cat backup.log |grep "/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/"
3.查看视图M_BACKUP_CATALOG ---complete data backup/incremental data backup/differential data backup
select * from "M_BACKUP_CATALOG" where
'complete data backup' and state_name='successful'
order by sys_start_time desc;
1479879019957,"complete data backup",1479879019957,"2016-11-23 13:30:19.957000000","2016-11-23 05:30:19.957000000","2016-11-23 13:47:01.453000000","2016-11-23 05:47:01.453000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479874724234,"complete data backup",1479874724234,"2016-11-23 12:18:44.234000000","2016-11-23 04:18:44.234000000","2016-11-23 12:33:37.222000000","2016-11-23 04:33:37.222000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479872660066,"complete data backup",1479872660066,"2016-11-23 11:44:20.066000000","2016-11-23 03:44:20.066000000","2016-11-23 12:01:43.350000000","2016-11-23 04:01:43.350000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479870313939,"complete data backup",1479870313939,"2016-11-23 11:05:13.939000000","2016-11-23 03:05:13.939000000","2016-11-23 11:22:28.214000000","2016-11-23 03:22:28.214000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479869176913,"complete data backup",1479869176913,"2016-11-23 10:46:16.913000000","2016-11-23 02:46:16.913000000","2016-11-23 11:03:19.029000000","2016-11-23 03:03:19.029000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479800886690,"complete data backup",1479800886690,"2016-11-22 15:48:06.690000000","2016-11-22 07:48:06.690000000","2016-11-22 16:04:25.923000000","2016-11-22 08:04:25.923000000","successful","","<ok>",""
1479110498231,"complete data backup",1479110498231,"2016-11-14 16:01:38.231000000","2016-11-14 08:01:38.231000000","2016-11-14 16:16:56.940000000","2016-11-14 08:16:56.940000000","successful","","<ok>",""
hdbbackupcheck backup_filename
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup> hdbbackupcheck 2016-11-23.complete_databackup_0_1
Backup '/hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/2016-11-23.complete_databackup_0_1' successfully checked.
hdbbackupcheck -v backup_filename 加v查看详细信息
1.To call recoverSys.py, enter the statement in the following format: HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py
If you run HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py without any parameters, recoverSys.py performs a
recovery to the most recent point in time
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/SYS/global/hdb/data/mnt00001/hdb00003> rm -rf datavolume_0000.dat
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/eccqas/trace> HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py
[140219726718720, 0.002] >> starting recoverSys (at Thu Nov 24 09:20:08 2016)
[140219726718720, 0.002] args: ()
[140219726718720, 0.002] keys: {}
own pid: 27909
recoverSys started: 2016-11-24 09:20:08
testing master: eccqas
eccqas is master
shutdown database, timeout is 120
stop system
stop system: eccqas
stopping system: 2016-11-24 09:20:08
stopped system: 2016-11-24 09:20:59
creating file recoverInstance.sql
restart database
restart master nameserver: 2016-11-24 09:21:04
start system: eccqas
2016-11-24T09:21:14+08:00 P028061 15893ec1ad5 INFO RECOVERY state of service: nameserver, eccqas:30001, volume: 1, RecoveryExecuteTopologyAndSSFSRecoveryFinished
recoverSys finished successfully: 2016-11-24 09:21:15
[140219726718720, 66.334] 0
[140219726718720, 66.334] << ending recoverSys, rc = 0 (RC_TEST_OK), after 66.332 secs
可以此时可以查看iostat-d 1 等待IO完成HDB自动开启发现,数据库已经恢复到最近正常状态 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 166.00 151552.00 16392.00 151552 16392 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 215.00 187392.00 32768.00 187392 32768 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 224.00 201216.00 27648.00 201216 27648 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 233.00 217088.00 21504.00 217088 21504 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 213.86 176918.81 40558.42 178688 40964 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 246.00 216064.00 35840.00 216064 35840 Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn sda 226.00 193536.00 37888.00 193536 37888
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/eccqas/trace> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList
24.11.2016 09:41:56
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:05, 0:20:51, 28043
hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:16, 0:20:40, 28131
hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:22, 0:20:34, 28200
hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:06, 0:20:50, 28061
hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:16, 0:20:40, 28134
hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:41:20, 0:00:36, 28635
hdbxsengine, HDB XSEngine, GREEN, Running, 2016 11 24 09:21:22, 0:20:34, 28202
2.指定文件,之前备份的命令是:"backup data using file ('$date.complete')"
那么还原的命令是:RECOVER DATA USING file ('2016-11-23.complete')
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/SYS/global/hdb/data/mnt00001/hdb00003> HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py --command="RECOVER DATA USING file ('2016-11-23.complete') CLEAR LOG"
[139945440958208, 0.002] >> starting recoverSys (at Thu Nov 24 11:28:56 2016)
[139945440958208, 0.002] args: ()
[139945440958208, 0.002] keys: {'command': "RECOVER DATA USING file ('2016-11-23.complete') CLEAR LOG"}
own pid: 30597
recoverSys started: 2016-11-24 11:28:56
testing master: eccqas
eccqas is master
shutdown database, timeout is 120
stop system
stop system: eccqas
stopping system: 2016-11-24 11:28:56
stopped system: 2016-11-24 11:28:56
creating file recoverInstance.sql
restart database
restart master nameserver: 2016-11-24 11:29:01
start system: eccqas
2016-11-24T11:29:11+08:00 P030717 15894613fe1 INFO RECOVERY state of service: nameserver, eccqas:30001, volume: 1, RecoveryExecuteTopologyAndSSFSRecoveryFinished
recoverSys finished successfully: 2016-11-24 11:29:11
[139945440958208, 15.490] 0
[139945440958208, 15.491] << ending recoverSys, rc = 0 (RC_TEST_OK), after 15.489 secs
The CLEAR LOG option prevents the recovery of entries from the log area. No log entries from the log area are replayed, and the log area is initialized. As a consequence, the content of the log area is lost.
If they are needed, the log entries from the log backups are replayed.
CLEAR LOG must be used in the following situations:
The log area is unusable.
You are recovering the database to a different system.
The CLEAR LOG command corresponds to the Initialize log area option in SAP HANA studio.
1821207 - Determining required recovery files
1705945 - Determining required restoration files
heqadm@ECQ:/hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup> hdbbackupdiag -f -d /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log/
found backup catalog 1479887651122 from file /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log/log_backup_0_0_0_0.1479887651122
using backup catalog 1479887651122 from file /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log/log_backup_0_0_0_0.1479887651122
heqadm@ECQ:/hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup> hdbbackupdiag -d /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup -b 2016-11-23.complete_databackup
Backup file: /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/2016-11-23.complete_databackup_0_1
Backup time: 2016-11-23T13:30:21+08:00
Backup file: /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/2016-11-23.complete_databackup_2_1
Backup time: 2016-11-23T13:30:21+08:00
RedoLogPosition: 11925379
Backup file: /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/2016-11-23.complete_databackup_1_1
Backup time: 2016-11-23T13:30:21+08:00
RedoLogPosition: 1652418
Backup file: /hana/shared/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/2016-11-23.complete_databackup_3_1
Backup time: 2016-11-23T13:30:21+08:00
RedoLogPosition: 4942939522
-rw-r----- 1 heqadm sapsys 6483968 Nov 23 15:54 log_backup_3_0_4965350720_4965451904.1479887545567
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log> HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py --command="RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2016-11-23 15:54:00' CLEAR LOG"
[140447315224320, 0.002] >> starting recoverSys (at Thu Nov 24 14:11:26 2016)
[140447315224320, 0.002] args: ()
[140447315224320, 0.002] keys: {'command': "RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2016-11-23 15:54:00' CLEAR LOG"}
own pid: 6290
recoverSys started: 2016-11-24 14:11:26
testing master: eccqas
eccqas is master
shutdown database, timeout is 120
stop system
stop system: eccqas
stopping system: 2016-11-24 14:11:26
stopped system: 2016-11-24 14:11:26
creating file recoverInstance.sql
restart database
restart master nameserver: 2016-11-24 14:11:31
start system: eccqas
2016-11-24T14:11:41+08:00 P006410 15894f606ef INFO RECOVERY state of service: nameserver, eccqas:30001, volume: 1, RecoveryExecuteTopologyAndSSFSRecoveryFinished
recoverSys finished successfully: 2016-11-24 14:11:42
[140447315224320, 15.485] 0
[140447315224320, 15.485] << ending recoverSys, rc = 0 (RC_TEST_OK), after 15.483 secs
heqadm@ECQ:/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00> HDBSettings.sh recoverSys.py --command="RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2016-11-23 15:54:00' CLEAR LOG USING DATA PATH ('/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/backup/') USING LOG PATH ('/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log/')"
[140659884533504, 0.002] >> starting recoverSys (at Thu Nov 24 16:22:37 2016)
[140659884533504, 0.002] args: ()
[140659884533504, 0.002] keys: {'command': "RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIMESTAMP '2016-11-23 15:54:00' CLEAR LOG USING DATA PATH ('/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/data/dbsqlbackup/backup/') USING LOG PATH ('/usr/sap/HEQ/HDB00/backup/log/')"}
own pid: 15906
recoverSys started: 2016-11-24 16:22:37
testing master: eccqas
eccqas is master
shutdown database, timeout is 120
stop system
stop system: eccqas
stopping system: 2016-11-24 16:22:37
stopped system: 2016-11-24 16:22:37
creating file recoverInstance.sql
restart database
restart master nameserver: 2016-11-24 16:22:42
start system: eccqas
2016-11-24T16:22:52+08:00 P016026 158956e207b INFO RECOVERY state of service: nameserver, eccqas:30001, volume: 1, RecoveryExecuteTopologyAndSSFSRecoveryFinished
recoverSys finished successfully: 2016-11-24 16:22:53
[140659884533504, 16.000] 0
[140659884533504, 16.000] << ending recoverSys, rc = 0 (RC_TEST_OK), after 15.998 secs
亿速云「云数据库 MySQL」免部署即开即用,比自行安装部署数据库高出1倍以上的性能,双节点冗余防止单节点故障,数据自动定期备份随时恢复。点击查看>>