--create user test identified by 1 account unlock;
--grant resource
--grant create any table, alter any table, drop any table, lock any table, select any table to test;
--<1> 创建测试表,以下使用在线重定义把表转换为分区表,created为分区键, object_id 为主键
drop table test01 purge;
create table test01 as select * from dba_objects where object_id is not null;
alter table test01 add primary key(object_id);
select * from test01;
--<2> 创建分区表
create table test01_new
partition by range(created)
store in (users)
partition p0 values less than (to_date('2008-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd') )
as select * from test01 where created is not null and 1!=1;
alter table test01_new add primary key(object_id);
exec dbms_redefinition.can_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', dbms_redefinition.cons_use_pk);
exec dbms_redefinition.start_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
--将中间表与原始表同步。(仅当要对表 TEST01 进行更新时才需要执行该操作。)
exec dbms_redefinition.sync_interim_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
exec dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
exec dbms_redefinition.abort_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
--在重定义操作完成之前,你不能对新加栏加以NOT NULL约束。
--不能重定义链表(clustered tables)。
--不能用具体化视图日志(materialized VIEW logs)来重定义表格;不能重定义含有具体化视图的表格。
--不能在重定义过程中进行横向分集(horizontal subsetting)
exec dbms_redefinition.can_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', dbms_redefinition.cons_use_rowid);
exec dbms_redefinition.start_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW',null,2);
--将中间表与原始表同步。(仅当要对表 TEST01 进行更新时才需要执行该操作。)
exec dbms_redefinition.sync_interim_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
exec dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
exec dbms_redefinition.abort_redef_table('TEST', 'TEST01', 'TEST01_NEW');
alter table test01 rename to test01_bak;
alter table test01_bak rename to test01 ;
select * from test01 t1
where up_time is not null --索引键不能有空数据,否则插入失败
and not exists (select 1 from test01 t2 where t1.id = t2.id )
insert into test01
select * from test01_bak t1
where up_time is not null --索引键不能有空数据,否则插入失败
and not exists (select 1 from test01 t2 where t1.id = t2.id )