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Use these 3 TDPO utilities to troubleshoot IBM TDPO backup and connection issues

发布时间:2020-08-08 08:39:02 阅读:204 作者:hadba 栏目:关系型数据库
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IBM Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle provides 3 utilities to troubleshoot the problems or issues faced during oracle backup/restore processes. You can use these utilities to configure and and also maintain Data Protection for Oracle. These utilities are located in the directory where Data Protection for Oracle is installed.

Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle Utilities

  • Use the tdpoconf (password & showenvironment) utility for password maintenance and general Data Protection for Oracle setup and maintenance.
  • Use the tdposync utility to delete the Oracle backups on the Tivoli Storage Manager server, which are not in the RMAN catalog or Oracle control file. You can use this utility when backups have not been deleted from the Tivoli Storage Manager server for various reasons.
  • Use the tdposync query utility to query backed up objects on the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Also Read: Use these tips to troubleshoot and increase the TDP for SQL backups

1) Tdpoconf password
When you have password related issues you can create a new password or change an existing password on the Tivoli Storage Manager server by using this utility.
tdpoconf password

2) Tdpoconf showenvironment
Use the showenvironment command to query the Tivoli Storage Manager server using the options set in –TDPO_OPTFILE. If the password file is not initialized properly, tdpoconf showenvironment reports this error immediately and prevents complications that can arise if this error were to go undetected.
tdpoconf showenvironment

3) Tdposync
The tdposync utility checks for items on the Tivoli Storage Manager server that are not in the RMAN catalog or Oracle control file. With this utility, you can repair these discrepancies between the Tivoli Storage Manager server and the RMAN catalog or Oracle control file. Running this command will open a "pick window" where you can select the database objects for deletion manually.

Syncdb command
This command synchronizes Oracle catalog databases or the Oracle control file with the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
tdposync syncdb

Also Read: Deactivating TDP for Oracle obsolete backup versions without TDPOSYNC

Query command
Use this command to query the Tivoli Storage Manager server for information about objects that have been backed up. You can obtain information such as whether an object has been compressed, encrypted, or deduplicated by the client during a backup operation.
tdposync query

All these utilities requires the options set in the -TDPO_OPTFILE parameter, the tdpo.opt file in the default installation directory, or the default values set by Data Protection for Oracle to query the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Removing old DB backups Manually

Data Protection for Oracle uses the Tivoli Storage Manager server storage to store the oracle database backups. Each database backup creates a new object with a unique name. Since these objects have unique names, they always remain active and never expire. This allows the Database Administrator (DBA) to control and coordinate copies removed from the Tivoli Storage Manager server with RMAN.

The Tivoli Storage Manager administrator must specify backdelete=yes when registering your node in order for you to be able to delete backup objects. Make sure to use the same tdpo.opt file that was used for the original backup. This enables the backup objects to be found on the Tivoli Storage Manager server. To remove an old backup, issue this command from the RMAN prompt
                          allocate channel for delete type ’sbt_tape’ parms
                        change backupset <backupsetnumber> delete; 
Troubleshooting Common problems in TDP for Oracle
If you face any issue during backing up oracle database or during connecting to TSM server using TDP for oracle, do the following steps.
  • Run the tdpoconf utility showenvironment command to collect information on your options file (–TDPO_OPTFILE=). It is a good practice to send the output to a separate file  by specifying (–outfile=).
  • If the above command ran successfully, check its output to see if the setup worked as expected.
  • If the above command failed, check the tdpoerror.log and dsierror.log files. The tdpoerror.log is a log file created in the installation directory by default. The dsierror.log is generated by the Tivoli Storage Manager API when a problem occurs with the Tivoli Storage Manager API setup.
  • Fix the problem shown in those log files and run the tdpoconf utility again.
Also Read: Integrating TDPO with RMAN to configure Oracle DB backups

  • The most common problems are password authentication issues, important configuration files read/write permissions and error log read/write permissions to the authorized user.
  • From the TSM server end, check the activity log for more information. Change in the client node mount point definition settings can also lead to client backup failures.
  • If you still dont know how to troubleshoot it, raise the IBM PMR support request by gathering all the required information.

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