异步有的时候用普通的线程,有的时候用系统的异步调用功能。有一些IO操作也是异步的,但是未必需要一个线程来运行。例如:硬件是有DMA功能的,在调用DMA传输数据的时候,CPU是不需要执行处理的,只需要发起传输和等待传输结束即可。具体到.net平台,比如Socket的BeginSend,如果是运行在Windows 2000以后的平台,在底层就会调用异步的完成端口来发送。
当需要执行I/O操作时,使用异步操作更合适。I/O操作不仅包括了直接的文件、网络的读写,还包括数据库操作、Web Service、HttpRequest以及.net Remoting等跨进程的调用。
delegate void AsyncFoo(int i);
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
/// 输出当前线程的信息
///<param name="name">方法名称</param>
static void PrintCurrThreadInfo(string name)
Console.WriteLine("Thread Id of " + name + " is: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + ", current thread is "
+ (Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread ? "" : "not ")
+ "thread pool thread.");
/// 投递一个异步调用
static void PostAsync()
AsyncFoo caller = new AsyncFoo(Foo);
caller.BeginInvoke(1000, new AsyncCallback(FooCallBack), caller);
/// 测试方法,Sleep一定时间
///<param name="i">Sleep的时间</param>
static void Foo(int i)
static void FooCallBack(IAsyncResult ar)
AsyncFoo caller = (AsyncFoo)ar.AsyncState;
Thread Id of Main() is: 1, current thread is not thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 6, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 7, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of Foo() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 4, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 6, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 5, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 7, current thread is thread pool thread.
Thread Id of FooCallBack() is: 3, current thread is thread pool thread.
从输出可以看出,.net 使用 delegate 来“自动”生成的异步调用是使用了另外的线程(而且是线程池线程)。
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