首先需要安装 python-gitlab
sudo pip install --upgrade python-gitlab
git clone https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab
cd python-gitlab
sudo python setup.py install
首先需要对环境进行配置才能使用 cli ,需要提供一个配置文件,指明 gitlab server 信息以及连接参数,配置文件格式为 INI
default = somewhere
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5
url = https://some.whe.re
private_token = vTbFeqJYCY3sibBP7BZM
api_version = 4
url = http://else.whe.re:8080
private_token = CkqsjqcQSFH5FQKDccu4
timeout = 1
其中 global
部分是必须提供的,主要是连接 gitlab 的参数
其他部分是可选,当没有配置时默认用的是 default
使用过程中可以通过 -g
指定具体使用的是那一节,如 gitlab -g somewhere project list
本文使用的配置文件如下 :
ssl_verify = true
timeout = 5
url = https://gitlab-russellgo.cn
private_token = xxxxxx
api_version = 4
配置文件可以通过以下几种方法生效 :
放在系统配置下 /etc/python-gitlab.cfg
放在当前用户 home 目录下 ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
通过命令行指定 -c
或者 --config-file
本文的配置文件放在了 home 下。
列出所有的 project (分页返回)
# 上面定义了一个 gitlab 的组,所以执行时可以通过 -g 指定
gitlab -g gitlab project list
列出所有的 project
gitlab -g gitlab project list --all
试到这里有个疑问,怎么知道 gitlab
gitlab -g gitlab
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab [-h] [--version] [-v] [-d] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-g GITLAB]
[-o {json,legacy,yaml}] [-f FIELDS]
这样可以列出当前 gitlab 支持的资源,知道了支持的资源,那有怎么知道某种资源支持哪些操作的,以 project 为例,
gitlab -g gitlab project
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab project [-h]
gitlab project: error: too few arguments
这样就可以知道 gitlab
支持对何种资源做哪些操作,再通过 --help
gitlab -g gitlab project list --help
# 以下是输出
usage: gitlab project list [-h] [--sudo SUDO] [--search SEARCH]
[--owned OWNED] [--starred STARRED]
[--archived ARCHIVED] [--visibility VISIBILITY]
[--order-by ORDER_BY] [--sort SORT]
[--simple SIMPLE] [--membership MEMBERSHIP]
[--statistics STATISTICS]
[--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED]
[--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED]
[--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES]
[--page PAGE] [--per-page PER_PAGE] [--all]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sudo SUDO
--search SEARCH
--owned OWNED
--starred STARRED
--archived ARCHIVED
--visibility VISIBILITY
--order-by ORDER_BY
--sort SORT
--simple SIMPLE
--membership MEMBERSHIP
--statistics STATISTICS
--with-issues-enabled WITH_ISSUES_ENABLED
--with-merge-requests-enabled WITH_MERGE_REQUESTS_ENABLED
--with-custom-attributes WITH_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES
--page PAGE
--per-page PER_PAGE
这样就可以很方便的对 gitlab
除了通过命令行操作 gitlab 之外,还可以用编程的方式进行集成,一个常见的场景,要从 gitlab 中下载某个文件
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
import gitlab
# 实例化一个 gitlab 对象
url = "https://gitlab.russellgao.cn"
private_token = "xxxxxxxx"
gl = gitlab.Gitlab('https://gitlab.russellgao.cn', private_token=private_token)
# 列出所有的项目
projects = gl.projects.list()
for project in projects:
# 获取 group id 是 2 的 list
group = gl.groups.get(2)
for project in group.projects.list():
# 创建一个用户
user_data = {'email': 'jen@foo.com', 'username': 'jen', 'name': 'Jen'}
user = gl.users.create(user_data)
# 列出 create 和 update 时需要的参数
# get_create_attrs() 创建时需要的参数
# get_update_attrs() 更新时需要的参数
(('name',), ('path', 'namespace_id', ...))
# 返回的是两个元组, 第一个 必选的参数,第二个是可选的参数
# 获取 对象的属性 ,如 project
project = gl.projects.get(1)
# 有些对象提供了 gitlab 相关的资源属性
project = gl.projects.get(1)
issues = project.issues.list()
# python-gitlab 允许向 gitlab 发送任何数据,当发送非法数据或者缺少相关参数时会抛出异常
gl.projects.list(sort='invalid value')
# ...
# GitlabListError: 400: sort does not have a valid value
# 通过 query_parameters 进行传参 当参数和python 关键字冲突时
gl.user_activities.list(from='2019-01-01') ## invalid
gl.user_activities.list(query_parameters={'from': '2019-01-01'}) # OK
通过 gitlab raw url 进行下载文件
def download_gitlab_file(url, filename, private_token) :
从 gitlab 上下载文件
:param url: gitlab raw url
:param filename: 保存到本地的文件名称
:param private_token:
import gitlab
import codecs
def writeLinesToFile(filename, lines, append=False, encoding=None):
if (append == True):
file_mode = "a"
file_mode = "w"
encoding = encoding or 'utf-8'
with codecs.open(filename, file_mode, encoding=encoding) as fp:
for line in lines:
print(unicode(line), file=fp)
url_patterns = url.split("/")
if len(url_patterns) < 8 :
raise ValueError("url: `{}` 参数不合法,以 / 分隔之后长度必须大于8".format(url))
baseurl = "{}//{}".format(url_patterns[0], url_patterns[2])
namespace = url_patterns[3]
project_name = url_patterns[4]
branch = url_patterns[6]
url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[7:])
if url_patterns[5] == "-" :
branch = url_patterns[7]
url_filename = "/".join(url_patterns[8:])
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(str(baseurl), private_token)
projects = gl.projects.list(search=project_name)
projects = filter(lambda x : x.namespace.get("full_path") == namespace, projects )
if len(projects) == 0 :
raise ValueError("根据url 没有找到相应的 project ,请检查当前用户是否有权限或者 url 是否正确 ")
project = projects[0]
raw_content = project.files.raw(file_path=url_filename, ref=branch)
writeLinesToFile(filename, [raw_content])
return raw_content
源码地址: https://github.com/python-gitlab/python-gitlab/
从 setup.py#L31:5 中可以看出
from setuptools import setup
from setuptools import find_packages
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]},
python-gitlab 采用 setuptools 进行打包,打成的包有两个作用:
当作 python 库使用 (默认)
entry_points={"console_scripts": ["gitlab = gitlab.cli:main"]}
说明可以当作 cli 使用,指令是 gitlab
,真正调用的是 gitlab.cli:main
在看一下 cli.py
这个入口文件,从入口文件可以看到 cli.py#L182:14
def main():
import gitlab.v4.cli
# 可以跳转到这个函数中查看
parser = _get_base_parser(add_help=False)
def _get_base_parser(add_help: bool = True) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
add_help=add_help, description="GitLab API Command Line Interface"
parser.add_argument("--version", help="Display the version.", action="store_true")
help="Verbose mode (legacy format only)",
这里可以 cli 解析库用的是 argparse
做命令行参数的解析 。
通过 GitlabCLI
class cli.py#L29:7 可以看出
class GitlabCLI(object):
def __init__(self, gl, what, action, args):
self.cls_name = cli.what_to_cls(what)
self.cls = gitlab.v4.objects.__dict__[self.cls_name]
self.what = what.replace("-", "_")
self.action = action.lower()
self.gl = gl
self.args = args
self.mgr_cls = getattr(gitlab.v4.objects, self.cls.__name__ + "Manager")
# We could do something smart, like splitting the manager name to find
# parents, build the chain of managers to get to the final object.
# Instead we do something ugly and efficient: interpolate variables in
# the class _path attribute, and replace the value with the result.
self.mgr_cls._path = self.mgr_cls._path % self.args
self.mgr = self.mgr_cls(gl)
if self.mgr_cls._types:
for attr_name, type_cls in self.mgr_cls._types.items():
if attr_name in self.args.keys():
obj = type_cls()
self.args[attr_name] = obj.get()
cli 基本格式为 gitlab what action args
,即上面 cli
章节提到的 gitlab 支持的资源 做什么操作 这个操作对应的参数
通过走读 client.py
client.py#L446:9 这个文件可以看到
def http_request(
verb: str,
path: str,
query_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
post_data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
streamed: bool = False,
files: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> requests.Response:
"""Make an HTTP request to the Gitlab server.
verb (str): The HTTP method to call ('get', 'post', 'put',
path (str): Path or full URL to query ('/projects' or
query_data (dict): Data to send as query parameters
post_data (dict): Data to send in the body (will be converted to
streamed (bool): Whether the data should be streamed
files (dict): The files to send to the server
**kwargs: Extra options to send to the server (e.g. sudo)
A requests result object.
GitlabHttpError: When the return code is not 2xx
query_data = query_data or {}
url = self._build_url(path)
params: Dict[str, Any] = {}
utils.copy_dict(params, query_data)
# Deal with kwargs: by default a user uses kwargs to send data to the
# gitlab server, but this generates problems (python keyword conflicts
# and python-gitlab/gitlab conflicts).
# So we provide a `query_parameters` key: if it's there we use its dict
# value as arguments for the gitlab server, and ignore the other
# arguments, except pagination ones (per_page and page)
if "query_parameters" in kwargs:
utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs["query_parameters"])
for arg in ("per_page", "page"):
if arg in kwargs:
params[arg] = kwargs[arg]
utils.copy_dict(params, kwargs)
opts = self._get_session_opts(content_type="application/json")
verify = opts.pop("verify")
timeout = opts.pop("timeout")
# If timeout was passed into kwargs, allow it to override the default
timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", timeout)
# We need to deal with json vs. data when uploading files
if files:
json = None
if post_data is None:
post_data = {}
post_data["file"] = files.get("file")
post_data["avatar"] = files.get("avatar")
data = MultipartEncoder(post_data)
opts["headers"]["Content-type"] = data.content_type
json = post_data
data = None
# Requests assumes that `.` should not be encoded as %2E and will make
# changes to urls using this encoding. Using a prepped request we can
# get the desired behavior.
# The Requests behavior is right but it seems that web servers don't
# always agree with this decision (this is the case with a default
# gitlab installation)
req = requests.Request(verb, url, json=json, data=data, params=params, **opts)
prepped = self.session.prepare_request(req)
prepped.url = utils.sanitized_url(prepped.url)
settings = self.session.merge_environment_settings(
prepped.url, {}, streamed, verify, None
# obey the rate limit by default
obey_rate_limit = kwargs.get("obey_rate_limit", True)
# do not retry transient errors by default
retry_transient_errors = kwargs.get("retry_transient_errors", False)
# set max_retries to 10 by default, disable by setting it to -1
max_retries = kwargs.get("max_retries", 10)
cur_retries = 0
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