由此可以看出其最终都转移成Command Tree 然后再转换成对应数据库的T-SQL语句,本质差别不大,但是有时执行特殊查询语句的时候还是有点不一样的,因为Entity SQL的T-SQL语句是我们自己定义的,而LINQ to Entity最后转换的T-SQL语句是由Entity引擎转换的,有时我们用SQL Server Profiler检测执行的SQL语句的时候LINQ to Entity执行的SQL往往让我们不容易理解,所以在需要对某些查询/修改/更新执行操作的时候如果发现执行效率不高的话可以考虑使用Entity SQL自定义执行SQL语句,下边贴出点代码:
1.LINQ TO Entity
string city = "London"; using (Entities entities = new Entities()) { var query = from c in entities.Customers where c.Address.City == city select c; foreach (Customers c in query) Console.WriteLine(c.CompanyName); }
2.Entity SQL(注意SQL语句哦)
string city = "London"; using (Entities entities = new Entities()) { ObjectQuery<Customers> query = entities.CreateQuery<Customers>( "SELECT VALUE c FROM Customers AS c WHERE c.Address.City = @city",new ObjectParameter("city", city) ); foreach (Customers c in query) Console.WriteLine(c.CompanyName); }