DPI , dot per inch ,即每英寸包含的点数。还有一个概念是 PPI ,即每英寸包含的像素数。一般我们用 DPI 就够了,对于专业人士处理超高 DPI 的场景,使用 PPI 可能更精确一些。在 Qt 中,只有 DPI ,所以我们单说它吧。
这个值越大,像素密度越大,小尺寸的屏幕就可以有大分辨率。比如有的 Android 手机, 3.7 吋屏幕就能提供 960x540 的分辨率,而有的手机, 5 吋屏幕却提供 800x480 的分辨率。这两种不同屏幕的尺寸和分辨率的手机,5 吋屏看起来会有颗粒感,而 3.7 吋看起来则非常细腻。这就是像素密度带来的差别。
有的屏幕,横向的 DPI 和纵向的 DPI 不一样,即像素点不是正方形,这就更复杂了……
我们在写应用时,理想的情况是:应当根据 DPI + 屏幕分辨率来设置界面元素的大小。
Mac OS 10.8(10.7是非正式的?)添加了对高DPI的Retina显示的支持。Qt 4免费获得这一支持,因为它使用的是CoreGraphics绘制引擎。
Qt 5使用的是光栅绘制引擎并且Qt通过缩放绘图器变换(transform)实现了高DPI矢量的绘制。HITheme同时为Qt 4和5提供了高DPI的Mac风格。在Qt 5的Fusion风格中,对于高DPI模式的支持也已经修改好了。
Qt Quick 1是构建于QGraphicsView之上的,它是一个QWidget并且通过QPainter获得对于高DPI的支持。
Qt Quick 2是基于Scene Graph(和OpenGL),已经更新了高DPI的支持。Qt Quick控件(也就是以前的Desktop Component)也已经更新了在高DPI模式下的渲染,其中包括距离场(distance field)文本渲染。(译者注:关于距离场,可以参考Yoann Lopes – Text Rendering in the QML Scene Graph以及iKDE上的译文。)
这里的卖点是应用程序开发人员不需要关心这些,您只需要在设备无关像素的空间里舒适地开发,Qt和/或OS会为您处理那些复杂的事情。但有一个例外,光栅内容(raster content)——需要提供高DPI光栅内容,并且应用程序代码需要正确处理这些内容。
QRect destinationRect = ...QPixmap pixmap = ...painter.drawPixmap(destinationRect, pixmap);
QRect destinationRect = ...QIcon icon = ...painter.drawPixmap(destinationRect, icon.pixmap(destinationRect.size()));
在Qt 5.1中这个属性默认值是关闭的,但在未来的Qt发布中它很有可能默认为打开。
Qt的窗口部件有一些极端情况。在理想情况下,它一直使用QIcon,并且在绘制的时候会使用正确的像素映射,但是实际情况是Qt API经常直接生成和使用像素映射。当像素映射的大小被用来计算布局的几何信息时,会发生错误——如果一个像素映射已经是高分辨率的,那么在屏幕上它就不应该再占用更多的空间。
QPixmap pixmap2x = ...pixmap2x.setDevicePixelRatio(2.0); QLabel *label = ...label->setPixmap(pixmap2x);
QSize layoutSize = pixmap.size() / pixmap.devicePixelRatio();
类 | 注释 |
QWindow::devicePixelRatio() | 推荐使用的读写函数 |
QScreen::devicePixelRatio() | |
QGuiApplication::devicePixelRatio() | 如果没有QWindow指针,请使用这个 |
QImage::[set]devicePixelRatio() | |
QPixmap::[set]devicePixelRatio() |
Qt Quick 2和Qt Quick控件可以直接使用。因为窗口部件的坐标是设备无关像素的。Qt Quick也有几个和光栅相关的极端情况,因为QML的Image元素是通过URL来指定图像源的,这样就避免了像素映射的传递。
Qt Quick控件
Image { source = “foo.png” } QIcon icon(“foo.png”)
代码在github上。最后是XCB下的Qt Creator的截屏:
DPI缩放的Qt Creator
High DPI Revisited
A few weeks ago I talked about high DPI in KDE applications
By settings QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO=2 Qt will scale all painting to draw things twice the size
By default this will just scale all our p_w_picpaths so it slightly defeats the point of buying a fancy new high resolution screen
Qt can try and be clever and draw high resolution icons and other p_w_picpaths
This is liable to break stuff, so requires each and every app to opt-in
On Monday this week I was loaned a high resolution laptop, and set about trying to make sure everything works perfectly within the KDE world.We can now set this environment variable from a configuration file, and a user interface is in review to allow the user to manually set their scaling factor.
I then set about trying to enable high resolution p_w_picpath support in various applications and trying to fix all that is broken.
This task is two-fold. The first is fixing any bugs that result in simply enabling the high resolution icons. Second is making sure applications that provide their own p_w_picpaths, do so in a way that still look spot on when used on a high resolution monitor.
Here is my screenshot just after installing Kubuntu CI on a high resolution laptop (3800x1800).
We can correct some parts by just boosting the font size, but that doesn't solve the problems of small checkboxes, buttons and other hit areas. This isn't just a superficial problem and it becomes a major usability problem especially as these screens become more widespread.
This second screenshot shows the result with the device pixel ratio set and a weeks worth of fixing in a range of apps. (click for full size)
The most obvious thing is that the sizes are bigger, but more importantly this is happening whilst all icons and scrollbars remain crystal clear at the native resolution for that screen.
A zoomed in section looks like this:
Every Qt5 app can double up with no work at all, but to look right requires some effort.
For some applications supporting high DPI has been easy. It is a single one line in KWrite, and suddenly all icons look spot on with no regressions. For applications such as Dolphin which do a lot more graphical tasks, this has not been so trivial. There are a lot of p_w_picpaths involved, and a lot of complicated code around caching these which conflicts with the high resolution support without some further work.
I am tracking progress on a Kanboard page . Naturally I can't do every application, but I hope that by checking a few I can make sure all of our frameworks have full support making it easy for every other developer.
We also have a problem that Qt4 applications do not support device independent pixels. There are still many applications without a frameworks release even in the upcoming 15.04 applications release. Even in the next applications release in 15.08 August we are still unlikely to see a released PIM stack.Is it a good idea to add an option into our UIs that improves some applications at the cost of consistency? It's not an easy answer.