本篇内容主要讲解“Babylon.js中AudioContext was not allowed to start异常问题怎么解决”,感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习“Babylon.js中AudioContext was not allowed to start异常问题怎么解决”吧!
audioEngine.ts:172 The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. https://goo.gl/7K7WLu
let audioContext = new AudioEngine().audioContext; audioContext.resume();
playingSoundSprites = (scene: Scene, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => { var freeCamera = new FreeCamera("freeCamera", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene); var theSound = new Sound("allSounds", "https://playground.babylonjs.com/sounds/6sounds.mp3", scene, null, {autoplay: false}); var isPlaying = 0; let audioContext = new AudioEngine().audioContext; var soundArray = [ [0.0, 5.000], [5.100, 6.600], [12.000, 1.600], [14.000, 9.200], [23.000, 7.900], [31.000, 2.800], ]; theSound.onended = function() { isPlaying = 0; console.log("not playing"); }; var advanceTexture = AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI"); var uiPanel = new StackPanel(); uiPanel.width = "220px"; uiPanel.fontSize = "14px"; uiPanel.horizontalAlignment = Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; uiPanel.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; advanceTexture.addControl(uiPanel); var button = Button.CreateSimpleButton("but", "Play All Sounds"); button.paddingTop = "10px"; button.width = "150px"; button.height = "50px"; button.color = "white"; button.background = "green"; button.onPointerDownObservable.add(function() { if (isPlaying === 0) { isPlaying = 1; theSound.play(); console.log("playing"); } }); uiPanel.addControl(button); var button1 = Button.CreateSimpleButton("but1", "Play Random Sound"); button1.paddingTop = "10px"; button1.width = "150px"; button1.height = "50px"; button1.color = "white"; button1.background = "green"; button1.onPointerDownObservable.add(function() { if (isPlaying === 0) { isPlaying = 1; var randomSound = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); theSound.play(0, soundArray[randomSound][0], soundArray[randomSound][1]); console.log("playing"); } }); uiPanel.addControl(button1); return scene; }
The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. https://goo.gl/7K7WLu
playingSoundSprites = (scene: Scene, canvas: HTMLCanvasElement) => { var freeCamera = new FreeCamera("freeCamera", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), scene); var theSound = new Sound("allSounds", "https://playground.babylonjs.com/sounds/6sounds.mp3", scene, null, {autoplay: false}); var isPlaying = 0; var soundArray = [ [0.0, 5.000], [5.100, 6.600], [12.000, 1.600], [14.000, 9.200], [23.000, 7.900], [31.000, 2.800], ]; theSound.onended = function() { isPlaying = 0; console.log("not playing"); }; var advanceTexture = AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI"); var uiPanel = new StackPanel(); uiPanel.width = "220px"; uiPanel.fontSize = "14px"; uiPanel.horizontalAlignment = Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; uiPanel.verticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER; advanceTexture.addControl(uiPanel); var button = Button.CreateSimpleButton("but", "Play All Sounds"); button.paddingTop = "10px"; button.width = "150px"; button.height = "50px"; button.color = "white"; button.background = "green"; button.onPointerDownObservable.add(function() { let audioContext = new AudioEngine().audioContext; audioContext!.resume().then(() => { if (isPlaying === 0) { isPlaying = 1; theSound.play(); console.log("playing"); } }); }); uiPanel.addControl(button); var button1 = Button.CreateSimpleButton("but1", "Play Random Sound"); button1.paddingTop = "10px"; button1.width = "150px"; button1.height = "50px"; button1.color = "white"; button1.background = "green"; button1.onPointerDownObservable.add(function() { let audioContext = new AudioEngine().audioContext; audioContext!.resume().then(() => { if (isPlaying === 0) { isPlaying = 1; var randomSound = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); theSound.play(0, soundArray[randomSound][0], soundArray[randomSound][1]); console.log("playing"); } }); }); uiPanel.addControl(button1); return scene; }
到此,相信大家对“Babylon.js中AudioContext was not allowed to start异常问题怎么解决”有了更深的了解,不妨来实际操作一番吧!这里是亿速云网站,更多相关内容可以进入相关频道进行查询,关注我们,继续学习!