[root@syk ~]# cat get_list.sh
set -x
if [ $# != 1 ] ; then
echo "USAGE: $0 slow.log"
echo " e.g.: $0 api-db1-slow.log"
exit 1;
pt-query-digest --limit 10000 $slow_file > /tmp/tmp_file
bn=`grep -n "# 1 0x" /tmp/tmp_file|awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
tn=`grep -n "# Query 1:" /tmp/tmp_file |awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
en=`expr $tn - 2`
sed -n "$bn,$en"p /tmp/tmp_file > /tmp/table_file
cat /tmp/table_file|awk '{print $6","$9","$10}' > /tmp/table_source
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -pxxxxxxxx -S /tmp/mysql_3308.sock <<EOF
use sykdb;
drop table slow_log;
create table slow_log (
cnt varchar(30),
type varchar(30),
tname varchar(30)
drop table slow_table;
create table slow_table (
tname varchar(30),
select_cnt varchar(30),
insert_cnt varchar(30),
update_cnt varchar(30),
delete_cnt varchar(30)
load data infile '/tmp/table_source' into table slow_log FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';
delete from slow_log where type='';
insert into slow_table(tname) select distinct(tname) from slow_log;
update slow_table t set t.select_cnt=(select sum(cnt) from slow_log l where l.type='select' and l.tname=t.tname group by l.tname);
update slow_table t set t.insert_cnt=(select sum(cnt) from slow_log l where l.type='insert' and l.tname=t.tname group by l.tname);
update slow_table t set t.update_cnt=(select sum(cnt) from slow_log l where l.type='update' and l.tname=t.tname group by l.tname);
update slow_table t set t.delete_cnt=(select sum(cnt) from slow_log l where l.type='delete' and l.tname=t.tname group by l.tname);
select * from slow_table;
#end of script
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