Option Explicit Private m_strFilePath As String Private m_intFileNum As Integer Private m_bytBuffer() As Byte Public Property Get FilePath() As String FilePath = m_strFilePath End Property Public Property Let FilePath(ByVal strFilePath As String) m_strFilePath = strFilePath End Property Public Property Get EOS() As Boolean If Ready() Then EOS = EOF(m_intFileNum) Else EOS = True End If End Property Public Property Get Ready() As Boolean Ready = m_intFileNum <> 0 End Property Public Function CloseFile() As Boolean If Ready() Then Close #m_intFileNum m_intFileNum = 0 CloseFile = True Else CloseFile = False End If End Function Public Function OpenFile() As Boolean On Error Goto HandleError CloseFile m_intFileNum = FreeFile Open m_strFilePath For Binary As #m_intFileNum OpenFile = True Exit Function HandleError: OpenFile = False End Function Public Property Get Position() As Long If Ready() Then Position = Loc(m_intFileNum) Else Position = -1 End If End Property Public Property Let Position(ByVal lngPosition As Long) If Ready() Then If lngPosition > 0 And lngPosition <= LOF(m_intFileNum) Then Seek #m_intFileNum, lngPosition Else RaiseError "Position", "Position invalid" End If Else RaiseError "Position" End If End Property Private Sub RaiseError(ByVal strProcedure As String, _ Optional ByVal strDescription As String = "File Not Opened") Err.Raise vbObjectError + 101, strProcedure, strDescription End Sub Public Function ReadBytes(ByVal lngCount As Long) As Byte() If Ready() Then If lngCount > 0 And lngCount + Loc(m_intFileNum) - 1 <= LOF(m_intFileNum) Then ReDim m_bytBuffer(0 To lngCount - 1) As Byte Get #m_intFileNum, , m_bytBuffer ReadBytes = m_bytBuffer Else RaiseError "ReadBytes", "Out of boundary" End If Else RaiseError "ReadBytes" End If End Function Public Function ReadText(ByVal lngCount As Long) As String ReadText = StrConv(ReadBytes(lngCount), vbUnicode) End Function Public Sub WriteBytes(ByRef bytContent() As Byte) If Ready() Then Put #m_intFileNum, , bytContent Else RaiseError "WriteBytes" End If End Sub Public Sub WriteText(ByVal strText As String) WriteBytes StrConv(strText, vbFromUnicode) End Sub Private Sub Class_Initialize() m_intFileNum = 0 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() CloseFile End Sub
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