Seed database was most likely not created right by package dbms_stats.init_package not being ran.
Dbms_stats.init_package creates statistics advisor. This procedure is executed during database creation. If something went wrong during database creation,(for example, init_package is not called for some reason), this kind of errors may be seen in alert log when auto job tries to execute.
Run dbms_stats.init_package() in the container database to create the tasks correctly:
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
EXEC dbms_stats.init_package();
column name format A35
set linesize 120
select name, ctime, how_created
from sys.wri$_adv_tasks
where owner_name = 'SYS'
Output of the query will look like this:
NAME CTIME HOW_CREATED免责声明:本站发布的内容(图片、视频和文字)以原创、转载和分享为主,文章观点不代表本网站立场,如果涉及侵权请联系站长邮箱:is@yisu.com进行举报,并提供相关证据,一经查实,将立刻删除涉嫌侵权内容。