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发布时间:2020-08-07 09:09:22 阅读:213 作者:18141908802 栏目:MySQL数据库
亿速云mysql数据库,读写分离,安全稳定,弹性扩容,低至0.3元/天!! 点击查看>>
my.cnf中关于binlog的设置 binlog_format = row    binlog格式必须是row模式 binlog_row_image = full   必须为full  默认就是full 准备工作 #yum intall git #yum install python-setuptools    pip需要这个 #wget "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pip/pip-1.5.4.tar.gz#md5=834b2904f92d46aaa333267fb1c922bb" --no-check-certificate # tar -xzvf pip-1.5.4.tar.gz # cd pip-1.5.4 # python setup.py install 安装  # git clone https://github.com/danfengcao/binlog2sql.git && cd binlog2sql # pip install -r requirements.txt 用户授权(用于binglog2sql使用) GRANT SELECT, REPLICATION SLAVE, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO xiaomage@'localhost' identified by 'xiaomage';
select:需要读取server端information_schema.COLUMNS表,获取表结构的元信息,拼接成可视化的sql语句super/replication client:两个权限都可以,需要执行'SHOW MASTER STATUS', 获取server端的binlog列表 replication slave:通过BINLOG_DUMP协议获取binlog内容的权限
测试: mysql> select *  from test;

+------+-------+----------+ | id   | name  | time     | +------+-------+----------+ |    1 | lalal | 16:32:21 | |    2 | ababa | 16:32:34 | |    3 | jgjgj | 16:32:43 | |    4 | opopo | 16:32:52 | |    5 | jljlj | 16:33:06 | +------+-------+----------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> delete from test;   --清空表-- Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.01 sec)


mysql> show master status;   +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set                         | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | mysql-bin.000013 |     2016 |              |                  | f90ca153-b46d-11e6-ab68-0800279ecefa:1-35 | +------------------+----------+--------------+------------------+-------------------------------------------+ 一般情况下都是知道个大概的时间,先从大概的时间找起 [root@master binlog2sql]# python /opt/binlog2sql/binlog2sql/binlog2sql.py  -uxiaomage -pxiaomage -dtest -ttest --start-file=mysql-bin.000013 --start-datetime='2017-05-05 16:30:00' --stop-datetime='2017-05-05 16:40:00'  USE test; create table test (id int, name varchar(20),time time); INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:21', 1, 'lalal'); #start 478 end 659 time 2017-05-05 16:32:21 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:34', 2, 'ababa'); #start 690 end 871 time 2017-05-05 16:32:34 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:43', 3, 'jgjgj'); #start 902 end 1083 time 2017-05-05 16:32:43 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:52', 4, 'opopo'); #start 1114 end 1295 time 2017-05-05 16:32:52 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:33:06', 5, 'jljlj'); #start 1326 end 1507 time 2017-05-05 16:33:06 USE test; alter table test modify time datetime; USE test; alter table test modify time time; DELETE FROM `test`.`test` WHERE `time`='16:32:21' AND `id`=1 AND `name`='lalal' LIMIT 1; #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27     ----这就是delete的数据--- DELETE FROM `test`.`test` WHERE `time`='16:32:34' AND `id`=2 AND `name`='ababa' LIMIT 1; #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 DELETE FROM `test`.`test` WHERE `time`='16:32:43' AND `id`=3 AND `name`='jgjgj' LIMIT 1; #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 DELETE FROM `test`.`test` WHERE `time`='16:32:52' AND `id`=4 AND `name`='opopo' LIMIT 1; #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 DELETE FROM `test`.`test` WHERE `time`='16:33:06' AND `id`=5 AND `name`='jljlj' LIMIT 1; #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 生成回滚语句 -B,上面看到的具体的位置start 1756 end 1985(这里一定要过滤好了,一定要细心,配合grep什么的进行匹配) [root@master binlog2sql]# python /opt/binlog2sql/binlog2sql/binlog2sql.py  -uxiaomage -pxiaomage -dtest -ttest --start-file=mysql-bin.000013 --start-position=1756 --stop-position=1985 -B  INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:33:06', 5, 'jljlj'); #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:52', 4, 'opopo'); #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:43', 3, 'jgjgj'); #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:34', 2, 'ababa'); #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 INSERT INTO `test`.`test`(`time`, `id`, `name`) VALUES ('16:32:21', 1, 'lalal'); #start 1756 end 1985 time 2017-05-05 16:37:27 重定向到/opt/rollback.sql文件中 恢复: mysql> select count(*) from test; +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ |      0 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.05 sec) mysql> source /opt/rollback.sql Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec) Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from test;         +------+-------+----------+ | id   | name  | time     | +------+-------+----------+ |    5 | jljlj | 16:33:06 | |    4 | opopo | 16:32:52 | |    3 | jgjgj | 16:32:43 | |    2 | ababa | 16:32:34 | |    1 | lalal | 16:32:21 | +------+-------+----------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)         ok恢复会来了



--stop-never     持续同步binlog。可选。不加则同步至执行命令时最新的binlog位置。 -K, --no-primary-key 对INSERT语句去除主键。可选。     -B, --flashback 生成回滚语句,可解析大文件,不受内存限制,每打印一千行加一句SLEEP SELECT(1)。可选。与stop-never或no-primary-key不能同时添加。   



--start-file 起始解析文件。必须。 --start-position/--start-pos start-file的起始解析位置。可选。默认为start-file的起始位置。 --stop-file/--end-file 末尾解析文件。可选。默认为start-file同一个文件。         若解析模式为stop-never,此选项失效。 --stop-position/--end-pos stop-file的末尾解析位置。可选。默认为stop-file的最末位置;若解析模式为stop-never,此选项失效。 --start-datetime 从哪个时间点的binlog开始解析,         格式必须为datetime,如'2016-11-11 11:11:11'。可选。默认不过滤。 --stop-datetime 到哪个时间点的binlog停止解析,格式必须为datetime,如'2016-11-11 11:11:11'。可选。默认不过滤。   



-d, --databases 只输出目标db的sql。可选。默认为空。 -t, --tables 只输出目标tables的sql。可选。默认为空


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