OWC是office Web Compent的缩写,即Microsoft的office Web组件,它为在Web中绘制图形提供了灵活的同时也是最基本的机制。在一个intranet环境中,如果可以假设客户机上存在特定的浏览器和一些功能强大的软件(如IE5和office 2000),那么就有能力利用office Web组件提供一个交互式图形开发环境。这种模式下,客户端工作站将在整个任务中分担很大的比重。
<%Option Explicit Class ExcelGen Private obJSPreadsheet Private iColOffset Private iRowOffset Sub Class_Initialize() Set obJSPreadsheet = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Spreadsheet") iRowOffset = 2 iColOffset = 2 End Sub Sub Class_Terminate() Set obJSPreadsheet = Nothing 'Clean up End Sub Public Property Let ColumnOffset(iColOff) If iColOff > 0 then iColOffiColOffset = iColOff Else iColOffset = 2 End If End Property Public Property Let RowOffset(iRowOff) If iRowOff > 0 then iRowOffiRowOffset = iRowOff Else iRowOffset = 2 End If End Property Sub GenerateWorksheet(objRS) 'Populates the Excel worksheet based on a Recordset's contents 'Start by displaying the titles If objRS.EOF then Exit Sub Dim objField, iCol, iRow iCol = iColOffset iRow = iRowOffset For Each objField in objRS.Fields obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = objField.Name obJSPreadsheet.Columns(iCol).AutoFitColumns '设置Excel表里的字体 obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Bold = True obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Italic = False obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Size = 10 obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Halignment = 2 '居中 iColiCol = iCol + 1 Next 'objField 'Display all of the data Do While Not objRS.EOF iRowiRow = iRow + 1 iCol = iColOffset For Each objField in objRS.Fields If IsNull(objField.Value) then obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = "" Else obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = objField.Value obJSPreadsheet.Columns(iCol).AutoFitColumns obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Bold = False obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Italic = False obJSPreadsheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Font.Size = 10 End If iColiCol = iCol + 1 Next 'objField objRS.MoveNext Loop End Sub Function SaveWorksheet(strFileName) 'Save the worksheet to a specified filename On Error Resume Next Call obJSPreadsheet.ActiveSheet.Export(strFileName, 0) SaveWorksheet = (Err.Number = 0) End Function End Class Dim objRS Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRS.Open "SELECT * FROM xxxx", "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxxx;Password=xxxx;Initial Catalog=xxxx;Data source=xxxx;" Dim SaveName SaveName = Request.Cookies("savename")("name") Dim objExcel Dim ExcelPath ExcelPath = "Excel\" & SaveName & ".xls" Set objExcel = New ExcelGen objExcel.RowOffset = 1 objExcel.ColumnOffset = 1 objExcel.GenerateWorksheet(objRS) If objExcel.SaveWorksheet(Server.MapPath(ExcelPath)) then 'Response.Write "<HTML><body bgcolor='gainsboro' text='#000000'>已保存为Excel文件. <a href=../../'" & server.URLEncode(ExcelPath) & "'>下载</a>" Else Response.Write "在保存过程中有错误!" End If Set objExcel = Nothing objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing %>
注意:两个函数中的“data“是网页中要导出的table的 id
<input type="hidden" name="out_word" onclick="vbscript:buildDoc" value="导出到word" class="notPrint"> <input type="hidden" name="out_Excel" onclick="AutomateExcel();" value="导出到Excel" class="notPrint">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- function AutomateExcel() { // Start Excel and get Application object. var oXL = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); // Get a new workbook. var oWB = oXL.Workbooks.Add(); var oSheet = oWB.ActiveSheet; var table = document.all.data; var hang = table.rows.length; var lie = table.rows(0).cells.length; // Add table headers going cell by cell. for (i=0;i<hang;i++) { for (j=0;j<lie;j++) { oSheet.Cells(i+1,j+1).value = table.rows(i).cells(j).innerText; } } oXL.Visible = true; oXL.UserControl = true; } //--> </SCRIPT> 导出到word代码 <script language="vbscript"> Sub buildDoc set table = document.all.data row = table.rows.length column = table.rows(1).cells.length Set objwordDoc = CreateObject("word.Document") objwordDoc.Application.Documents.Add theTemplate, False objwordDoc.Application.Visible=True Dim theArray(20,10000) for i=0 to row-1 for j=0 to column-1 theArray(j+1,i+1) = table.rows(i).cells(j).innerTEXT next next objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Add.Range.InsertBefore("综合查询结果集") //显示表格标题 objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Add.Range.InsertBefore("") Set rngPara = objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range With rngPara .Bold = True //将标题设为粗体 .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1 //将标题居中 .Font.Name = "隶书" //设定标题字体 .Font.Size = 18 //设定标题字体大小 End With Set rngCurrent = objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3).Range Set tabCurrent = ObjwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(rngCurrent,row,column) for i = 1 to column objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(i).Range.InsertAfter theArray(i,1) objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(1).Cells(i).Range.ParagraphFormat.alignment=1 next For i =1 to column For j = 2 to row objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(j).Cells(i).Range.InsertAfter theArray(i,j) objwordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows(j).Cells(i).Range.ParagraphFormat.alignment=1 Next Next End Sub </SCRIPT>
<%response.ContentType ="application/vnd.ms-Excel"%>
CSV文件介绍 (逗号分隔文件)
选择该项系统将创建一个可供下载的CSV 文件; CSV是最通用的一种文件格式,它可以非常容易地被导入各种PC表格及数据库中。
请注意即使选择表格作为输出格式,仍然可以将结果下载CSV文件。在表格输出屏幕的底部,显示有 "CSV 文件"选项,点击它即可下载该文件。
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