对于第一次块报告,代码调用流程为:NameNodeRpcServer.blockReport()->BlockManager. processReport()->BlockManager.processFirstBlockReport().对Standby节点,如果报告的数据块所相关元数据日志从节点还没有加载完毕,则会将报告的块信息加入一个队列,当Standby节点加载元数据后,再处理该消息队列,第一次块报告处理详细代码如下,可以看到,为了提高报告速度,只有简单的几步进行块报告处理,仅有验证块是否损坏,然后直接判断块状态是否为FINALIZED状态,如果是,就直接建立块与DN节点的映射。
[java] view plain copy
private void processFirstBlockReport(final DatanodeDescriptor node,
final BlockListAsLongs report) throws IOException {
if (report == null) return;
assert (namesystem.hasWriteLock());
assert (node.numBlocks() == 0);
BlockReportIterator itBR = report.getBlockReportIterator();
while(itBR.hasNext()) {
Block iblk = itBR.next();
ReplicaState reportedState = itBR.getCurrentReplicaState();
if (shouldPostponeBlocksFromFuture&&
namesystem.isGenStampInFuture(iblk.getGenerationStamp())) {
queueReportedBlock(node, iblk, reportedState,
BlockInfo storedBlock = blocksMap.getStoredBlock(iblk);
// If block does not belong to any file, we are done.
if (storedBlock == null) continue;
// If block is corrupt, mark it and continue to next block.
BlockUCState ucState = storedBlock.getBlockUCState();
BlockToMarkCorrupt c = checkReplicaCorrupt(
iblk, reportedState, storedBlock, ucState, node);
if (c != null) {
if (shouldPostponeBlocksFromFuture) {
// In the Standby, we may receive a block report for a file that we
// just have an out-of-date gen-stamp or state for, for example.
queueReportedBlock(node, iblk, reportedState,
} else {
markBlockAsCorrupt(c, node);
// If block is under construction, add this replica to its list
if (isBlockUnderConstruction(storedBlock, ucState, reportedState)) {
node, iblk, reportedState);
//and fall through to next clause
//add replica if appropriate
if (reportedState == ReplicaState.FINALIZED) {
addStoredBlockImmediate(storedBlock, node);
[java] view plain copy
private void processReport(final DatanodeDescriptor node,
final BlockListAsLongs report) throws IOException {
// Normal case:
// Modify the (block-->datanode) map, according to the difference
// between the old and new block report.
Collection<BlockInfo> toAdd = new LinkedList<BlockInfo>();
Collection<Block> toRemove = new LinkedList<Block>();
Collection<Block> toInvalidate = new LinkedList<Block>();
Collection<BlockToMarkCorrupt> toCorrupt = new LinkedList<BlockToMarkCorrupt>();
Collection<StatefulBlockInfo> toUC = new LinkedList<StatefulBlockInfo>();
reportDiff(node, report, toAdd, toRemove, toInvalidate, toCorrupt, toUC);
// Process the blocks on each queue
for (StatefulBlockInfo b : toUC) {
addStoredBlockUnderConstruction(b.storedBlock, node, b.reportedState);
for (Block b : toRemove) {
removeStoredBlock(b, node);
for (BlockInfo b : toAdd) {
addStoredBlock(b, node, null, true);
for (Block b : toInvalidate) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* processReport: block "
+ b + " on " + node + " size " + b.getNumBytes()
+ " does not belong to any file.");
addToInvalidates(b, node);
for (BlockToMarkCorrupt b : toCorrupt) {
markBlockAsCorrupt(b, node);
[java] view plain copy
private void reportDiff(DatanodeDescriptor dn,
BlockListAsLongs newReport,
Collection<BlockInfo> toAdd, // add to DatanodeDescriptor
Collection<Block> toRemove, // remove from DatanodeDescriptor
Collection<Block> toInvalidate, // should be removed from DN
Collection<BlockToMarkCorrupt> toCorrupt, // add to corrupt replicas list
Collection<StatefulBlockInfo> toUC) { // add to under-construction list
// place a delimiter分隔符 in the list which separates blocks
// that have been reported from those that have not
BlockInfo delimiter = new BlockInfo(new Block(), 1);
boolean added = dn.addBlock(delimiter);
assert added : "Delimiting block cannot be present in the node";
int headIndex = 0; //currently the delimiter is in the head of the list
int curIndex;
if (newReport == null)
newReport = new BlockListAsLongs();
// scan the report and process newly reported blocks
BlockReportIterator itBR = newReport.getBlockReportIterator();
while(itBR.hasNext()) {
Block iblk = itBR.next();
ReplicaState iState = itBR.getCurrentReplicaState();
BlockInfo storedBlock = processReportedBlock(dn, iblk, iState,
toAdd, toInvalidate, toCorrupt, toUC);
// move block to the head of the list
if (storedBlock != null && (curIndex = storedBlock.findDatanode(dn)) >= 0) {
headIndex = dn.moveBlockToHead(storedBlock, curIndex, headIndex);
// collect blocks that have not been reported
// all of them are next to the delimiter
Iterator<? extends Block> it = new DatanodeDescriptor.BlockIterator(
delimiter.getNext(0), dn);
相比于全量块报告方式,增量报告报告DN节点很短时间内已经接收完成,或者正在接受或者删除的块,而且为了提高文件上传的效率, DN节点应该尽快将接受到的块报告给NameNode,现在引入了RECEIVING_BLOCK这个一个块状态,有可能就是为了提高写入速度。
正在接收的块与已经接收完的块,除了在数据块状态不一样外,其他基本相同,其接收块代码调用流程如下:NameNodeRpcServer.blockReceivedAndDeleted()->BlockManager.processIncrementalBlockReport()->BlockManager. addBlock()->BlockManager.processAndHandleReportedBlock()->BlockManager.processReportedBlock(),在方法processReportedBlock中,首先判断报告的块是否元数据已经从主节点读取到,如果没有加入消息列表
[java] view plain copy
if (shouldPostponeBlocksFromFuture &&
namesystem.isGenStampInFuture(block.getGenerationStamp())) {
queueReportedBlock(dn, block, reportedState,
return null;
<br font-size:16px;white-space:normal;background-color:#FFFFFF;" />然后从blocksMap中查询到数据块对于文件inode,判断文件是否存在;如果判断块属于损害块,冗余分数是否不够等情况,如果块一切正常,且状态为完成,将将其加入blocksMap等集合列表。具体代码如下:
[java] view plain copy
BlockToMarkCorrupt c = checkReplicaCorrupt(
block, reportedState, storedBlock, ucState, dn);
if (c != null) {
if (shouldPostponeBlocksFromFuture) {
// If the block is an out-of-date generation stamp or state,
// but we're the standby, we shouldn't treat it as corrupt,
// but instead just queue it for later processing.
queueReportedBlock(dn, storedBlock, reportedState,
} else {
return storedBlock;
if (isBlockUnderConstruction(storedBlock, ucState, reportedState)) {
toUC.add(new StatefulBlockInfo(
(BlockInfoUnderConstruction)storedBlock, reportedState));
return storedBlock;
//add replica if appropriate
if (reportedState == ReplicaState.FINALIZED
&& storedBlock.findDatanode(dn) < 0) {
return storedBlock;
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