这篇文章将为大家详细讲解有关如何理解ASP.NET MVC中的FluentHtml与连续接口,文章内容质量较高,因此小编分享给大家做个参考,希望大家阅读完这篇文章后对相关知识有一定的了解。
我们力求页面层代码简洁并具有较好的可读性,在ASP.NET MVC的平台上,我们以新的起点来实现这一目标.MvcContrib.FluentHtml和Spark ViewEngine给我们做出了榜样.本文将以MvcContrib.FluentHtml为例探究它的实现机制:Fluent Interface.
< %= this.TextBox(x => x.Person.Name).Title("Enter the person's name").Label("Name:") %> …… < %= this.Select(x => x.Person.Gender).Options(Model.Genders).Size(5).Label("Gender:") .Title("Select the person's gender") %>
< LABEL id=Person_Name_Label for=Person_Name>Name:< /LABEL> < INPUT id=Person_Name title="Enter the person's name" value=Jeremy maxLength=50 name=Person.Name> . < SELECT id=Person_Gender title="Select the person's gender" size=5 name=Person.Gender>< OPTION selected value=M>Male< /OPTION>< OPTION value=F>Female< /OPTION>< /SELECT>
Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "Name"; TextBox textbox= new TextBox(); textbox.ToolTip ="Enter the person's name"; textbox.ID = "No.10001"; textbox.ID = "Person.Name";
StringBuilder stringbuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringbuilder.Append("Hello").Append(" ").Append("World!");
Fulent Interface 这种实现编程方式就是"Fluent Interface",这并不是什么新概念,2005年Eric Evans 和Martin Fowler就为这种实现方式命名.源文档 <http://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/FluentInterface.html> 可以通过维基百科中对Fluent Interface的描述获得一个基本的了解:In software engineering, a fluent interface (as first coined by Eric Evans and Martin Fowler) is a way of implementing an object oriented API in a way that aims to provide for more readable code.
public StringBuilder Append(string value) { if (value != null) { string stringValue = this.m_StringValue; IntPtr currentThread = Thread.InternalGetCurrentThread(); if (this.m_currentThread != currentThread) { stringstringValue = string.GetStringForStringBuilder(stringValue, stringValue.Capacity); } int length = stringValue.Length; int requiredLength = length + value.Length; if (this.NeedsAllocation(stringValue, requiredLength)) { string newString = this.GetNewString(stringValue, requiredLength); newString.AppendInPlace(value, length); this.ReplaceString(currentThread, newString); } else { stringValue.AppendInPlace(value, length); this.ReplaceString(currentThread, stringValue); } } return this; }
阅读这段有两个特别要注意的点:1.方法的返回值是StringBuilder类型 2.***一句:return this;为了深刻理解,我们写一个简单的StringBuilder:
public interface IContentBuilder { void WriteContent(); IContentBuilder Append(string partialContent); } public class TestContentBuilder : IContentBuilder { string temp; #region IContentBuilder Members void IContentBuilder.WriteContent() { Console.Write(temp); } IContentBuilder IContentBuilder.Append(string partialContent) { temp += partialContent; return this; } #endregion } … … //调用代码 IContentBuilder t = new TestContentBuilder(); t.Append("test").Append("Hello").WriteContent();
跑一下代码,和StringBuilder效果是一样的.从上面的应用也可以看出:Fluent Interface经常用来完成对象的构造和属性赋值.
言归正传:FluentHTML了解了Fluent Interface,我们来看一下MVCContrib.FluentHTML的实现,这里以TextBox为例进行考察,首先看一下它的继承关系:
public class TextBox : TextInput public abstract class TextInput : Input, ISupportsMaxLength where T : TextInput public abstract class Input : FormElement where T : Input, Ielement
public abstract class Input : FormElement where T : Input, IElement { protected object elementValue; protected Input(string type, string name) : base(HtmlTag.Input, name) { builder.MergeAttribute(HtmlAttribute.Type, type, true); } protected Input(string type, string name, MemberExpression forMember, IEnumerable behaviors) : base(HtmlTag.Input, name, forMember, behaviors) { builder.MergeAttribute(HtmlAttribute.Type, type, true); } /// /// Set the 'value' attribute. /// /// The value for the attribute. public virtual T Value(object value) { elementValue = value; return (T)this; } /// /// Set the 'size' attribute. /// /// The value for the attribute. public virtual T Size(int value) { Attr(HtmlAttribute.Size, value); return (T)this; } protected override void PreRender() { Attr(HtmlAttribute.Value, elementValue); base.PreRender(); } } 以Size方法为例,可以看出这是一种典型的Fluent Interface实现: public virtual T Size(int value) { Attr(HtmlAttribute.Size, value); return (T)this; }
this.TextBox(x => x.Person.Name).Title("Enter the person's name").Label("Name:")
namespace MvcContrib.FluentHtml { /// /// Extensions to IViewDataContainer /// public static class ViewDataContainerExtensions { /// /// Generate an HTML input element of type 'text' and set its value from ViewData based on the name provided. /// /// The view. /// Value of the 'name' attribute of the element.Also used to derive the 'id' attribute. public static TextBox TextBox(this IViewDataContainer view, string name) { return new TextBox(name).Value(view.ViewData.Eval(name)); } … …
tainer 的Extension Method:
看一下return new TextBox(name).Value(view.ViewData.Eval(name));所以这里就成了TextBox定义方法链的***步.
为了能够在View中能够简洁清晰的构造HTML元素,Asp.net MVC中通过htmlHelper.InputHelper来实现页面元素的构造. 页面层所使用的<%=>,HTML也是htmlHelper的Extension Method.相比较起来,htmlHelper提供了基础的页面控件定义和构造,而FluentHTML表现的更为灵活。
关于如何理解ASP.NET MVC中的FluentHtml与连续接口就分享到这里了,希望以上内容可以对大家有一定的帮助,可以学到更多知识。如果觉得文章不错,可以把它分享出去让更多的人看到。
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