80、90后的小伙伴都玩过“俄罗斯方块”,那种“叱咤风云”场景 偶尔闪现在脑海 真的是太爽了;如果没有来得及玩过的同学,这次可以真正的自己做一个了
本实例用的是Python3(当然了Python3.5 3.6 3.7....都行 )+ pygame实现的
pip install pygame -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
import random
import sys
import time
import pygame
from blocks import block_s, block_i, block_j, block_l, block_o, block_t, block_z
BG_COLOR = (40, 40, 60) # 背景色
BLOCK_COL_NUM = 10 # 每行的方格数
SIZE = 30 # 每个小方格大小
BLOCK_ROW_NUM = 25 # 每列的方个数
BORDER_WIDTH = 4 # 游戏区边框宽度
RED = (200, 30, 30) # 红色,GAME OVER 的字体颜色
def judge_game_over(stop_all_block_list):
if "O" in stop_all_block_list[0]:
return True
def change_speed(score):
speed_level = [("1", 0.5, 0, 20), ("2", 0.4, 21, 50), ("3", 0.3, 51, 100), ("4", 0.2, 101, 200), ("5", 0.1, 201, None)]
for speed_info, speed, score_start, score_stop in speed_level:
if score_stop and score_start <= score <= score_stop:
return speed_info, speed
elif score_stop is None and score >= score_start:
return speed_info, speed
def judge_lines(stop_all_block_list):
# 记录刚刚消除的行数
move_row_list = list()
# 消除满格的行
for row, line in enumerate(stop_all_block_list):
if "." not in line:
# 如果这一行没有. 那么就意味着全部是O,则消除这一行
stop_all_block_list[row] = ['.' for _ in range(len(line))]
# 如果没有满格的行,则结束此函数
if not move_row_list:
return 0
# 移动剩余的行到下一行
for row in move_row_list:
stop_all_block_list.insert(0, ['.' for _ in range(len(line))])
return len(move_row_list) * 10
def add_to_stop_all_block_list(stop_all_block_list, current_block, current_block_start_row, current_block_start_col):
for row, line in enumerate(current_block):
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != '.':
stop_all_block_list[current_block_start_row + row][current_block_start_col + col] = "O"
def change_current_block_style(current_block):
# 计算出,当前图形样式属于哪个图形
current_block_style_list = None
for block_style_list in [block_s, block_i, block_j, block_l, block_o, block_t, block_z]:
if current_block in block_style_list:
current_block_style_list = block_style_list
# 得到当前正在用的图形的索引(下标)
index = current_block_style_list.index(current_block)
# 它的下一个图形的索引
index += 1
# 防止越界
index = index % len(current_block_style_list)
# 返回下一个图形
return current_block_style_list[index]
def judge_move_right(current_block, current_block_start_col):
# 先判断列的方式是从右到左
for col in range(len(current_block[0]) - 1, -1, -1):
# 得到1列的所有元素
col_list = [line[col] for line in current_block]
# 判断是否碰到右边界
if 'O' in col_list and current_block_start_col + col >= BLOCK_COL_NUM:
return False
return True
def judge_move_left(current_block, current_block_start_col):
# 先判断列的方式是从左到右
for col in range(len(current_block[0])):
# 得到1列的所有元素
col_list = [line[col] for line in current_block]
# 判断是否碰到右边界
if 'O' in col_list and current_block_start_col + col < 0:
return False
return True
def judge_move_down(current_block, current_block_start_row, current_block_start_col, stop_all_block_list):
# 得到其它图形所有的坐标
stop_all_block_position = list()
for row, line in enumerate(stop_all_block_list):
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != ".":
stop_all_block_position.append((row, col))
# print(stop_all_block_position)
# 判断碰撞
for row, line in enumerate(current_block):
if 'O' in line and current_block_start_row + row >= BLOCK_ROW_NUM:
# 如果当前行有0,且从起始行开始算+当前显示的行,超过了总行数,那么就认为碰到了底部
return False
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != "." and (current_block_start_row + row, current_block_start_col + col) in stop_all_block_position:
return False
return True
def get_block():
block_style_list = random.choice([block_s, block_i, block_j, block_l, block_o, block_t, block_z])
return random.choice(block_style_list)
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
current_block = get_block() # 当前图形
current_block_start_row = -2 # 当前图片从哪一行开始显示图形
current_block_start_col = 4 # 当前图形从哪一列开始显示
next_block = get_block() # 下一个图形
last_time = time.time()
speed = 0.5 # 降落的速度
speed_info = '1' # 显示的速度等级
# 定义一个列表,用来存储所有的已经停止移动的形状
stop_all_block_list = [['.' for i in range(BLOCK_COL_NUM)] for j in range(BLOCK_ROW_NUM)]
# 字体
font = pygame.font.Font('yh.ttf', 24) # 黑体24
game_over_font = pygame.font.Font("yh.ttf", 72)
game_over_font_width, game_over_font_height = game_over_font.size('GAME OVER')
game_again_font_width, game_again_font_height = font.size('鼠标点击任意位置,再来一局')
# 得分
score = 0
# 标记游戏是否结束
game_over = False
# 创建计时器(防止while循环过快,占用太多CPU的问题)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
if judge_move_left(current_block, current_block_start_col - 1):
current_block_start_col -= 1
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
if judge_move_right(current_block, current_block_start_col + 1):
current_block_start_col += 1
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
current_block_next_style = change_current_block_style(current_block)
if judge_move_left(current_block_next_style, current_block_start_col) and \
judge_move_right(current_block_next_style, current_block_start_col) and \
judge_move_down(current_block, current_block_start_row, current_block_start_col, stop_all_block_list):
# 判断新的样式没有越界
current_block = current_block_next_style
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
# 判断是否可以向下移动,如果碰到底部或者其它的图形就不能移动了
if judge_move_down(current_block, current_block_start_row + 1, current_block_start_col, stop_all_block_list):
current_block_start_row += 1
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button:
if game_over:
# 重置游戏用到的变量
current_block = get_block() # 当前图形
current_block_start_row = -2 # 当前图片从哪一行开始显示图形
current_block_start_col = 4 # 当前图形从哪一列开始显示
next_block = get_block() # 下一个图形
stop_all_block_list = [['.' for i in range(BLOCK_COL_NUM)] for j in range(BLOCK_ROW_NUM)]
score = 0
game_over = False
# 判断是否修改当前图形显示的起始行
if not game_over and time.time() - last_time > speed:
last_time = time.time()
# 判断是否可以向下移动,如果碰到底部或者其它的图形就不能移动了
if judge_move_down(current_block, current_block_start_row + 1, current_block_start_col, stop_all_block_list):
current_block_start_row += 1
# 将这个图形存储到统一的列表中,这样便于判断是否成为一行
add_to_stop_all_block_list(stop_all_block_list, current_block, current_block_start_row, current_block_start_col)
# 判断是否有同一行的,如果有就消除,且加上分数
score += judge_lines(stop_all_block_list)
# 判断游戏是否结束(如果第一行中间有O那么就表示游戏结束)
game_over = judge_game_over(stop_all_block_list)
# 调整速度
speed_info, speed = change_speed(score)
# 创建新的图形
current_block = next_block
next_block = get_block()
# 重置数据
current_block_start_col = 4
current_block_start_row = -2
# 画背景(填充背景色)
# 画游戏区域分隔线
pygame.draw.line(screen, (100, 40, 200), (SIZE * BLOCK_COL_NUM, 0), (SIZE * BLOCK_COL_NUM, SCREEN_HEIGHT), BORDER_WIDTH)
# 显示当前图形
for row, line in enumerate(current_block):
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != '.':
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (20, 128, 200), ((current_block_start_col + col) * SIZE, (current_block_start_row + row) * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# 显示所有停止移动的图形
for row, line in enumerate(stop_all_block_list):
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != '.':
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (20, 128, 200), (col * SIZE, row * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# 画网格线 竖线
for x in range(BLOCK_COL_NUM):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (x * SIZE, 0), (x * SIZE, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 1)
# 画网格线 横线
for y in range(BLOCK_ROW_NUM):
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (0, y * SIZE), (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE, y * SIZE), 1)
# 显示右侧(得分、速度、下一行图形)
# 得分
score_show_msg = font.render('得分: ', True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(score_show_msg, (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE + 10, 10))
score_show_msg = font.render(str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(score_show_msg, (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE + 10, 50))
# 速度
speed_show_msg = font.render('速度: ', True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(speed_show_msg, (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE + 10, 100))
speed_show_msg = font.render(speed_info, True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(speed_show_msg, (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE + 10, 150))
# 下一个图形(文字提示)
next_style_msg = font.render('下一个: ', True, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(next_style_msg, (BLOCK_COL_NUM * SIZE + 10, 200))
# 下一个图形(图形)
for row, line in enumerate(next_block):
for col, block in enumerate(line):
if block != '.':
pygame.draw.rect(screen, (20, 128, 200), (320 + SIZE * col, (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row) * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# 显示这个方格的4个边的颜色
# 左
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (320 + SIZE * col, (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row) * SIZE), (320 + SIZE * col, (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row + 1) * SIZE), 1)
# 上
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (320 + SIZE * col, (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row) * SIZE), (320 + SIZE * (col + 1), (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row) * SIZE), 1)
# 下
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (320 + SIZE * col, (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row + 1) * SIZE), (320 + SIZE * (col + 1), (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row + 1) * SIZE), 1)
# 右
pygame.draw.line(screen, (0, 0, 0), (320 + SIZE * (col + 1), (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row) * SIZE), (320 + SIZE * (col + 1), (BLOCK_COL_NUM + row + 1) * SIZE), 1)
# 显示游戏结束画面
if game_over:
game_over_tips = game_over_font.render('GAME OVER', True, RED)
screen.blit(game_over_tips, ((SCREEN_WIDTH - game_over_font_width) // 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - game_over_font_height) // 2))
# 显示"鼠标点击任意位置,再来一局"
game_again = font.render('鼠标点击任意位置,再来一局', True, RED)
screen.blit(game_again, ((SCREEN_WIDTH - game_again_font_width) // 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - game_again_font_height) // 2 + 80))
# 刷新显示(此时窗口才会真正的显示)
# FPS(每秒钟显示画面的次数)
clock.tick(60) # 通过一定的延时,实现1秒钟能够循环60次
if __name__ == '__main__':
# S形方块
block_s = [['.OO',
# Z形方块
block_z = [['OO.',
# I型方块
block_i = [['.O..',
# O型方块
block_o = [['OO',
# J型方块
block_j = [['O..',
# L型方块
block_l = [['..O',
# T型方块
block_t = [['.O.',
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