MySQL5.1之前general log不能在运行时启用或禁用,有时想捕捉SQL来查找问题就很麻烦,偶然间发现一个很不错的小工具:mysqlsniffer,可以用来捕捉SQL语句,使用帮助如下:
mysqlsniffer --help
mysqlsniffer v1.2 - Watch MySQL traffic on a TCP/IP network
Usage: mysqlsniffer [OPTIONS] INTERFACE
--port N Listen for MySQL on port number N (default 3306)
--verbose Show extra packet information
--tcp-ctrl Show TCP control packets (SYN, FIN, RST, ACK)
--net-hdrs Show major IP and TCP header values
--no-mysql-hdrs Do not show MySQL header (packet ID and length)
--state Show state
--v40 MySQL server is version 4.0
--dump Dump all packets in hex
--help Print this
Original source code and more information at:
tcpdump -i eth2 -s 0 -l -w - dst port 3306 | strings | perl -e
while(<>) { chomp; next if /^[^ ]+[ ]*$/;
if (defined $q) { print "$qn"; }
} else {
$_ =~ s/^[ t]+//; $q.=" $_";
mysqlsniffer is a tcpdump clone specifically for dumping/sniffing/watching MySQL network protocol traffic over TCP/IP networks. mysqlsniffer is coded in C using the pcap library and works with MySQL version 4.0 and newer. mysqlsniffer is the only MySQL-specific network sniffer.
mk-query-digest also understands the MySQL protocol. It’s not a sniffer, though. It reads packet dumps from tcpdump like a slowlog. If you want to analyze queries from the wire (i.e. from network traffic), mk-query-digest is what you want.
For more information about the MySQL protocol read MySQL Internals ClientServer Protocol.
2、编译安装 mysqlsniffer]# gcc -O2 -lpcap -o mysqlsniffer mysqlsniffer.c packet_handlers.c misc.c
请安装libpcap-devel 包,再重新用gcc来编译
mysqlsniffer.c:26:18: 错误:pcap.h:没有那个文件或目录
[root@real1 mysqlsniffer]# ./mysqlsniffer –help
mysqlsniffer v1.2 – Watch MySQL traffic on a TCP/IP network
Usage: mysqlsniffer [OPTIONS] INTERFACE
–port N Listen for MySQL on port number N (default 3306) ##指定端口
–verbose Show extra packet information ## 显示包的扩展信息
–tcp-ctrl Show TCP control packets (SYN, FIN, RST, ACK) ## 显示tcp包的状态
–net-hdrs Show major IP and TCP header values ##显示ip和TCP的头信息
–no-mysql-hdrs Do not show MySQL header (packet ID and length) ##不显示ip和TCP的头信息
–state Show state ## 显示状态
–v40 MySQL server is version 4.0 ##如果MySQL服务器版本是4.0 加上此参数
–dump Dump all packets in hex ##把输入dump成hex文件格式
–help Print this
Original source code and more information at:
./mysqlsniffer eth0 –port 3306 –tcp-ctrl –no-mysql-hdrs
server > Waiting for server to finish response… ::DUMP:: 00 89 b0 f6 J 02 01 00 00 00 aa 00 00 00 f8 7 ‘ 14 10 00 1d b6 c0 00 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 1a 00 00 00 @ 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 03 s t d 04 1c 00 1c 00 1c 00 w e b d b 00 U P D A T E z y a d s _ s t a t s S E T v i e w s = v i e w s + 6 0 W H E R E d a y = ‘ 2 0 0 9 – 1 1 – 0 8 ‘ A N D z o n e i d = ‘ 3 2 5 ‘ A N D a d s i d = ‘ 1 8 2 ‘ ::DUMP:: > server: ACK > server: SYN
server > SYN ACK > server: ACK
server > Handshake <proto 10 ver 5.1.38-tone.Org-log thd 12629534> > server: ACK > server: Handshake (new auth) <user 0252_liufei db (null) max pkt 1073741824>
server > ACK
server > OK <fields 0 affected rows 0 insert id 0 warnings 0> > server: COM_INIT_DB: webdb
server > OK <fields 0 affected rows 0 insert id 0 warnings 0> > server: COM_QUERY: SET NAMES ‘gbk’
server > OK <fields 0 affected rows 0 insert id 0 warnings 0> > server: COM_QUERY: SET sql_mode=”
server > OK <fields 0 affected rows 0 insert id 0 warnings 0> > server: COM_QUERY: SELECT cpmdeduction,cpcdeduction,cpadeduction,cpsdeduction,cpvdeduction,cpczlink,cpazlink,cpszlink FROM zyads_users
WHERE uid=770 AND status=2 limit 0,1
server > 8 Fields
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpmdeduction <type tiny int (257) size 3>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpcdeduction <type tiny int (257) size 3>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpadeduction <type tiny int (257) size 3>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpsdeduction <type tiny int (257) size 3>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpvdeduction <type tiny int (257) size 3>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpczlink <type tiny int (257) size 1>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpazlink <type tiny int (257) size 1>
Field: webdb.zyads_users.cpszlink <type tiny int (257) size 1>
End <warnings 0>
|| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 ||
End <warnings 0> > server: COM_QUERY: SELECT a.adsid,a.url,a.status,adstype,p.planid,p.deduction,p.plantype,p.price,p.priceadv,p.uid,p.expire,p.clearing,p.budget,u.money As advmoney,u.uid AS advuid FROM zyads_ads AS a ,zyads_plan As p ,zyads_users As u
WHERE a.adsid=26 AND a.planid=p.planid AND p.uid=u.uid AND p.status = 1 AND a.status = 3 AND u.status=2 limit 0,1
server > 15 Fields
Field: webdb.a.adsid <type int24 (777) size 9>
Field: webdb.a.url <type var string (509) size 510>
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>