首先来看一下, FileSystem(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem), 这是一个抽象类, 是所有文件系统的父类.
而我们要从HDFS(Hadoop Distributed FileSystem)下载数据, 应该获取一个DistributedFileSystem的实例,那么如何获取一个DistributedFileSystem的实例呢?
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration());
// 1.通过配置文件获取一个FileSystem实例
public static FileSystem get(Configuration conf)
// 2.通过指定的FileSystem的URI, 配置文件获取一个FileSystem实例
public static FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf)
// 3.通过指定的FileSystem的URI, 配置文件, FileSystem用户名获取一个FileSystem实例
public static FileSystem get(final URI uri, final Configuration conf, final String user)
先调用FileSystem.get(Configuration conf)方法,再调用重载方法FileSystem.get(URI uri, Configuration conf)
public static FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
// schem是FileSystem具体的URI方案如: file, hdfs, Webhdfs, har等等
String scheme = uri.getScheme(); // scheme = hdfs
// authority是NameNode的主机名, 端口号
String authority = uri.getAuthority(); // authority = node1:9000
// disableCacheName = fs.hdfs.impl.disable.cache
String disableCacheName = String.format("fs.%s.impl.disable.cache", scheme);
// 读取配置文件, 判断是否禁用缓存
if (conf.getBoolean(disableCacheName, false)) { // 若禁用缓存
return createFileSystem(uri, conf); // 直接调用创建FileSystem实例的方法
// 不禁用缓存, 先从FileSystem的静态成员变量CACHE中获取FileSystem实例
return CACHE.get(uri, conf);
再调用FileSystem$Cache.get(URI uri, Configuration conf)方法(Cache是FileSystem的静态内部类)
FileSystem get(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException{
Key key = new Key(uri, conf); // key = (root (auth:SIMPLE))@hdfs://node1:9000
return getInternal(uri, conf, key);
再调用FileSystem$Cache.getInternal(URI uri, Configuration conf, FileSystem$Cache$Key key)方法(Key又是Cache的静态内部类)
private FileSystem getInternal(URI uri, Configuration conf, Key key) throws IOException{
FileSystem fs;
synchronized (this) {
// map是Cache中用来缓存FileSystem实例的成员变量, 其类型为HashMap<Key, FileSystem>
fs = map.get(key);
if (fs != null) { // 如果从缓存map中获取到了相应的FileSystem实例
return fs; // 则返回这个实例
// 否则, 调用FileSystem.createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf)方法, 创建FileSystem实例
fs = createFileSystem(uri, conf);
/* 分割线1, 期待着createFileSystem()方法的返回 */
synchronized (this) { // refetch the lock again
* 在多线程环境下, 可能另一个客户端(另一个线程)创建好了一个DistributedFileSystem实例, 并缓存到了map中
* 所以, 这时候就把当前客户端新创建的DistributedFileSystem实例注销
* 其实这是一个特殊的单例模式, 一个key映射一个DistributedFileSystem实例
FileSystem oldfs = map.get(key);
if (oldfs != null) { // a file system is created while lock is releasing
fs.close(); // close the new file system
return oldfs; // return the old file system
* now insert the new file system into the map
* 缓存当前新创建的DistributedFileSystem实例到map中
fs.key = key;
map.put(key, fs);
return fs;
来自分割线1, 先调用FileSystem.createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf)方法
private static FileSystem createFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf
) throws IOException {
// 通过读取配置文件, 获取FileSystem具体的URI模式: hdfs的类对象
Class<?> clazz = getFileSystemClass(uri.getScheme(), conf); // clazz = org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem
// 反射出一个DistributedFileSystem实例
FileSystem fs = (FileSystem)ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clazz, conf);
// 对DistributedFileSystem实例初始化
fs.initialize(uri, conf);
return fs;
在调用DistributedFileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)方法之前, 先来看一下DistributedFileSystem类吧.
public class DistributedFileSystem extends FileSystem {
DFSClient dfs; // DistributedFileSystem持有一个DFSClient类型的成员变量dfs, 最重要的成员变量!
调用DistributedFileSystem.initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf)方法
public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
// new一个DFSClient实例, 成员变量dfs引用这个DFSClient实例
this.dfs = new DFSClient(uri, conf, statistics );
/* 分割线2, 期待着new DFSClient()的返回 */
在new DFSClient实例之前, 先来看一下DFSClient类吧! 看一下到底要为哪些成员变量赋值
public class DFSClient implements java.io.Closeable, RemotePeerFactory {
final ClientProtocol namenode; //DFSClient持有一个ClientProtocol类型的成员变量namenode, 一个RPC代理对象
/* The service used for delegation tokens */
private Text dtService;
来自分割线2, 调用DFSClient的构造函数DFSClient(URI nameNodeUri, Configuration conf, FileSystem$Statistics statistics), 再调用重载构造函数DFSClient(URI nameNodeUri, ClientProtocol rpcNamenode, Configuration conf, FileSystem$Statistics statistics)
public DFSClient(URI nameNodeUri, ClientProtocol rpcNamenode, Configuration conf,
FileSystem.Statistics stats) throws IOException {
NameNodeProxies.ProxyAndInfo<ClientProtocol> proxyInfo = null;
if (numResponseToDrop > 0) { // numResponseToDrop = 0
// This case is used for testing.
+ " is set to " + numResponseToDrop
+ ", this hacked client will proactively drop responses");
proxyInfo = NameNodeProxies.createProxyWithLossyRetryHandler(conf,
nameNodeUri, ClientProtocol.class, numResponseToDrop);
if (proxyInfo != null) { // proxyInfo = null
this.dtService = proxyInfo.getDelegationTokenService();
this.namenode = proxyInfo.getProxy();
} else if (rpcNamenode != null) { // rpcNamenode = null
// This case is used for testing.
Preconditions.checkArgument(nameNodeUri == null);
this.namenode = rpcNamenode;
dtService = null;
} else { // 前面两个if只在测试的情况下成立, 这个else的代码块才是重点
* 创建一个NameNodeProxies.ProxyAndInfo<ClientProtocol>类型的对象, proxyInfo引用这个对象
* createProxy(conf, nameNodeUri, ClientProtocol.class)方法是不是和RPC.getProxy(Class<T> protocol,
* long clientVersion, InetSocketAddress addr, Configuration conf)很像?
* 没错! 你没看错! 这说明createProxy()方法内部一定会调用RPC的相关方法
* conf 都是Configuration类型的conf
* nameNodeUri = hdfs://node1:9000 这不就是InetSocketAddress类型的addr的hostName和port
* ClientProtocol.class 都是RPC protocol接口的类对象
* ClientProtocol is used by user code via DistributedFileSystem class to communicate
* with the NameNode
* ClientProtocol是DistributedFileSystem用来与NameNode通信的
proxyInfo = NameNodeProxies.createProxy(conf, nameNodeUri, ClientProtocol.class);
/* 分割线3, 期待着createProxy()方法的返回 */
this.dtService = proxyInfo.getDelegationTokenService();
this.namenode = proxyInfo.getProxy();
来自分割线3, 调用NameNodeProxies.createProxy(Configuration conf, URI nameNodeUri, Class<T> xface)方法
* Creates the namenode proxy with the passed protocol. This will handle
* creation of either HA- or non-HA-enabled proxy objects, depending upon
* if the provided URI is a configured logical URI.
* 通过传过来的protocol参数, 创建namenode的代理对象. 至于是HA还是非HA的namenode代理对象,
* 这取决于实际搭建的Hadoop环境
public static <T> ProxyAndInfo<T> createProxy(Configuration conf, URI nameNodeUri, Class<T> xface)
throws IOException {
// 获取Hadoop实际环境中HA的配置
Class<FailoverProxyProvider<T>> failoverProxyProviderClass =
getFailoverProxyProviderClass(conf, nameNodeUri, xface);
if (failoverProxyProviderClass == null) { // 非HA,这里是Hadoop的伪分布式搭建
// Non-HA case, 创建一个非HA的namenode代理对象
return createNonHAProxy(conf, NameNode.getAddress(nameNodeUri), xface,
UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(), true);
} else { // HA
// HA case
FailoverProxyProvider<T> failoverProxyProvider = NameNodeProxies
.createFailoverProxyProvider(conf, failoverProxyProviderClass, xface,
Conf config = new Conf(conf);
T proxy = (T) RetryProxy.create(xface, failoverProxyProvider,
RetryPolicies.TRY_ONCE_THEN_FAIL, config.maxFailoverAttempts,
config.maxRetryAttempts, config.failoverSleepBaseMillis,
Text dtService = HAUtil.buildTokenServiceForLogicalUri(nameNodeUri);
// 返回一个proxy, dtService的封装对象proxyInfo
return new ProxyAndInfo<T>(proxy, dtService);
调用NameNodeProxies.createNonHAProxy(Configuration conf, InetSocketAddress nnAddr, Class<T> xface, UserGroupInformation ugi, boolean withRetries)方法
public static <T> ProxyAndInfo<T> createNonHAProxy(Configuration conf, InetSocketAddress nnAddr,
Class<T> xface, UserGroupInformation ugi, boolean withRetries) throws IOException {
Text dtService = SecurityUtil.buildTokenService(nnAddr); //dtService =
T proxy;
if (xface == ClientProtocol.class) { // xface = ClientProtocol.class
// 创建一个namenode代理对象
proxy = (T) createNNProxyWithClientProtocol(nnAddr, conf, ugi, withRetries);
/* 分割线4, 期待着createNNProxyWithClientProtocol()方法返回 */
} else if {
// 把proxy, dtService封装成一个ProxyAndInfo对象, 并返回
return new ProxyAndInfo<T>(proxy, dtService);
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