转载 V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY视图相关了解---http://blog.csdn.net/haibusuanyun/article/details/17959973
V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY 显示数据库中的采样会话活动。ASH每秒从v$session中取快照,存在V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY中,并收集所有活动会话的等待信息。若ASH数据被刷新到磁盘,则需要从DBA_HIS_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY视图中查询相关信息。
列名 | 数据类型 | 说明 |
SESSION_SERIAL# | NUMBER | 会话序列号 (用于唯一标识一个会话的对象); 映射到 V$SESSION.SERIAL# |
USER_ID | NUMBER | Oracle用户标识符; 映射到 V$SESSION.USER# |
会话在取样时执行的 SQL 语句的 SQL 标识符
SQL_CHILD_NUMBER | NUMBER | Child number of the SQL statement that the session was executing at the time of sampling |
FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE | NUMBER | The signature used when the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to FORCE |
SQL_OPCODE | NUMBER | Indicates what phase of operation the SQL statement was in; maps to V$SESSION.COMMAND。 “V$SESSION” for information on interpreting this column |
SERVICE_HASH | NUMBER | Hash that identifies the Service; maps to V$ACTIVE_SERVICES.NAME_HASH |
QC_SESSION_ID | NUMBER | 查询协调器的会话ID。This information is only available if the sampled session is a parallel query slave. For all other sessions, the value is 0. |
QC_INSTANCE_ID | NUMBER | 查询协调器实例的ID。 This information is only available if the sampled session is a parallel query slave. For all other sessions, the value is 0. |
BLOCKING_SESSION | NUMBER | 阻塞会话的会话标识符。Populated only when the session was waiting for enqueues or a “buffer busy” wait. Maps toV$SESSION.BLOCKING_SESSION. |
EVENT | VARCHAR2(64) | If SESSION_STATE = WAITING, then the event for which the session was waiting for at the time of sampling.If SESSION_STATE = ON CPU, then this column will be NULL.See Also: “Oracle Wait Events” |
EVENT_ID | NUMBER | Identifier of the resource or event for which the session is waiting or for which the session last waited. Interpretation is similar to that of theEVENT column. |
EVENT# | NUMBER | Number of the resource or event for which the session is waiting or for which the session last waited. Interpretation is similar to that of theEVENT column. |
SEQ# | NUMBER | 序列号唯一标识等待(增加每个等待) |
P1TEXT | VARCHAR2(64) | 第一个附加参数的文本 |
P1 | NUMBER | 第一个附加参数 |
P2TEXT | VARCHAR2(64) | 第二个参数的文本 |
P2 | NUMBER | 第二个附加参数 |
P3TEXT | VARCHAR2(64) | 第三个附加参数的文本 |
P3 | NUMBER | 第三个附加参数 |
WAIT_CLASS | VARCHAR2(64) | Wait class name of the event for which the session was waiting at the time of sampling. Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENT column. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_CLASS. |
WAIT_CLASS_ID | NUMBER | 等待的会话在等待的时间采样的事件的类标识符。Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENTcolumn. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_CLASS_ID. |
WAIT_TIME | NUMBER | 0 if the session was waiting at the time of samplingTotal wait time for the event for which the session last waited if the session was on the CPU when sampledWhether or not WAIT_TIME = 0 is what is useful to find the SESSION_STATE at the time of sampling, rather than the actual value of WAIT_TIMEitself. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_TIME. |
TIME_WAITED | NUMBER | If SESSION_STATE = WAITING, then the time that the session actually spent waiting for that EVENT. This column is set for waits that were in progress at the time the sample was taken.If a wait event lasted for more than a second and was caught waiting in more than one session sample row, then the actual time spent waiting for that wait event will be populated in the last of those session sample rows. At any given time, this information will not be available for the latest session sample. |
XID | RAW(8) | Transaction ID that the session was working on at the time of sampling. V$SESSION does not contain this information. |
CURRENT_OBJ# | NUMBER | 对象ID的会话被引用的对象。此信息仅供如果会话在等待申请,集群,并发和用户I / O等待事件。映射到 V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#. |
CURRENT_FILE# | NUMBER | File number of the file containing the block that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for Cluster, Concurrency, and User I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_FILE#. |
CURRENT_BLOCK# | NUMBER | ID of the block that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for Cluster, Concurrency, and User I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#. |
PROGRAM | VARCHAR2(48) | 操作系统程序的名称 |
MODULE | VARCHAR2(48) | Name of the executing module when sampled, as set by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE procedure |
ACTION | VARCHAR2(32) | Name of the executing module when sampled, as set by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION procedure |
CLIENT_ID | VARCHAR2(64) | Client identifier of the session; maps to V$SESSION.CLIENT_IDENTIFIER |
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