1:select sno,sname from student where sage between 20 and 30 ----查询出20到30之间年纪的人员
2:select sno,sname from student where sage is null -----从student表中查询出年纪为空的人员
3:select sno,sname from student where sname="cary" or sname="mina" or sname "amy" ----查询出cary,mina,amy的学号和 名字
还可以使用 select sno,sname from student where sname in('cary','mina','amy') 可以实现同样的功能
select 部分
1:AS 可以为字段重命名
2:distinct 去重复值
3:聚合函数() avg(),max(),min(),sum(),count()
4:TOP 5 前5行数据 select top 5 sno,sname from student
5:Into select top 5 into testtable from student 把查询的TOP 5数据存到testtable表中,该testtable表存在于
select sno,sname,sage,sex into test table02 from student where 1<>1 ------获取student表结构
From 部分
select bookname from book as t1,borrowbook as t2 where t1.id=t2.id ----为book表重命名T1 borrowbook 为t2
select distinct bookname from book as t1 ,(select distinct bookid from borrowbook) as t2 where t1.bookid=t2.bookid
where 部分
1:数字 :=,>,<>,<,!=,>=,<=
2:逻辑运算符 NOT ,OR ,AND
3:特殊运算符:Between A and B,IN, Like
通配符 % 表示任意多个字符,也可以表示0个字符
_ 下划线 表示任意单个字符
^ 表示取相反值 ^5 ----取不是5的值
select sname from student where smobile like '13[45]%[45]___'
select sname from student where smobile like '%[^45]_ _ _'
contains 包含 需要使用全文索引
select sname from student where contains (sname,'覃') -----查询名字包含覃的名字
select sname,max(age) from student
1:group by
select sex,count(*) from student group by sex -----用group by 进行分组统计,group by只能包含的分组字段和需要
查询sql server的版本号
select @@version