还是按前面两篇教程那样创建工程,然后将cocos2d-x-2.2/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Classes/Box2DTestBed/GLES-Render.h和cocos2d-x-2.2/samples/Cpp/TestCpp/Classes/Box2DTestBed/GLES-Render.cpp复制到工程的Classes文件夹中,修改pro.linux 的MakeFile和pro.android 的Android.mk,将文件包含进去,接下来是具体的代码实现。
#ifndef __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__ #define __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__ #include "cocos2d.h" #include "Box2D/Box2D.h" #include "GLES-Render.h" using namespace cocos2d; class HelloWorld : public cocos2d::CCLayer { private: b2World *world; GLESDebugDraw * m_debugDraw; CCTexture2D* m_pSpriteTexture; public: HelloWorld(); ~HelloWorld(); // Here's a difference. Method 'init' in cocos2d-x returns bool, instead of returning 'id' in cocos2d-iphone virtual bool init(); void initPhysics(); virtual void draw(); void addNewSpriteAtPosition(CCPoint p); void update(float dt); virtual void ccTouchesEnded(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event); // there's no 'id' in cpp, so we recommend returning the class instance pointer static cocos2d::CCScene* scene(); // a selector callback void menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender); // implement the "static node()" method manually CREATE_FUNC(HelloWorld); }; #endif // __HELLOWORLD_SCENE_H__
#include "HelloWorldScene.h" USING_NS_CC; #define PTM_RATIO 32 enum { kTagParentNode = 1, }; HelloWorld::HelloWorld() { setTouchEnabled( true ); setAccelerometerEnabled( true ); this->initPhysics(); m_pSpriteTexture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImage("blocks.png"); scheduleUpdate(); } HelloWorld::~HelloWorld() { CC_SAFE_DELETE(world); world = NULL; delete m_debugDraw; } CCScene* HelloWorld::scene() { // 'scene' is an autorelease object CCScene *scene = CCScene::create(); // 'layer' is an autorelease object HelloWorld *layer = HelloWorld::create(); // add layer as a child to scene scene->addChild(layer); // return the scene return scene; } // on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool HelloWorld::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if ( !CCLayer::init() ) { return false; } CCSize visibleSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize(); CCPoint origin = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleOrigin(); ///////////////////////////// // 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program // you may modify it. // add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it's an autorelease object CCMenuItemImage *pCloseItem = CCMenuItemImage::create( "CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png", this, menu_selector(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback)); pCloseItem->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width - pCloseItem->getContentSize().width/2 , origin.y + pCloseItem->getContentSize().height/2)); // create menu, it's an autorelease object CCMenu* pMenu = CCMenu::create(pCloseItem, NULL); pMenu->setPosition(CCPointZero); this->addChild(pMenu, 1); ///////////////////////////// // 3. add your codes below... // add a label shows "Hello World" // create and initialize a label CCLabelTTF* pLabel = CCLabelTTF::create("Box2d Test", "Arial", 24); // position the label on the center of the screen pLabel->setPosition(ccp(origin.x + visibleSize.width/2, origin.y + visibleSize.height - pLabel->getContentSize().height)); // add the label as a child to this layer this->addChild(pLabel, 1); setTouchEnabled( true ); setAccelerometerEnabled( true ); // init physics this->initPhysics(); return true; } void HelloWorld::initPhysics() { CCLOG("Init physics!"); b2Vec2 gravity; gravity.Set(0.0f, -10.0f); world = new b2World(gravity); // Do we want to let bodies sleep? world->SetAllowSleeping(true); world->SetContinuousPhysics(true); m_debugDraw = new GLESDebugDraw( PTM_RATIO ); world->SetDebugDraw(m_debugDraw); uint32 flags = 0; flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit; m_debugDraw->SetFlags(flags); // Define the ground body. b2BodyDef groundBodyDef; groundBodyDef.position.Set(0, 0); // bottom-left corner CCSize screenSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getVisibleSize(); // Call the body factory which allocates memory for the ground body // from a pool and creates the ground box shape (also from a pool). // The body is also added to the world. b2Body* groundBody = world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef); // Define the ground box shape. b2PolygonShape groundBox; groundBox.SetAsBox(screenSize.width, 1.0f); groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0.0f); } void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif } void HelloWorld::update(float dt) { int velocityIterations = 8; int positionIterations = 1; world->Step(dt, velocityIterations, positionIterations); for (b2Body* b = world->GetBodyList(); b; b = b->GetNext()) { if (b->GetUserData() != NULL) { CCSprite* myActor = (CCSprite*)b->GetUserData(); //获取精灵 myActor->setPosition( CCPointMake( b->GetPosition().x * PTM_RATIO, b->GetPosition().y * PTM_RATIO) ); myActor->setRotation( -1 * CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(b->GetAngle()) ); } } } void HelloWorld::draw() { // This is only for debug purposes // It is recommend to disable it CCLayer::draw(); ccGLEnableVertexAttribs( kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position ); kmGLPushMatrix(); world->DrawDebugData(); kmGLPopMatrix(); } void HelloWorld::ccTouchesEnded(CCSet* touches, CCEvent* event) { //Add a new body/atlas sprite at the touched location CCSetIterator it; CCTouch* touch; for( it = touches->begin(); it != touches->end(); it++) { touch = (CCTouch*)(*it); if(!touch) break; CCPoint location = touch->getLocation(); addNewSpriteAtPosition( location ); } } void HelloWorld::addNewSpriteAtPosition(CCPoint p) { CCLOG("Add sprite %0.2f x %02.f",p.x,p.y); // Define the dynamic body. //Set up a 1m squared box in the physics world b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.position.Set(p.x/PTM_RATIO, p.y/PTM_RATIO); b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef); // Define another box shape for our dynamic body. b2PolygonShape dynamicBox; dynamicBox.SetAsBox(.5f, .5f);//These are mid points for our 1m box // Define the dynamic body fixture. b2FixtureDef fixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox; fixtureDef.density = 1.0f; fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f; body->CreateFixture(&fixtureDef); // //We have a 64x64 sprite sheet with 4 different 32x32 images. The following code is // //just randomly picking one of the images int idx = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1); int idy = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1); CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::createWithTexture(m_pSpriteTexture,CCRectMake(32 * idx,32 * idy,32,32)); this->addChild(sprite,1); body->SetUserData(sprite); }
CCLOG("Add sprite %0.2f x %02.f",p.x,p.y);
b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.position.Set(p.x/PTM_RATIO, p.y/PTM_RATIO); b2Body *body = world->CreateBody(&bodyDef);
// Define another box shape for our dynamic body. b2PolygonShape dynamicBox; dynamicBox.SetAsBox(.5f, .5f);//These are mid points for our 1m box // Define the dynamic body fixture. b2FixtureDef fixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = &dynamicBox; fixtureDef.density = 1.0f; fixtureDef.friction = 0.3f; body->CreateFixture(&fixtureDef);
int idx = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1); int idy = (CCRANDOM_0_1() > .5 ? 0:1); CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::createWithTexture(m_pSpriteTexture,CCRectMake(32 * idx,32 * idy,32,32)); this->addChild(sprite,1);
int velocityIterations = 8; int positionIterations = 1; world->Step(dt, velocityIterations, positionIterations);
解释一下b2World, b2Body, b2BodyDef, b2Fixture, b2FixtureDef, shpae之间的关系
学习 Box2D 个人笔记(二)b2body - http://blog.csdn.net/adrianous/article/details/8435156
Cocos2d-x by Example Beginner's Guide
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