IMPORTANT: Please check that the backup run completes successfully. At the end of a successful backup run innobackupex prints "completed OK!".
170421 18:15:39 version_check Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup' as 'root' (using password: YES). 170421 18:15:39 version_check Connected to MySQL server 170421 18:15:39 version_check Executing a version check against the server... 170421 18:15:39 version_check Done. 170421 18:15:39 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: set, port: 0, socket: (null) Failed to connect to MySQL server: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2).
仔细检查,发现输入的用户名和密码都是正确的,而且可以正常连接到数据库 /backup/MySQL_Backup/bin> mysql -uroot -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 12
Server version: 5.6.21-70.1-log Percona Server (GPL), Release 70.1, Revision 698
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
IMPORTANT: Please check that the backup run completes successfully. At the end of a successful backup run innobackupex prints "completed OK!".
170421 18:34:54 version_check Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup;mysql_socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' as 'backup' (using password: YES). 170421 18:34:54 version_check Connected to MySQL server 170421 18:34:54 version_check Executing a version check against the server... 170421 18:34:54 version_check Done. 170421 18:34:54 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: backup, password: set, port: 0, socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock Using server version 5.6.21-70.1-log innobackupex version 2.4.4 based on MySQL server 5.7.13 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: df58cf2) xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise(). xtrabackup: cd to /var/lib/mysql xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 32768 xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration: xtrabackup: innodb_data_home_dir = . xtrabackup: innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend xtrabackup: innodb_log_group_home_dir = ./ xtrabackup: innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 xtrabackup: innodb_log_file_size = 50331648 InnoDB: Number of pools: 1 170421 18:34:54 >> log scanned up to (201239294) xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 45 for dmcdbTEST/com_numbering_plan, old maximum was 0 170421 18:34:55 >> log scanned up to (201239294) 170421 18:34:55 [01] Copying ./ibdata1 to /backup/20170803/2017-04-21_18-34-54/ibdata1 170421 18:34:56 >> log scanned up to (201239294) 170421 18:34:57 >> log scanned up to (201239294)