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App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

发布时间:2020-05-20 23:55:36 来源:网络 阅读:894 作者:流光漏洞 栏目:移动开发

   You know what this timer means? Every quarter second a user spends staring at a blank screen instead of interfacing with your app is a quarter second more. they're willing to close your app and give their attention to something else. misunderstanding all the complex things that happen during your app startup can lead to some serious performance problems.

   Now,see, Android is pretty smart when it comes to understanding human performance perception. As soon as the user launches your application,Android will immediately display a start window,which will stay around untill your application is fully loaded,initialized,and can draw its first frame.




 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

This behavior is most often seen when your app is booted for the first time,but it can easily happen other times as well,like when the activity is brought to the foreground,or after the user backs out of your app,or after some portion of your app has been purged by the system to save memory.Basically,any time the user moves from something else to your application, there's a chance you can see this type of behavior.

--这种情况在在app冷启动时候很常见,但是也很容易发生在其他时候,比如活动被置于前台,或者用于退出你的app,或者你的app的某些部分被系统清楚用于节省内存。基本上,任何时候,用户向你的应用转移一些东西(应该是指调用你的app),你也有机会看到这种情况。****套用知乎:cold start:应用第一次启动。   warm start:

   App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

  The important point here is this.Letting the user spend too much time looking at the start window gives then ample opportunity to get bored and move on to other things.And taking too long in general could even cause the Application Not Responding dialog to pop 

up.Neither of these are very good for user retention.


  App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

  So from the technical side,the whole process works something like this.when the user launches your app, the system does a bit of work to load your application information and create a unique process for your app.


  App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

From there,the system will display the strating window and basically hang out until the application is up and running.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

Meanwhile,the application process will create the application object and launch the main thread.


  App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

 This is where your startup activity will be initalized,created,inflated,and finally drawn.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

it's only at this point,after the application has drawn its first frame,that the system process then goes and swaps out the start window for the application.


   App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

 Now,to be clear,the majority of that entire process happens pretty cleanly.There's not really much chance that performance can go off the rails.However,there are three big areas where things could become problematic that you should keep an eye on.


  App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

 The first thing you should really take a look at is all the work that goes into creating your activity class.Most often,there's lots of heavy lifting that occurs during this process,but heaviest has to be the inflation of layouts and loading of resources that goes along with it.This is not a cheap process,and if your layouts are too complex or you've got some blocking logic in there,this can cause some really big problems.

--第一件你需要真正关注的事情就是,所有的工作都会先创建你的activity 类。最经常的,大量繁重任务发生在这个进程期间。但是最繁重的还是inflation布局和加载资源。这不是一个廉价的进程,如果你的布局太复杂,或者是你在这里产生了一些闭锁逻辑,那就会造成×××烦。

 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

On a similar note,make sure you take a look at application initialization.For really complex apps,the initialization of the app object often becomes a junk drawer for lots of global classes that might be used between activities.So there tends to be lots of work here that could be deferred to later times or perhaps loded in a lazy-load fashion.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

Now there's lots of applications out there which provide custom start windows.This is either done to help brand the application or to make a slow load look like a custom-branded application.Now if you're doing this to hide bad load times,obcviously,you should fix that first.But if you're doing it for branding,then you need to be aware that there's a right and a wrong way to set this up,so that it does'nt influence the user perception too negatively.


  App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

But before you run off into the weeds and try to fix these types of common patterns,you need to sit down and figure out if you have a problem in the first place.Thankfully,Android has a few tools to help.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

 Firstly is display time.For releases after KitKat,Logcat will include an output line which displays the amount of time between when the process was launched and the activity finally drawn to the screen.This can be helpful,because it gives you a general idea how long it 

takes to occur for your application.

--首先是显示时间。在KitKat(Android 4.4)版本之后,日志将会包含输出行,它将显示在从程序启动到activity最后绘制在屏幕这段总的时间。这是很有帮助的,对于你的应用启动的时间,他会给出一个大体的建议。

 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

oh,by the way,not if you want to see this value inisde of Android Studio,you need to turn off filters for the Logcat output. So keep that in mind.

--噢,记住,如果你不想在Android Studio看到这些值,你需要在日志输出上关掉过滤功能。

 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)


  Secondly is reportFullyDrawn function.The displayed metric that's repoted in Logcat is useful for most situations where you'd like to track down the time it takes to go from application start to first viseble.Howere,in modern application development,there's often a great deal of lazy loading-that is,rather than blocking the initial drawing of the window,asynchronously loading resources and views in the background and updating the view hierachy accordingly.The result is that while the initial activity may be visible,it may not yet be fully loaded with respect to resources,which could be considered a separate metric to use when evaluating launch time performance.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

  To address this concern,you can manually call the activity.reportFullyDrawn function to let the system know that your activity is finished with its lazy loading.

 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)

 Third is method tracing.While display time and reportFullyDrawn give a good understanding of the overall load time of your application,they do not provide details into what may be causing particular parts of that pipeline to go longer than expected.To gain more insight in this area,you can use the start method tracing tool inside of Android Studio.

然后是Method Tracing:前面两个方法提供了启动耗时的总时间,可是却无法提供具体的耗时细节。为了获取具体的耗时分布情况,我们可以使用Method Tracing工具来进行详细的测量。

 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)


 And finally is the big one,Systrace.when you add trace functions inside of your onCreate methods,it will augment your logging,such that the Systrace tool can properly discover all the subsections and display them in this graphing process.


 App Launch time 101 (Android Performance Patterns Season 6 Ep. 1)



