EMC划完LUN映射完后,在AIX小机上执行cfgmgr ,然后lspv看是否认到新扩容的硬盘.
# cfgmgr -i disk
# lspv
hdisk0 00c6abdfc094f4e8 rootvg active
hdisk1 00c6abcfc4edbd87 rootvg active
hdisk6 oravg active
hdisk7 oravg active
#chdev –l hdisk6 –a pv=yes (以使物理卷为LVM所用)。
#chdev –l hdisk7 –a pv=yes (以使物理卷为LVM所用)。
hdisk0 00c6abdfc094f4e8 rootvg active
hdisk1 00c6abcfc4edbd87 rootvg active
hdisk6 00c6abcf1d17f7bf oravg active
hdisk7 00c6abcf1d189c64 oravg active
(如果是HA架构,在A节点上识别到后执行#rmdev –Rd1 hdisk6然后在B节点上cfgmgr扫再认)--检查两节点LSPV是否一致和HDISK是否一致。
#df -g
/dev/sapdata 90.00 84.80 94% 26 1% /oracle/sapdata
然后执行smitty hacmp--- System Management (C-SPOC)-- HACMP Logical Volume Management--- Shared Volume Groups-- Set Characteristics of a Shared Volume Group-- Add a Volume to a Shared Volume Group--选择需要扩容的VG--回车,然后选择添加的硬盘---确定。然后进行扩容文件系统。#smitty chfs—change/show charactertistics of an enhanced journaled file system—选择要扩的文件系统—然后回车继续.
如果文件系统扩容出错,一般是文件系统的Block size或卷的LV原大小限制了最大扩容空间,可以# smitty hacmp--- System Management (C-SPOC)-- HACMP Logical Volume Management--- Shared file systems---enhanced journaled file systems---change/show characteristics of a shared enhanced journaled file system—选择文件系统来修改块大小,之后就可以成功扩文件系统。注:修改LV的大小,可以通过#smitty chlv来进行。
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
File system name /oracle/sapdata
NEW mount point [/oracle/sapdata]
SIZE of file system
Unit Size 512bytes +
Number of units [188743680] #
Mount GROUP []
Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart? no +
PERMISSIONS read/write +
Mount OPTIONS [] +
Start Disk Accounting? no +
Block Size (bytes) 256
Inline Log? no
Inline Log size (MBytes) [0] #
Extended Attribute Format [v1]
Enable Quota Management? no +
Allow Small Inode Extents? no +
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
File system name /oracle/sapdata
NEW mount point [/oracle/sapdata]
SIZE of file system
Unit Size 512bytes +
Number of units [440401920] #
Mount GROUP []
Mount AUTOMATICALLY at system restart? no +
PERMISSIONS read/write +
Mount OPTIONS [] +
Start Disk Accounting? no +
Block Size (bytes) 2048
Inline Log? no
Inline Log size (MBytes) [0] #
Extended Attribute Format [v1]
Enable Quota Management? no +
Allow Small Inode Extents? no +
然后再扩,就正常了出现如下提示Filesystem size changed to 440401920
#df -g
/dev/sapdata 210.00 84.80 40% 26 1% /oracle/sapdata
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