[oracle@cfylinux database]$ ./runInstaller
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking Temp space: must be greater than 80 MB. Actual 8031 MB Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB. Actual 2047 MB Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors
Could not execute auto check for display colors using command
/usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo. Check if the DISPLAY variable is set. Failed
Some requirement checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements before
continuing with the installation,at which time they will be rechecked.
Continue? (y/n) [n]
正确的登录方式:在字符界面,使用 oracle 用户通过 start x登录 Xwindow,即可进行安装。或者以图形界面启动系统,再使用 oracle 用户登陆,即可进行安装。
失败的登陆方式:以root用户登录Xwindow,然后su - oralce,这样在进行安装时,就会提示上述那些错误了。