K3s 是一个轻量级 Kubernetes 发行版,二进制大小小于100MB,所需内存不到Kubernetes的一半。K3s 为了降低资源消耗,将默认的 runtime 修改为 containerd,同时也内置了 Kubernetes CLI 工具 crictl和ctr。
K3s 默认的 containerd 配置文件目录为/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml
,但直接操作 containerd 的配置文件去设置镜像仓库或加速器相比于操作 docker 要复杂许多。K3s 为了简化配置 containerd 镜像仓库的复杂度,K3s 会在启动时检查/etc/rancher/k3s/
中是否存在 registries.yaml 文件,如果存在该文件,就会根据 registries.yaml 的内容转换为 containerd 的配置并存储到/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml
,从而降低了配置 containerd 镜像仓库的复杂度。
K3s 镜像仓库配置文件由两大部分组成:mirrors
Mirrors 是一个用于定义专用镜像仓库的名称和 endpoint 的指令
Configs 部分定义了每个 mirror 的 TLS 和证书配置。对于每个 mirror,你可以定义auth和/或tls
containerd 使用了类似 K8S 中 svc 与 endpoint 的概念,svc 可以理解为访问名称,这个名称会解析到对应的 endpoint 上。也可以理解 mirror 配置就是一个反向代理,它把客户端的请求代理到 endpoint 配置的后端镜像仓库。mirror 名称可以随意填写,但是必须符合IP或域名的定义规则。并且可以配置多个 endpoint,默认解析到第一个 endpoint,如果第一个 endpoint 没有返回数据,则自动切换到第二个 endpoint,以此类推。
mirrors: "": endpoint: - "" "rancher.ksd.top:5000": endpoint: - "" "docker.io": endpoint: - "https://fogjl973.mirror.aliyuncs.com" - "https://registry-1.docker.io"
可以通过 crictl pull
和 crictl pull rancher.ksd.top:5000/library/alpine
root@rancher-server:/etc/rancher/k3s# systemctl restart k3s.service root@rancher-server:/etc/rancher/k3s# crictl pull Image is up to date for sha256:a24bb4013296f61e89ba57005a7b3e52274d8edd3ae2077d04395f806b63d83e root@rancher-server:/etc/rancher/k3s# crictl pull rancher.ksd.top:5000/library/alpine Image is up to date for sha256:a24bb4013296f61e89ba57005a7b3e52274d8edd3ae2077d04395f806b63d83e root@rancher-server:/etc/rancher/k3s#
配置非安全(http)私有仓库,只需要在 endpoint 中指定 http 协议头的地址即可。
在没有 TLS 通信的情况下,需要为 endpoints 指定http:// ,否则将默认为 https。
如果你使用的是非安全(http)私有仓库,那么可以通过下面的参数来配置 K3s 连接私有仓库:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat >> /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml <<EOF mirrors: "": endpoint: - "" EOF systemctl restart k3s
然后可以通过 crictl 去 pull 镜像:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# crictl pull Image is up to date for sha256:9499db7817713c4d10240ca9f5386b605ecff7975179f5a46e7ffd59fff462ee
接下来,在看一下 containerd 的配置,可以看到文件末尾追加了如下配置:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors.""] endpoint = [""] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors."rancher.ksd.top:5000"] endpoint = [""]
如果你的非安全(http)私有仓库带有认证,那么可以通过下面的参数来配置 k3s 连接私有仓库:
mirrors: "": endpoint: - "" configs: "": auth: username: admin # this is the registry username password: Harbor12345 # this is the registry password EOF systemctl restart k3s
通过 crictl 去 pull 镜像:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# crictl pull Image is up to date for sha256:9499db7817713c4d10240ca9f5386b605ecff7975179f5a46e7ffd59fff462ee
Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
[plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors.""] endpoint = [""] [plugins.cri.registry.configs."".auth] username = "admin" password = "Harbor12345"
与非安全(http)私有仓库配置类似,只需要配置 endpoint 对应的仓库地址为 https 即可。
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat >> /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml <<EOF mirrors: "harbor.kingsd.top": endpoint: - "https://harbor.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor.kingsd.top": auth: username: admin # this is the registry username password: Harbor12345 # this is the registry password EOF systemctl restart k3s
通过 crictl 去 pull 镜像:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# crictl pull harbor.kingsd.top/ksd/ubuntu:16.04 Image is up to date for sha256:9499db7817713c4d10240ca9f5386b605ecff7975179f5a46e7ffd59fff462ee
Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors."harbor.kingsd.top"] endpoint = ["https://harbor.kingsd.top"] [plugins.cri.registry.configs."harbor.kingsd.top".auth] username = "admin" password = "Harbor12345"
如果后端仓库使用的是自签名的 ssl 证书,那么需要配置 CA 证书 用于 ssl 证书的校验。
mirrors: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": endpoint: - "https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": auth: username: admin # this is the registry username password: Harbor12345 # this is the registry password tls: ca_file: /opt/certs/ca.crt EOF systemctl restart k3s
通过 crictl 去 pull 镜像:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# crictl pull harbor-ksd.kingsd.top/ksd/ubuntu:16.04 Image is up to date for sha256:9499db7817713c4d10240ca9f5386b605ecff7975179f5a46e7ffd59fff462ee
Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top"] endpoint = ["https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top"] [plugins.cri.registry.configs."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top".auth] username = "admin" password = "Harbor12345" [plugins.cri.registry.configs."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top".tls] ca_file = "/opt/certs/ca.crt"
如果镜像仓库配置了双向认证,那么需要为 containerd 配置 ssl 证书用于 镜像仓库对 containerd 做认证。
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat >> /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml <<EOF mirrors: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": endpoint: - "https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top" configs: "harbor-ksd.kingsd.top": auth: username: admin # this is the registry username password: Harbor12345 # this is the registry password tls: ca_file: /opt/certs/ca.crt # path to the ca file used in the registry cert_file: /opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.cert # path to the cert file used in the registry key_file: /opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.key # path to the key file used in the registry EOF systemctl restart k3s
通过 crictl 去 pull 镜像:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# crictl pull harbor-ksd.kingsd.top/ksd/ubuntu:16.04 Image is up to date for sha256:9499db7817713c4d10240ca9f5386b605ecff7975179f5a46e7ffd59fff462ee
Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
[plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top"] endpoint = ["https://harbor-ksd.kingsd.top"] [plugins.cri.registry.configs."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top".auth] username = "admin" password = "Harbor12345" [plugins.cri.registry.configs."harbor-ksd.kingsd.top".tls] ca_file = "/opt/certs/ca.crt" cert_file = "/opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.cert" key_file = "/opt/certs/harbor-ksd.kingsd.top.key"
Containerd 与 docker 都有默认仓库,均为 docker.io 。如果配置中未指定 mirror 为 docker.io,containerd 后会自动加载 docker.io 配置。与 docker 不同的是,containerd 可以修改 docker.io 对应的 endpoint(默认为 https://registry-1.docker.io ) ,而 docker 无法修改。
Docker 中可以通过 registry-mirrors 设置镜像加速地址。如果 pull 的镜像不带仓库地址(项目名+镜像名:tag),则会从默认镜像仓库去拉取镜像。如果配置了镜像加速地址,会先访问镜像加速仓库,如果没有返回数据,再访问默认的镜像仓库。
Containerd 目前没有直接配置镜像加速的功能,但 containerd 中可以修改 docker.io 对应的 endpoint,所以可以通过修改 endpoint 来实现镜像加速下载。因为 endpoint 是轮询访问,所以可以给 docker.io 配置多个仓库地址来实现 加速地址+默认仓库地址。如下配置示例:
mirrors: "docker.io": endpoint: - "https://fogjl973.mirror.aliyuncs.com" - "https://registry-1.docker.io" EOF systemctl restart k3s
Containerd 配置文件末尾追加了如下配置:
root@ip-172-31-13-117:~# cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/containerd/config.toml [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors] [plugins.cri.registry.mirrors."docker.io"] endpoint = ["https://fogjl973.mirror.aliyuncs.com", "https://registry-1.docker.io"]
"": endpoint: - "" "docker.io": endpoint: - "https://fogjl973.mirror.aliyuncs.com" - "https://registry-1.docker.io" configs: "": auth: username: '' # this is the registry username password: '' # this is the registry password tls: cert_file: '' # path to the cert file used in the registry key_file: '' # path to the key file used in the registry ca_file: '' # path to the ca file used in the registry "docker.io": auth: username: '' # this is the registry username password: '' # this is the registry password tls: cert_file: '' # path to the cert file used in the registry key_file: '' # path to the key file used in the registry ca_file: '' # path to the ca file used in the registry