export default (vue) => { /** * 绑定方法 * @param {Object} el - The element the directive is bound to. * @param {Object} binding - An vue directive object */ vue.directive('debounce', { //防抖函数指令 inserted: function(el, binding) { let timer; el.addEventListener("click", () => { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = setTimeout(() => { //关键点:vue 的自定义指令传递的参数binding 如果是一个函数,则通过 binding.value()来执行,通过上述示例,还可以传递比如事件, 绑定对象之类的 binding.value(); }, 1000); }); } }) }
import Debounce from './directives/debounce.js' //防抖自定义指令 Debounce(Vue)
function debounce(fn, immediate = true) { let timer; return function () { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); if (immediate) { let bool = !timer; timer = setTimeout(() => (timer = 0), 300); return bool && fn.apply(this, [...arguments]); } timer = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, [...arguments]), 300); }; } export default { debounce, };
import utils from "./utils/index"; methods:{ // 手动添加debounce btnHandler1: utils["debounce"](function (...rest) { console.log("2222 ", this, rest); }), }
import Vue from 'vue' // ctx 【context 上下文 绑定this指向】 const debounce = (func, time, ctx, immediate = true) => { let timeout return function (...params) { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout) if (immediate) { var callNow = !timeout timeout = setTimeout(() => { timeout = null }, time) if (callNow) func.apply(ctx, params) } else { timeout = setTimeout(function () { func.apply(ctx, params) }, time) } } } // 只能绑定一个组件,多个组件无法绑定 Vue.component('Debounce', { abstract: true,//抽象组件,无状态, props: ['time', 'events', 'immediate'], created () { this.eventKeys = this.events && this.events.split(',') this.originMap = {} this.debouncedMap = {} }, render () { // 组件使用proxy对象包装,可以了解 【this】; // 取出虚拟节点,默认第一个,也就是高阶组件中若传递了多个子组件,只展示第一个 const vnode = this.$slots.default[0] // 如果默认没有传 events,则对所有绑定事件加上防抖 if (!this.eventKeys) { this.eventKeys = Object.keys(vnode.data.on) } this.eventKeys.forEach((key) => { const target = vnode.data.on[key] if (target === this.originMap[key] && this.debouncedMap[key]) { vnode.data.on[key] = this.debouncedMap[key] } else if (target) { this.originMap[key] = target this.debouncedMap[key] = debounce(target, this.time, vnode, this.immediate) vnode.data.on[key] = this.debouncedMap[key] } }) return vnode } })
<Debounce events="click" time="300"> <button @click="clickHandler(1,2,3)" :btnval="'val'">click1</button> </Debounce>
// 指令【防抖】 Vue.directive("debounce", { // 只调用一次,第一次绑定元素时调用 // el【绑定的元素】,binding【一个相关对象】,vnode【vue编译生成的虚拟节点】 // beforemount之后,mounted之前; // init events&lifecycle 【初始化事件和生命周期】 bind(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode) { console.log(el, binding, vnode, oldVnode); let { value } = binding; let [target, time] = value; const debounced = debounce(target, time, vnode); el.addEventListener("click", debounced); }, // 被绑定元素插入父节点时调用(仅保证父节点存在,但是不一定插入文档) inserted() {}, // 所在组件的vnode更新时调用 update() {}, componentUpdated() {}, unbind(el) { console.log(el, "el"); el.removeEventListener("click", el._debounced); }, });
使用 <button v-debounce="[ () => { btnHandler(); }, 300, ]" > 点击 </button> <button v-if="testcom" v-debounce="[btnHandler, 300]">点击</button>