// 在main函数之前执行该函数void __pthread_initialize(void) __attribute__((constructor));void __pthread_initialize(void){ struct sigaction sa; sigset_t mask; /* We may be called by others. This may happen if the constructors are not called in the order we need. */ if (__pthread_initial_thread_bos != NULL) return; /* For the initial stack, reserve at least STACK_SIZE bytes of stack below the current stack address, and align that on a STACK_SIZE boundary. */ __pthread_initial_thread_bos = // 按STACK_SIZE大小对齐 (char *)(((long)CURRENT_STACK_FRAME - 2 * STACK_SIZE) & ~(STACK_SIZE - 1)); /* Update the descriptor for the initial thread. */ // 即main函数代表的主进程id __pthread_initial_thread.p_pid = getpid(); /* If we have special thread_self processing, initialize that for the main thread now. */#ifdef INIT_THREAD_SELF INIT_THREAD_SELF(&__pthread_initial_thread);#endif /* Setup signal handlers for the initial thread. Since signal handlers are shared between threads, these settings will be inherited by all other threads. */ // 为两个信号注册处理函数 sa.sa_handler = __pthread_sighandler; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* does not matter for regular threads, but better for the thread manager */ sigaction(PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART, &sa, NULL); sa.sa_handler = pthread_handle_sigcancel; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(PTHREAD_SIG_CANCEL, &sa, NULL); /* Initially, block PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART. Will be unblocked on demand. */ // 屏蔽restart信号 sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, NULL); /* Register an exit function to kill all other threads. */ /* Do it early so that user-registered atexit functions are called before pthread_exit_process. */ // 注册退出时执行的函数 __on_exit(pthread_exit_process, NULL);}
1 在栈上分配一块内存。
2 保存当前进程,进main函数对应的进程的pid。
3 注册两个信号处理函数。
4 注册退出时执行的函数
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg){ pthread_t self = thread_self(); struct pthread_request request; // 还没执行过pthread_initialize_manager则执行,用于初始化manager线程 if (__pthread_manager_request < 0) { if (pthread_initialize_manager() < 0) return EAGAIN; } // 给manager发一下请求 request.req_thread = self; request.req_kind = REQ_CREATE; request.req_args.create.attr = attr; request.req_args.create.fn = start_routine; request.req_args.create.arg = arg; // 获取当前线程的信号掩码 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, (const sigset_t *) NULL, &request.req_args.create.mask); // 通过管道写入,通知manager线程,新建一个线程 __libc_write(__pthread_manager_request, (char *) &request, sizeof(request)); // 挂起,等待manager唤醒 suspend(self); // 等于0说明创建成功,否则返回失败的错误码,p_retval在pthread_handle_create中设置 if (self->p_retcode == 0) *thread = (pthread_t) self->p_retval; return self->p_retcode;}
static int pthread_initialize_manager(void){ int manager_pipe[2]; /* Setup stack for thread manager */ // 在堆上分配一块内存用于manager线程的栈 __pthread_manager_thread_bos = malloc(THREAD_MANAGER_STACK_SIZE); if (__pthread_manager_thread_bos == NULL) return -1; // limit __pthread_manager_thread_tos = __pthread_manager_thread_bos + THREAD_MANAGER_STACK_SIZE; /* Setup pipe to communicate with thread manager */ if (pipe(manager_pipe) == -1) { free(__pthread_manager_thread_bos); return -1; } __pthread_manager_request = manager_pipe[1]; /* writing end */ __pthread_manager_reader = manager_pipe[0]; /* reading end */ /* Start the thread manager */ // 新建一个manager线程,manager_pipe是__thread_manager函数的入参 if (__clone(__pthread_manager, __pthread_manager_thread_tos, CLONE_VM | CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES | CLONE_SIGHAND, (void *)(long)manager_pipe[0]) == -1) { free(__pthread_manager_thread_bos); __libc_close(manager_pipe[0]); __libc_close(manager_pipe[1]); __pthread_manager_request = -1; return -1; } return 0;}
1 在堆上申请一块内存用作manager线程的栈
2 创建了一个管道,用于manager线程和其他线程通信。
3 然后新建了一个进程,然后执行__pthread_manager函数。(具体可参考http://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/clone.2.html)
/* The server thread managing requests for thread creation and termination */int __pthread_manager(void *arg){ // 管道的读端 int reqfd = (long)arg; sigset_t mask; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; int n; struct pthread_request request; /* If we have special thread_self processing, initialize it. */#ifdef INIT_THREAD_SELF INIT_THREAD_SELF(&__pthread_manager_thread);#endif /* Block all signals except PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART */ // 初始化为全1 sigfillset(&mask); // 设置某一位为0,这里设置可以处理restart信号 sigdelset(&mask, PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART); // 设置进程的信号掩码 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask, NULL); /* Enter server loop */ while(1) { // 清0 FD_ZERO(&readfds); // 置某位为1,位数由reqfd算得,这里是管道读端的文件描述符 FD_SET(reqfd, &readfds); // 阻塞的超时时间 timeout.tv_sec = 2; timeout.tv_usec = 0; // 定时阻塞等待管道有数据可读 n = __select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); /* Check for termination of the main thread */ // 父进程id为1说明主进程(线程)已经退出,子进程被init(pid=1)进程接管了, if (getppid() == 1) { // 0说明不需要给主线程发,因为他已经退出了 pthread_kill_all_threads(SIGKILL, 0); return 0; } /* Check for dead children */ if (terminated_children) { terminated_children = 0; pthread_reap_children(); } /* Read and execute request */ // 管道有数据可读 if (n == 1 && FD_ISSET(reqfd, &readfds)) { // 读出来放到request n = __libc_read(reqfd, (char *)&request, sizeof(request)); ASSERT(n == sizeof(request)); switch(request.req_kind) { // 创建线程 case REQ_CREATE: request.req_thread->p_retcode = pthread_handle_create((pthread_t *) &request.req_thread->p_retval, request.req_args.create.attr, request.req_args.create.fn, request.req_args.create.arg, request.req_args.create.mask, request.req_thread->p_pid); // 唤醒父线程 restart(request.req_thread); break; case REQ_FREE: pthread_handle_free(request.req_args.free.thread); break; case REQ_PROCESS_EXIT: pthread_handle_exit(request.req_thread, request.req_args.exit.code); break; case REQ_MAIN_THREAD_EXIT: // 标记主线程退出 main_thread_exiting = 1; // 其他线程已经退出了,只有主线程了,唤醒主线程,主线程也退出,见pthread_exit,如果还有子线程没退出则主线程不能退出 if (__pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive == __pthread_main_thread) { restart(__pthread_main_thread); return 0; } break; } } }}
// pthread_create发送信号给manager,manager调该函数创建线程static int pthread_handle_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg, sigset_t mask, int father_pid){ int sseg; int pid; pthread_t new_thread; int i; /* Find a free stack segment for the current stack */ sseg = 0; while (1) { while (1) { if (sseg >= num_stack_segments) { if (pthread_grow_stack_segments() == -1) return EAGAIN; } if (stack_segments[sseg] == 0) break; sseg++; } // 标记已使用 stack_segments[sseg] = 1; // 存储线程元数据的地方 new_thread = THREAD_SEG(sseg); /* Allocate space for stack and thread descriptor. */ // 给线程分配栈 if (mmap((caddr_t)((char *)(new_thread+1) - INITIAL_STACK_SIZE), INITIAL_STACK_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_FIXED | MAP_GROWSDOWN, -1, 0) != (caddr_t) -1) break; /* It seems part of this segment is already mapped. Leave it marked as reserved (to speed up future scans) and try the next. */ sseg++; } /* Initialize the thread descriptor */ new_thread->p_nextwaiting = NULL; new_thread->p_spinlock = 0; new_thread->p_signal = 0; new_thread->p_signal_jmp = NULL; new_thread->p_cancel_jmp = NULL; new_thread->p_terminated = 0; new_thread->p_detached = attr == NULL ? 0 : attr->detachstate; new_thread->p_exited = 0; new_thread->p_retval = NULL; new_thread->p_joining = NULL; new_thread->p_cleanup = NULL; new_thread->p_cancelstate = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE; new_thread->p_canceltype = PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED; new_thread->p_canceled = 0; new_thread->p_errno = 0; new_thread->p_h_errno = 0; new_thread->p_initial_fn = start_routine; new_thread->p_initial_fn_arg = arg; new_thread->p_initial_mask = mask; for (i = 0; i < PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX; i++) new_thread->p_specific[i] = NULL; /* Do the cloning */ pid = __clone(pthread_start_thread, new_thread, (CLONE_VM | CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES | CLONE_SIGHAND | PTHREAD_SIG_RESTART), new_thread); /* Check if cloning succeeded */ if (pid == -1) { /* Free the stack */ munmap((caddr_t)((char *)(new_thread+1) - INITIAL_STACK_SIZE), INITIAL_STACK_SIZE); stack_segments[sseg] = 0; return EAGAIN; } /* Set the priority and policy for the new thread, if available. */ if (attr != NULL && attr->schedpolicy != SCHED_OTHER) { switch(attr->inheritsched) { case PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED: sched_setscheduler(pid, attr->schedpolicy, &attr->schedparam); break; case PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED: { struct sched_param father_param; int father_policy; father_policy = sched_getscheduler(father_pid); sched_getparam(father_pid, &father_param); sched_setscheduler(pid, father_policy, &father_param); } break; } } /* Insert new thread in doubly linked list of active threads */ // 头插法,插入主线程和其他线程之间, new_thread->p_prevlive = __pthread_main_thread; new_thread->p_nextlive = __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive; __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive->p_prevlive = new_thread; __pthread_main_thread->p_nextlive = new_thread; /* Set pid field of the new thread, in case we get there before the child starts. */ new_thread->p_pid = pid; /* We're all set */ *thread = new_thread; return 0;}
// 传给clone函数的参数static int pthread_start_thread(void *arg){ // 新建的线程 pthread_t self = (pthread_t) arg; void * outcome; /* Initialize special thread_self processing, if any. */#ifdef INIT_THREAD_SELF INIT_THREAD_SELF(self);#endif /* Make sure our pid field is initialized, just in case we get there before our father has initialized it. */ // 记录线程对应进程的id self->p_pid = getpid(); /* Initial signal mask is that of the creating thread. (Otherwise, we'd just inherit the mask of the thread manager.) */ // 设置线程的信号掩码,值继承于父线程 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &self->p_initial_mask, NULL); /* Run the thread code */ // 开始执行线程的主函数 outcome = self->p_initial_fn(self->p_initial_fn_arg); /* Exit with the given return value */ // 执行完退出 pthread_exit(outcome); return 0;}
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