这篇文章主要讲解了“PostgreSQL中Pluggable storage for tables的实现方法是什么”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“PostgreSQL中Pluggable storage for tables的实现方法是什么”吧!
PostgreSQL 12 beta 1 已于近期发布,此版本包含了众多新特性,其中可插拔表存储接口允许创建和使用不同的表存储方式,该特性的详细描述如下:
Pluggable storage for tables
PostgreSQL 12 引入了可插入表存储接口,允许创建和使用不同的表存储方法。可以使用 CREATE ACCESS METHOD 命令将新的访问方法添加到 PostgreSQL 集群,然后将其添加到 CREATE TABLE 上具有新 USING 子句的表中。可以通过创建新的表访问方法来定义表存储接口。在 PostgreSQL 12 中,默认使用的存储接口是堆访问方法,它目前是唯一的内置方法。
在创建/初始化relation时,指定access method,相应的源文件为relcache.c
1.在RelationBuildLocalRelation方法中,调用RelationInitTableAccessMethod初始化Table Access Method
RelationBuildLocalRelation(const char *relname,
Oid relnamespace,
TupleDesc tupDesc,
Oid relid,
Oid accessmtd,
Oid relfilenode,
Oid reltablespace,
bool shared_relation,
bool mapped_relation,
char relpersistence,
char relkind)
if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE ||
* Initialize table access method support for a table like relation
* 初始化表访问方法
RelationInitTableAccessMethod(Relation relation)
HeapTuple tuple;
Form_pg_am aform;
if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)//序列号
* Sequences are currently accessed like heap tables, but it doesn't
* seem prudent to show that in the catalog. So just overwrite it
* here.
//设置access method handler
relation->rd_amhandler = HEAP_TABLE_AM_HANDLER_OID;
else if (IsCatalogRelation(relation))//系统表
* Avoid doing a syscache lookup for catalog tables.
Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam == HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID);
relation->rd_amhandler = HEAP_TABLE_AM_HANDLER_OID;
* Look up the table access method, save the OID of its handler
* function.
Assert(relation->rd_rel->relam != InvalidOid);
tuple = SearchSysCache1(AMOID,
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for access method %u",
aform = (Form_pg_am) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
relation->rd_amhandler = aform->amhandler;
* Now we can fetch the table AM's API struct
* Fill in the TableAmRoutine for a relation
* relation's rd_amhandler must be valid already.
static void
InitTableAmRoutine(Relation relation)
relation->rd_tableam = GetTableAmRoutine(relation->rd_amhandler);
static void
formrdesc(const char *relationName, Oid relationReltype,
bool isshared,
int natts, const FormData_pg_attribute *attrs)
* initialize the table am handler
relation->rd_rel->relam = HEAP_TABLE_AM_OID;
relation->rd_tableam = GetHeapamTableAmRoutine();
const TableAmRoutine *
return &heapam_methods;
heapam_methods是TableAmRoutine结构体,定义了一套heap access method,函数指针指向heap_XXX函数.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Definition of the heap table access method.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const TableAmRoutine heapam_methods = {
.type = T_TableAmRoutine,
.slot_callbacks = heapam_slot_callbacks,
.scan_begin = heap_beginscan,
.scan_end = heap_endscan,
.scan_rescan = heap_rescan,
.scan_getnextslot = heap_getnextslot,
.parallelscan_estimate = table_block_parallelscan_estimate,
.parallelscan_initialize = table_block_parallelscan_initialize,
.parallelscan_reinitialize = table_block_parallelscan_reinitialize,
.index_fetch_begin = heapam_index_fetch_begin,
.index_fetch_reset = heapam_index_fetch_reset,
.index_fetch_end = heapam_index_fetch_end,
.index_fetch_tuple = heapam_index_fetch_tuple,
.tuple_insert = heapam_tuple_insert,
.tuple_insert_speculative = heapam_tuple_insert_speculative,
.tuple_complete_speculative = heapam_tuple_complete_speculative,
.multi_insert = heap_multi_insert,
.tuple_delete = heapam_tuple_delete,
.tuple_update = heapam_tuple_update,
.tuple_lock = heapam_tuple_lock,
.finish_bulk_insert = heapam_finish_bulk_insert,
.tuple_fetch_row_version = heapam_fetch_row_version,
.tuple_get_latest_tid = heap_get_latest_tid,
.tuple_tid_valid = heapam_tuple_tid_valid,
.tuple_satisfies_snapshot = heapam_tuple_satisfies_snapshot,
.compute_xid_horizon_for_tuples = heap_compute_xid_horizon_for_tuples,
.relation_set_new_filenode = heapam_relation_set_new_filenode,
.relation_nontransactional_truncate = heapam_relation_nontransactional_truncate,
.relation_copy_data = heapam_relation_copy_data,
.relation_copy_for_cluster = heapam_relation_copy_for_cluster,
.relation_vacuum = heap_vacuum_rel,
.scan_analyze_next_block = heapam_scan_analyze_next_block,
.scan_analyze_next_tuple = heapam_scan_analyze_next_tuple,
.index_build_range_scan = heapam_index_build_range_scan,
.index_validate_scan = heapam_index_validate_scan,
.relation_size = heapam_relation_size,
.relation_estimate_size = heapam_estimate_rel_size,
.scan_bitmap_next_block = heapam_scan_bitmap_next_block,
.scan_bitmap_next_tuple = heapam_scan_bitmap_next_tuple,
.scan_sample_next_block = heapam_scan_sample_next_block,
.scan_sample_next_tuple = heapam_scan_sample_next_tuple
TableAmRoutine结构体封装了table access method,如需自定义storage接口,则需实现(部分)该结构体中定义的函数,在创建表时指定自定义的存储引擎,指向自定义的access method.
* API struct for a table AM. Note this must be allocated in a
* server-lifetime manner, typically as a static const struct, which then gets
* returned by FormData_pg_am.amhandler.
* In most cases it's not appropriate to call the callbacks directly, use the
* table_* wrapper functions instead.
* GetTableAmRoutine() asserts that required callbacks are filled in, remember
* to update when adding a callback.
typedef struct TableAmRoutine
/* this must be set to T_TableAmRoutine */
NodeTag type;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Slot related callbacks.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Return slot implementation suitable for storing a tuple of this AM.
const TupleTableSlotOps *(*slot_callbacks) (Relation rel);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Table scan callbacks.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Start a scan of `rel`. The callback has to return a TableScanDesc,
* which will typically be embedded in a larger, AM specific, struct.
* If nkeys != 0, the results need to be filtered by those scan keys.
* pscan, if not NULL, will have already been initialized with
* parallelscan_initialize(), and has to be for the same relation. Will
* only be set coming from table_beginscan_parallel().
* `flags` is a bitmask indicating the type of scan (ScanOptions's
* SO_TYPE_*, currently only one may be specified), options controlling
* the scan's behaviour (ScanOptions's SO_ALLOW_*, several may be
* specified, an AM may ignore unsupported ones) and whether the snapshot
* needs to be deallocated at scan_end (ScanOptions's SO_TEMP_SNAPSHOT).
TableScanDesc (*scan_begin) (Relation rel,
Snapshot snapshot,
int nkeys, struct ScanKeyData *key,
ParallelTableScanDesc pscan,
uint32 flags);
* Release resources and deallocate scan. If TableScanDesc.temp_snap,
* TableScanDesc.rs_snapshot needs to be unregistered.
void (*scan_end) (TableScanDesc scan);
* Restart relation scan. If set_params is set to true, allow_{strat,
* sync, pagemode} (see scan_begin) changes should be taken into account.
void (*scan_rescan) (TableScanDesc scan, struct ScanKeyData *key,
bool set_params, bool allow_strat,
bool allow_sync, bool allow_pagemode);
* Return next tuple from `scan`, store in slot.
bool (*scan_getnextslot) (TableScanDesc scan,
ScanDirection direction,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Parallel table scan related functions.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Estimate the size of shared memory needed for a parallel scan of this
* relation. The snapshot does not need to be accounted for.
Size (*parallelscan_estimate) (Relation rel);
* Initialize ParallelTableScanDesc for a parallel scan of this relation.
* `pscan` will be sized according to parallelscan_estimate() for the same
* relation.
Size (*parallelscan_initialize) (Relation rel,
ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
* Reinitialize `pscan` for a new scan. `rel` will be the same relation as
* when `pscan` was initialized by parallelscan_initialize.
void (*parallelscan_reinitialize) (Relation rel,
ParallelTableScanDesc pscan);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Index Scan Callbacks
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prepare to fetch tuples from the relation, as needed when fetching
* tuples for an index scan. The callback has to return an
* IndexFetchTableData, which the AM will typically embed in a larger
* structure with additional information.
* Tuples for an index scan can then be fetched via index_fetch_tuple.
struct IndexFetchTableData *(*index_fetch_begin) (Relation rel);
* Reset index fetch. Typically this will release cross index fetch
* resources held in IndexFetchTableData.
void (*index_fetch_reset) (struct IndexFetchTableData *data);
* Release resources and deallocate index fetch.
void (*index_fetch_end) (struct IndexFetchTableData *data);
* Fetch tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing a visibility test
* according to `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed the visibility
* test, return true, false otherwise.
* Note that AMs that do not necessarily update indexes when indexed
* columns do not change, need to return the current/correct version of
* the tuple that is visible to the snapshot, even if the tid points to an
* older version of the tuple.
* *call_again is false on the first call to index_fetch_tuple for a tid.
* If there potentially is another tuple matching the tid, *call_again
* needs be set to true by index_fetch_tuple, signalling to the caller
* that index_fetch_tuple should be called again for the same tid.
* *all_dead, if all_dead is not NULL, should be set to true by
* index_fetch_tuple iff it is guaranteed that no backend needs to see
* that tuple. Index AMs can use that do avoid returning that tid in
* future searches.
bool (*index_fetch_tuple) (struct IndexFetchTableData *scan,
ItemPointer tid,
Snapshot snapshot,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
bool *call_again, bool *all_dead);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Callbacks for non-modifying operations on individual tuples
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fetch tuple at `tid` into `slot`, after doing a visibility test
* according to `snapshot`. If a tuple was found and passed the visibility
* test, returns true, false otherwise.
bool (*tuple_fetch_row_version) (Relation rel,
ItemPointer tid,
Snapshot snapshot,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
* Is tid valid for a scan of this relation.
bool (*tuple_tid_valid) (TableScanDesc scan,
ItemPointer tid);
* Return the latest version of the tuple at `tid`, by updating `tid` to
* point at the newest version.
void (*tuple_get_latest_tid) (TableScanDesc scan,
ItemPointer tid);
* Does the tuple in `slot` satisfy `snapshot`? The slot needs to be of
* the appropriate type for the AM.
bool (*tuple_satisfies_snapshot) (Relation rel,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
Snapshot snapshot);
/* see table_compute_xid_horizon_for_tuples() */
TransactionId (*compute_xid_horizon_for_tuples) (Relation rel,
ItemPointerData *items,
int nitems);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Manipulations of physical tuples.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* see table_insert() for reference about parameters */
void (*tuple_insert) (Relation rel, TupleTableSlot *slot,
CommandId cid, int options,
struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate);
/* see table_insert_speculative() for reference about parameters */
void (*tuple_insert_speculative) (Relation rel,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
CommandId cid,
int options,
struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate,
uint32 specToken);
/* see table_complete_speculative() for reference about parameters */
void (*tuple_complete_speculative) (Relation rel,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
uint32 specToken,
bool succeeded);
/* see table_multi_insert() for reference about parameters */
void (*multi_insert) (Relation rel, TupleTableSlot **slots, int nslots,
CommandId cid, int options, struct BulkInsertStateData *bistate);
/* see table_delete() for reference about parameters */
TM_Result (*tuple_delete) (Relation rel,
ItemPointer tid,
CommandId cid,
Snapshot snapshot,
Snapshot crosscheck,
bool wait,
TM_FailureData *tmfd,
bool changingPart);
/* see table_update() for reference about parameters */
TM_Result (*tuple_update) (Relation rel,
ItemPointer otid,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
CommandId cid,
Snapshot snapshot,
Snapshot crosscheck,
bool wait,
TM_FailureData *tmfd,
LockTupleMode *lockmode,
bool *update_indexes);
/* see table_lock_tuple() for reference about parameters */
TM_Result (*tuple_lock) (Relation rel,
ItemPointer tid,
Snapshot snapshot,
TupleTableSlot *slot,
CommandId cid,
LockTupleMode mode,
LockWaitPolicy wait_policy,
uint8 flags,
TM_FailureData *tmfd);
* Perform operations necessary to complete insertions made via
* tuple_insert and multi_insert with a BulkInsertState specified. This
* may for example be used to flush the relation, when the
* TABLE_INSERT_SKIP_WAL option was used.
* Typically callers of tuple_insert and multi_insert will just pass all
* the flags that apply to them, and each AM has to decide which of them
* make sense for it, and then only take actions in finish_bulk_insert for
* those flags, and ignore others.
* Optional callback.
void (*finish_bulk_insert) (Relation rel, int options);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DDL related functionality.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This callback needs to create a new relation filenode for `rel`, with
* appropriate durability behaviour for `persistence`.
* Note that only the subset of the relcache filled by
* RelationBuildLocalRelation() can be relied upon and that the relation's
* catalog entries either will either not yet exist (new relation), or
* will still reference the old relfilenode.
* As output *freezeXid, *minmulti must be set to the values appropriate
* for pg_class.{relfrozenxid, relminmxid}. For AMs that don't need those
* fields to be filled they can be set to InvalidTransactionId and
* InvalidMultiXactId, respectively.
* See also table_relation_set_new_filenode().
void (*relation_set_new_filenode) (Relation rel,
const RelFileNode *newrnode,
char persistence,
TransactionId *freezeXid,
MultiXactId *minmulti);
* This callback needs to remove all contents from `rel`'s current
* relfilenode. No provisions for transactional behaviour need to be made.
* Often this can be implemented by truncating the underlying storage to
* its minimal size.
* See also table_relation_nontransactional_truncate().
void (*relation_nontransactional_truncate) (Relation rel);
* See table_relation_copy_data().
* This can typically be implemented by directly copying the underlying
* storage, unless it contains references to the tablespace internally.
void (*relation_copy_data) (Relation rel,
const RelFileNode *newrnode);
/* See table_relation_copy_for_cluster() */
void (*relation_copy_for_cluster) (Relation NewHeap,
Relation OldHeap,
Relation OldIndex,
bool use_sort,
TransactionId OldestXmin,
TransactionId *xid_cutoff,
MultiXactId *multi_cutoff,
double *num_tuples,
double *tups_vacuumed,
double *tups_recently_dead);
* React to VACUUM command on the relation. The VACUUM might be user
* triggered or by autovacuum. The specific actions performed by the AM
* will depend heavily on the individual AM.
* On entry a transaction is already established, and the relation is
* locked with a ShareUpdateExclusive lock.
* Note that neither VACUUM FULL (and CLUSTER), nor ANALYZE go through
* this routine, even if (for ANALYZE) it is part of the same VACUUM
* command.
* There probably, in the future, needs to be a separate callback to
* integrate with autovacuum's scheduling.
void (*relation_vacuum) (Relation onerel,
struct VacuumParams *params,
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
* Prepare to analyze block `blockno` of `scan`. The scan has been started
* with table_beginscan_analyze(). See also
* table_scan_analyze_next_block().
* The callback may acquire resources like locks that are held until
* table_scan_analyze_next_tuple() returns false. It e.g. can make sense
* to hold a lock until all tuples on a block have been analyzed by
* scan_analyze_next_tuple.
* The callback can return false if the block is not suitable for
* sampling, e.g. because it's a metapage that could never contain tuples.
* XXX: This obviously is primarily suited for block-based AMs. It's not
* clear what a good interface for non block based AMs would be, so there
* isn't one yet.
bool (*scan_analyze_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
BlockNumber blockno,
BufferAccessStrategy bstrategy);
* See table_scan_analyze_next_tuple().
* Not every AM might have a meaningful concept of dead rows, in which
* case it's OK to not increment *deadrows - but note that that may
* influence autovacuum scheduling (see comment for relation_vacuum
* callback).
bool (*scan_analyze_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
TransactionId OldestXmin,
double *liverows,
double *deadrows,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
/* see table_index_build_range_scan for reference about parameters */
double (*index_build_range_scan) (Relation heap_rel,
Relation index_rel,
struct IndexInfo *index_nfo,
bool allow_sync,
bool anyvisible,
bool progress,
BlockNumber start_blockno,
BlockNumber end_blockno,
IndexBuildCallback callback,
void *callback_state,
TableScanDesc scan);
/* see table_index_validate_scan for reference about parameters */
void (*index_validate_scan) (Relation heap_rel,
Relation index_rel,
struct IndexInfo *index_info,
Snapshot snapshot,
struct ValidateIndexState *state);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Miscellaneous functions.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See table_relation_size().
* Note that currently a few callers use the MAIN_FORKNUM size to figure
* out the range of potentially interesting blocks (brin, analyze). It's
* probable that we'll need to revise the interface for those at some
* point.
uint64 (*relation_size) (Relation rel, ForkNumber forkNumber);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Planner related functions.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* See table_relation_estimate_size().
* While block oriented, it shouldn't be too hard for an AM that doesn't
* doesn't internally use blocks to convert into a usable representation.
* This differs from the relation_size callback by returning size
* estimates (both relation size and tuple count) for planning purposes,
* rather than returning a currently correct estimate.
void (*relation_estimate_size) (Relation rel, int32 *attr_widths,
BlockNumber *pages, double *tuples,
double *allvisfrac);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Executor related functions.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prepare to fetch / check / return tuples from `tbmres->blockno` as part
* of a bitmap table scan. `scan` was started via table_beginscan_bm().
* Return false if there are no tuples to be found on the page, true
* otherwise.
* This will typically read and pin the target block, and do the necessary
* work to allow scan_bitmap_next_tuple() to return tuples (e.g. it might
* make sense to perform tuple visibility checks at this time). For some
* AMs it will make more sense to do all the work referencing `tbmres`
* contents here, for others it might be better to defer more work to
* scan_bitmap_next_tuple.
* If `tbmres->blockno` is -1, this is a lossy scan and all visible tuples
* on the page have to be returned, otherwise the tuples at offsets in
* `tbmres->offsets` need to be returned.
* XXX: Currently this may only be implemented if the AM uses md.c as its
* storage manager, and uses ItemPointer->ip_blkid in a manner that maps
* blockids directly to the underlying storage. nodeBitmapHeapscan.c
* performs prefetching directly using that interface. This probably
* needs to be rectified at a later point.
* XXX: Currently this may only be implemented if the AM uses the
* visibilitymap, as nodeBitmapHeapscan.c unconditionally accesses it to
* perform prefetching. This probably needs to be rectified at a later
* point.
* Optional callback, but either both scan_bitmap_next_block and
* scan_bitmap_next_tuple need to exist, or neither.
bool (*scan_bitmap_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres);
* Fetch the next tuple of a bitmap table scan into `slot` and return true
* if a visible tuple was found, false otherwise.
* For some AMs it will make more sense to do all the work referencing
* `tbmres` contents in scan_bitmap_next_block, for others it might be
* better to defer more work to this callback.
* Optional callback, but either both scan_bitmap_next_block and
* scan_bitmap_next_tuple need to exist, or neither.
bool (*scan_bitmap_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
struct TBMIterateResult *tbmres,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
* Prepare to fetch tuples from the next block in a sample scan. Return
* false if the sample scan is finished, true otherwise. `scan` was
* started via table_beginscan_sampling().
* Typically this will first determine the target block by call the
* TsmRoutine's NextSampleBlock() callback if not NULL, or alternatively
* perform a sequential scan over all blocks. The determined block is
* then typically read and pinned.
* As the TsmRoutine interface is block based, a block needs to be passed
* to NextSampleBlock(). If that's not appropriate for an AM, it
* internally needs to perform mapping between the internal and a block
* based representation.
* Note that it's not acceptable to hold deadlock prone resources such as
* lwlocks until scan_sample_next_tuple() has exhausted the tuples on the
* block - the tuple is likely to be returned to an upper query node, and
* the next call could be off a long while. Holding buffer pins and such
* is obviously OK.
* Currently it is required to implement this interface, as there's no
* alternative way (contrary e.g. to bitmap scans) to implement sample
* scans. If infeasible to implement the AM may raise an error.
bool (*scan_sample_next_block) (TableScanDesc scan,
struct SampleScanState *scanstate);
* This callback, only called after scan_sample_next_block has returned
* true, should determine the next tuple to be returned from the selected
* block using the TsmRoutine's NextSampleTuple() callback.
* The callback needs to perform visibility checks, and only return
* visible tuples. That obviously can mean calling NextSampletuple()
* multiple times.
* The TsmRoutine interface assumes that there's a maximum offset on a
* given page, so if that doesn't apply to an AM, it needs to emulate that
* assumption somehow.
bool (*scan_sample_next_tuple) (TableScanDesc scan,
struct SampleScanState *scanstate,
TupleTableSlot *slot);
} TableAmRoutine;
感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“PostgreSQL中Pluggable storage for tables的实现方法是什么”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对PostgreSQL中Pluggable storage for tables的实现方法是什么这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是亿速云,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!
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