备份时报错The log was not truncated because records at the beginning of the log are pending replication.
2016-06-08 04:38:11 7fa7ddd86700 InnoDB: Error: space id and page n:o stored in the page InnoD
修改密码 mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables 报错 mysqld_safe The file /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld
Access restriction: The type * is not accessible due to restrict报错问题(转载的,可以使用) 做NC的时候从别人那拷了个NC_
Some sence are strange in our project. I should make note.Has following methods:ClassA.methodA -- no
环境: mysql主从,一台主机,一台备机。都是虚拟机。 备机仅仅用来备份,不用于业务。 关闭主机mysql服务,关闭主机系统,加内存。、 备机不变。
Sharing bicycles, the Belt and Road Initiative Forum on International Cooperation, artificial intell
MySQL异机迁移后,启动数据库报错 # /data/mysql_57_software/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my331
今天晚上要做一个开启MySQL bin-log日志的变更。在关闭数据库后,修改参数文件,在mysqld下加上(一定要在mysqld下加上),即可开启mysql的binlog日志[mysqld]log-