be able to relax this
* restriction, but for now it seems best not to have parallel workers
* trying to create their own parallel workers.
* We can't use parallelism in serializable mode because the predicate
* locking code is not parallel-aware. It's not catastrophic if someone
* tries to run a parallel plan in serializable mode; it just won't get
* any workers and will run serially. But it seems like a good heuristic
* to assume that the same serialization level will be in effect at plan
* time and execution time, so don't generate a parallel plan if we're in
* serializable mode.
if ((cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_PARALLEL_OK) != 0 &&
IsUnderPostmaster &&
parse->commandType == CMD_SELECT &&
!parse->hasModifyingCTE &&
max_parallel_workers_per_gather > 0 &&
!IsParallelWorker() &&
/* all the cheap tests pass, so scan the query tree */
glob->maxParallelHazard = max_parallel_hazard(parse);
glob->parallelModeOK = (glob->maxParallelHazard != PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE);
/* skip the query tree scan, just assume it's unsafe */
glob->maxParallelHazard = PROPARALLEL_UNSAFE;
glob->parallelModeOK = false;
* glob->parallelModeNeeded is normally set to false here and changed to
* true during plan creation if a Gather or Gather Merge plan is actually
* created (cf. create_gather_plan, create_gather_merge_plan).
* However, if force_parallel_mode = on or force_parallel_mode = regress,
* then we impose parallel mode whenever it's safe to do so, even if the
* final plan doesn't use parallelism. It's not safe to do so if the
* query contains anything parallel-unsafe; parallelModeOK will be false
* in that case. Note that parallelModeOK can't change after this point.
* Otherwise, everything in the query is either parallel-safe or
* parallel-restricted, and in either case it should be OK to impose
* parallel-mode restrictions. If that ends up breaking something, then
* either some function the user included in the query is incorrectly
* labelled as parallel-safe or parallel-restricted when in reality it's
* parallel-unsafe, or else the query planner itself has a bug.
glob->parallelModeNeeded = glob->parallelModeOK &&
(force_parallel_mode != FORCE_PARALLEL_OFF);
/* Determine what fraction of the plan is likely to be scanned */
if (cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_FAST_PLAN)//fast-start plan?
* We have no real idea how many tuples the user will ultimately FETCH
* from a cursor, but it is often the case that he doesn't want 'em
* all, or would prefer a fast-start plan anyway so that he can
* process some of the tuples sooner. Use a GUC parameter to decide
* what fraction to optimize for.
tuple_fraction = cursor_tuple_fraction;
* We document cursor_tuple_fraction as simply being a fraction, which
* means the edge cases 0 and 1 have to be treated specially here. We
* convert 1 to 0 ("all the tuples") and 0 to a very small fraction.
if (tuple_fraction >= 1.0)
tuple_fraction = 0.0;
else if (tuple_fraction <= 0.0)
tuple_fraction = 1e-10;
/* Default assumption is we need all the tuples */
tuple_fraction = 0.0;
//以上:set up for recursive handling of subqueries,为子查询配置处理器(递归方式)
/* primary planning entry point (may recurse for subqueries) */
root = subquery_planner(glob, parse, NULL,
false, tuple_fraction);//进入子查询优化器
/* Select best Path and turn it into a Plan */
final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);//获得最上层的优化后的Relation
best_path = get_cheapest_fractional_path(final_rel, tuple_fraction);//获得最佳路径
top_plan = create_plan(root, best_path);//创建计划
* If creating a plan for a scrollable cursor, make sure it can run
* backwards on demand. Add a Material node at the top at need.
if (cursorOptions & CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL)
if (!ExecSupportsBackwardScan(top_plan))
top_plan = materialize_finished_plan(top_plan);//如果是Scroll游标,在前台执行,那么物化之(数据不能长期占用内存,但又要满足Scroll的要求,需要物化至磁盘中)
* Optionally add a Gather node for testing purposes, provided this is
* actually a safe thing to do.
if (force_parallel_mode != FORCE_PARALLEL_OFF && top_plan->parallel_safe)//并行执行,添加Gather节点
Gather *gather = makeNode(Gather);
* If there are any initPlans attached to the formerly-top plan node,
* move them up to the Gather node; same as we do for Material node in
* materialize_finished_plan.
gather->plan.initPlan = top_plan->initPlan;
top_plan->initPlan = NIL;
gather->plan.targetlist = top_plan->targetlist;
gather->plan.qual = NIL;
gather->plan.lefttree = top_plan;
gather->plan.righttree = NULL;
gather->num_workers = 1;
gather->single_copy = true;
gather->invisible = (force_parallel_mode == FORCE_PARALLEL_REGRESS);
* Since this Gather has no parallel-aware descendants to signal to,
* we don't need a rescan Param.
gather->rescan_param = -1;
* Ideally we'd use cost_gather here, but setting up dummy path data
* to satisfy it doesn't seem much cleaner than knowing what it does.
gather->plan.startup_cost = top_plan->startup_cost +
gather->plan.total_cost = top_plan->total_cost +
parallel_setup_cost + parallel_tuple_cost * top_plan->plan_rows;
gather->plan.plan_rows = top_plan->plan_rows;
gather->plan.plan_width = top_plan->plan_width;
gather->plan.parallel_aware = false;
gather->plan.parallel_safe = false;
/* use parallel mode for parallel plans. */
root->glob->parallelModeNeeded = true;
top_plan = &gather->plan;
* If any Params were generated, run through the plan tree and compute
* each plan node's extParam/allParam sets. Ideally we'd merge this into
* set_plan_references' tree traversal, but for now it has to be separate
* because we need to visit subplans before not after main plan.
if (glob->paramExecTypes != NIL)
Assert(list_length(glob->subplans) == list_length(glob->subroots));
forboth(lp, glob->subplans, lr, glob->subroots)
Plan *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(lp);
PlannerInfo *subroot = lfirst_node(PlannerInfo, lr);
SS_finalize_plan(subroot, subplan);
SS_finalize_plan(root, top_plan);
/* final cleanup of the plan */
Assert(glob->finalrtable == NIL);
Assert(glob->finalrowmarks == NIL);
Assert(glob->resultRelations == NIL);
Assert(glob->nonleafResultRelations == NIL);
Assert(glob->rootResultRelations == NIL);
top_plan = set_plan_references(root, top_plan);
/* ... and the subplans (both regular subplans and initplans) */
Assert(list_length(glob->subplans) == list_length(glob->subroots));
forboth(lp, glob->subplans, lr, glob->subroots)
Plan *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(lp);
PlannerInfo *subroot = lfirst_node(PlannerInfo, lr);
lfirst(lp) = set_plan_references(subroot, subplan);
/* build the PlannedStmt result */
result = makeNode(PlannedStmt);
result->commandType = parse->commandType;
result->queryId = parse->queryId;
result->hasReturning = (parse->returningList != NIL);
result->hasModifyingCTE = parse->hasModifyingCTE;
result->canSetTag = parse->canSetTag;
result->transientPlan = glob->transientPlan;
result->dependsOnRole = glob->dependsOnRole;
result->parallelModeNeeded = glob->parallelModeNeeded;
result->planTree = top_plan;
result->rtable = glob->finalrtable;
result->resultRelations = glob->resultRelations;
result->nonleafResultRelations = glob->nonleafResultRelations;
result->rootResultRelations = glob->rootResultRelations;
result->subplans = glob->subplans;
result->rewindPlanIDs = glob->rewindPlanIDs;
result->rowMarks = glob->finalrowmarks;
result->relationOids = glob->relationOids;
result->invalItems = glob->invalItems;
result->paramExecTypes = glob->paramExecTypes;
/* utilityStmt should be null, but we might as well copy it */
result->utilityStmt = parse->utilityStmt;
result->stmt_location = parse->stmt_location;
result->stmt_len = parse->stmt_len;
result->jitFlags = PGJIT_NONE;
if (jit_enabled && jit_above_cost >= 0 &&
top_plan->total_cost > jit_above_cost)
result->jitFlags |= PGJIT_PERFORM;
* Decide how much effort should be put into generating better code.
if (jit_optimize_above_cost >= 0 &&
top_plan->total_cost > jit_optimize_above_cost)
result->jitFlags |= PGJIT_OPT3;
if (jit_inline_above_cost >= 0 &&
top_plan->total_cost > jit_inline_above_cost)
result->jitFlags |= PGJIT_INLINE;
* Decide which operations should be JITed.
if (jit_expressions)
result->jitFlags |= PGJIT_EXPR;
if (jit_tuple_deforming)
result->jitFlags |= PGJIT_DEFORM;
return result;
* subquery_planner
* Invokes the planner on a subquery. We recurse to here for each
* sub-SELECT found in the query tree.
* glob is the global state for the current planner run.
* parse is the querytree produced by the parser & rewriter.
* parent_root is the immediate parent Query's info (NULL at the top level).
* hasRecursion is true if this is a recursive WITH query.
* tuple_fraction is the fraction of tuples we expect will be retrieved.
* tuple_fraction is interpreted as explained for grouping_planner, below.
* Basically, this routine does the stuff that should only be done once
* per Query object. It then calls grouping_planner. At one time,
* grouping_planner could be invoked recursively on the same Query object;
* that's not currently true, but we keep the separation between the two
* routines anyway, in case we need it again someday.
* subquery_planner will be called recursively to handle sub-Query nodes
* found within the query's expressions and rangetable.
* Returns the PlannerInfo struct ("root") that contains all data generated
* while planning the subquery. In particular, the Path(s) attached to
* the (UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL) upperrel represent our conclusions about the
* cheapest way(s) to implement the query. The top level will select the
* best Path and pass it through createplan.c to produce a finished Plan.
parent_root-父PlannerInfo Root节点
PlannerInfo *
subquery_planner(PlannerGlobal *glob, Query *parse,
PlannerInfo *parent_root,
bool hasRecursion, double tuple_fraction)
PlannerInfo *root;//返回值
List *newWithCheckOptions;//
List *newHaving;//Having子句
bool hasOuterJoins;//是否存在Outer Join?
RelOptInfo *final_rel;//
ListCell *l;//临时变量
/* Create a PlannerInfo data structure for this subquery */
root = makeNode(PlannerInfo);//构造返回值
root->parse = parse;
root->glob = glob;
root->query_level = parent_root ? parent_root->query_level + 1 : 1;
root->parent_root = parent_root;
root->plan_params = NIL;
root->outer_params = NULL;
root->planner_cxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
root->init_plans = NIL;
root->cte_plan_ids = NIL;
root->multiexpr_params = NIL;
root->eq_classes = NIL;
root->append_rel_list = NIL;
root->rowMarks = NIL;
memset(root->upper_rels, 0, sizeof(root->upper_rels));
memset(root->upper_targets, 0, sizeof(root->upper_targets));
root->processed_tlist = NIL;
root->grouping_map = NULL;
root->minmax_aggs = NIL;
root->qual_security_level = 0;
root->inhTargetKind = INHKIND_NONE;
root->hasRecursion = hasRecursion;
if (hasRecursion)
root->wt_param_id = SS_assign_special_param(root);
root->wt_param_id = -1;
root->non_recursive_path = NULL;
root->partColsUpdated = false;
* If there is a WITH list, process each WITH query and build an initplan
* SubPlan structure for it.
if (parse->cteList)
SS_process_ctes(root);//处理With 语句
* Look for ANY and EXISTS SubLinks in WHERE and JOIN/ON clauses, and try
* to transform them into joins. Note that this step does not descend
* into subqueries; if we pull up any subqueries below, their SubLinks are
* processed just before pulling them up.
if (parse->hasSubLinks)
pull_up_sublinks(root); //上拉子链接
return root;
/* ----------------------
* Declare Cursor Statement
* The "query" field is initially a raw parse tree, and is converted to a
* Query node during parse analysis. Note that rewriting and planning
* of the query are always postponed until execution.
* ----------------------
#define CURSOR_OPT_BINARY 0x0001 /* BINARY */
#define CURSOR_OPT_SCROLL 0x0002 /* SCROLL explicitly given */
#define CURSOR_OPT_NO_SCROLL 0x0004 /* NO SCROLL explicitly given */
#define CURSOR_OPT_HOLD 0x0010 /* WITH HOLD */
/* these planner-control flags do not correspond to any SQL grammar: */
#define CURSOR_OPT_FAST_PLAN 0x0020 /* prefer fast-start plan */
#define CURSOR_OPT_GENERIC_PLAN 0x0040 /* force use of generic plan */
#define CURSOR_OPT_CUSTOM_PLAN 0x0080 /* force use of custom
#define CURSOR_OPT_PARALLEL_OK 0x0100 /* parallel mode OK */
* Relids
* Set of relation identifiers (indexes into the rangetable).
typedef Bitmapset *Relids;
/* The unit size can be adjusted by changing these three declarations: */
typedef uint32 bitmapword; /* must be an unsigned type */
typedef int32 signedbitmapword; /* must be the matching signed type */
typedef struct Bitmapset
int nwords; /* number of words in array */
bitmapword words[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* really [nwords] */
} Bitmapset;
testdb=# explain select *
from t_dwxx a
where dwbh > all (select b.dwbh from t_grxx b);
Seq Scan on t_dwxx a (cost=0.00..1498.00 rows=80 width=474)
Filter: (SubPlan 1)
SubPlan 1
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..17.35 rows=490 width=38)
-> Seq Scan on t_grxx b (cost=0.00..14.90 rows=490 width=38)
(5 rows)
(gdb) b pull_up_sublinks
Breakpoint 1 at 0x77cbc6: file prepjointree.c, line 157.
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 1, pull_up_sublinks (root=0x126fd48) at prepjointree.c:157
157 (Node *) root->parse->jointree,
(gdb) p *root
$1 = {type = T_PlannerInfo, parse = 0x11b43d8, glob = 0x11b4e00, query_level = 1, parent_root = 0x0, plan_params = 0x0,
outer_params = 0x0, simple_rel_array = 0x0, simple_rel_array_size = 0, simple_rte_array = 0x0, all_baserels = 0x0,
nullable_baserels = 0x0, join_rel_list = 0x0, join_rel_hash = 0x0, join_rel_level = 0x0, join_cur_level = 0,
init_plans = 0x0, cte_plan_ids = 0x0, multiexpr_params = 0x0, eq_classes = 0x0, canon_pathkeys = 0x0,
left_join_clauses = 0x0, right_join_clauses = 0x0, full_join_clauses = 0x0, join_info_list = 0x0, append_rel_list = 0x0,
rowMarks = 0x0, placeholder_list = 0x0, fkey_list = 0x0, query_pathkeys = 0x0, group_pathkeys = 0x0,
window_pathkeys = 0x0, distinct_pathkeys = 0x0, sort_pathkeys = 0x0, part_schemes = 0x0, initial_rels = 0x0,
upper_rels = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, upper_targets = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0},
processed_tlist = 0x0, grouping_map = 0x0, minmax_aggs = 0x0, planner_cxt = 0x11b2e90, total_table_pages = 0,
tuple_fraction = 0, limit_tuples = 0, qual_security_level = 0, inhTargetKind = INHKIND_NONE, hasJoinRTEs = false,
hasLateralRTEs = false, hasDeletedRTEs = false, hasHavingQual = false, hasPseudoConstantQuals = false,
hasRecursion = false, wt_param_id = -1, non_recursive_path = 0x0, curOuterRels = 0x0, curOuterParams = 0x0,
join_search_private = 0x0, partColsUpdated = false}
(gdb) p *root->parse->jointree
$3 = {type = T_FromExpr, fromlist = 0x11b4870, quals = 0x11b40e8}
(gdb) n
156 jtnode = pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse(root,
(gdb) step
pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse (root=0x126fd48, jtnode=0x1282ea0, relids=0x7ffe830ab9b0) at prepjointree.c:180
180 if (jtnode == NULL)
(gdb) p *jtnode
$7 = {type = T_FromExpr}
(gdb) p *(FromExpr *)jtnode
$8 = {type = T_FromExpr, fromlist = 0x11b4870, quals = 0x11b40e8}
(gdb) p *((FromExpr *)jtnode)->fromlist
$9 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x11b4850, tail = 0x11b4850}
(gdb) p *(Node *)((FromExpr *)jtnode)->fromlist->head->data.ptr_value
$10 = {type = T_RangeTblRef}
191 else if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
201 foreach(l, f->fromlist)
207 lfirst(l),
(gdb) p *l
$11 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x11b4838, int_value = 18565176, oid_value = 18565176}, next = 0x0}
(gdb) p *(RangeTblRef *)l->data.ptr_value
$13 = {type = T_RangeTblRef, rtindex = 1}
(gdb) n
206 newchild = pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse(root,
(gdb) step
pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse (root=0x126fd48, jtnode=0x11b4838, relids=0x7ffe830ab940) at prepjointree.c:180
180 if (jtnode == NULL)
(gdb) n
184 else if (IsA(jtnode, RangeTblRef))
(gdb) n
186 int varno = ((RangeTblRef *) jtnode)->rtindex;
188 *relids = bms_make_singleton(varno);
312 return jtnode;
(gdb) p *relids
$16 = (Relids) 0x12704c8
(gdb) p *newchild
$19 = {type = T_RangeTblRef}
(gdb) n
210 frelids = bms_join(frelids, childrelids);
(gdb) p *frelids
$25 = {nwords = 1, words = 0x12704cc}
(gdb) p *frelids->words
$26 = 2
(gdb) n
217 newf->quals = pull_up_sublinks_qual_recurse(root, f->quals,
(gdb) step
pull_up_sublinks_qual_recurse (root=0x126fd48, node=0x11b40e8, jtlink1=0x7ffe830ab948, available_rels1=0x12704c8,
jtlink2=0x0, available_rels2=0x0) at prepjointree.c:335
335 if (node == NULL)
(gdb) p *node
$35 = {type = T_SubLink}
(gdb) p *(SubLink *)node
$36 = {xpr = {type = T_SubLink}, subLinkType = ALL_SUBLINK, subLinkId = 0, testexpr = 0x1282e00, operName = 0x11b3cf8,
subselect = 0x1282578, location = 35}
(gdb) p *(RangeTblRef *)((FromExpr *)jtlink1[0])->fromlist->head->data->ptr_value
$45 = {type = T_RangeTblRef, rtindex = 1}
(gdb) p *available_rels1
$47 = {nwords = 1, words = 0x12704cc}
(gdb) p *available_rels1->words
$48 = 2
(gdb) n
337 if (IsA(node, SubLink))
339 SubLink *sublink = (SubLink *) node;
344 if (sublink->subLinkType == ANY_SUBLINK)
398 else if (sublink->subLinkType == EXISTS_SUBLINK)
(gdb) p sublink->subLinkType
(gdb) n
453 return node;
pull_up_sublinks_jointree_recurse (root=0x126fd48, jtnode=0x1282ea0, relids=0x7ffe830ab9b0) at prepjointree.c:230
230 *relids = frelids;
231 jtnode = jtlink;
312 return jtnode;
(gdb) p *(RangeTblRef *)((FromExpr *)jtnode)->fromlist->head->data.ptr_value
$55 = {type = T_RangeTblRef, rtindex = 1}
(gdb) n
313 }
pull_up_sublinks (root=0x126fd48) at prepjointree.c:164
164 if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
165 root->parse->jointree = (FromExpr *) jtnode;
(gdb) p *root->parse->jointree
$56 = {type = T_FromExpr, fromlist = 0x11b4870, quals = 0x11b40e8}
(gdb) p *root->parse->jointree->fromlist
$57 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x11b4850, tail = 0x11b4850}
(gdb) n
168 }
subquery_planner (glob=0x11b4e00, parse=0x11b43d8, parent_root=0x0, hasRecursion=false, tuple_fraction=0) at planner.c:656
656 inline_set_returning_functions(root);
(gdb) c
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