很无聊。。。随便写D代码 不得不说perl的多线程简单易懂
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
#请直接使用 ./x.pl daemon 启动
my $signal:shared=-1;
my $i:shared=0;
my $thr;
#接受POST GET都是它。
any '/status' => sub {
my $c = shift;
#Global symbol "$xxx" requires explicit package name
$c->stash(status => $signal);
$c->stash(i => $i);
$c->stash(thr => $thr);
if ($c->param('signal') ne '' && $c->param('signal') >=-1 && $c->param('signal')<=1) {
$c->stash(status => $signal);
undef $thr if $signal == -1 ;
$c->stash(thr => $thr);
if ($c->param('action')) {
my $action=$c->param('action');
if ($action eq 'create') {
$thr = threads->new(\&ppp,1) unless $thr ;
$c->stash(thr => $thr);
sub ppp {
while($signal or $signal==0){
sleep 1;
last if $signal == -1;
sleep 1 if $signal == 0;
print "running.\t.".$i++."\n" if ($signal == 1 )
@@ status.html.ep
% unless ($thr) {
no threads creat or threads down bbbba<br>
%} else {
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
The status Can be exit=-1 stop=0 start=1 <br>
The status now is <%= $status %> .i=<%= $i %> .thr=<%= $thr if defined $thr %>
%= form_for '/status' => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= text_field 'signal'
%= submit_button '设置状态'
% end
%= form_for '/status' => (method => 'POST') => begin
%= hidden_field action => 'create'
%= submit_button '创建线程'
% end
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