package storm.contrib.hbase.bolts;
import static backtype.storm.utils.Utils.tuple;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.topology.IBasicBolt;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import storm.contrib.hbase.utils.HBaseCommunicator;
import storm.contrib.hbase.utils.HBaseConnector;
* Reads the specified column of HBase table and emits the row key and the column values in the form of tuples
public class HBaseColumnValueLookUpBolt implements IBasicBolt {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String tableName = null, colFamilyName = null, colName = null, rowKeyField = null, columnValue = null;
private static transient HBaseConnector connector = null;
private static transient HBaseConfiguration conf = null;
private static transient HBaseCommunicator communicator = null;
OutputCollector _collector;
* Constructor initializes the variables storing the hbase table information and connects to hbase
public HBaseColumnValueLookUpBolt(final String hbaseXmlLocation, final String rowKeyField, final String tableName, final String colFamilyName, final String colName) {
this.tableName = tableName;
this.colFamilyName = colFamilyName;
this.colName = colName;
this.rowKeyField = rowKeyField;
connector = new HBaseConnector();
conf = connector.getHBaseConf(hbaseXmlLocation);
communicator = new HBaseCommunicator(conf);
* emits the value of the column with name @colName and rowkey @rowKey
* @see backtype.storm.topology.IBasicBolt#execute(backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple, backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector)
public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
String rowKey = input.getStringByField(this.rowKeyField);
columnValue = communicator.getColEntry(this.tableName, rowKey, this.colFamilyName, this.colName);
collector.emit(tuple(rowKey, columnValue));
public void prepare(Map confMap, TopologyContext context,
OutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
public void cleanup() {
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
declarer.declare(new Fields("rowKey", "columnValue"));
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
Map<String, Object> map = null;
return map;
public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context) {
package storm.contrib.hbase.bolts;
import static backtype.storm.utils.Utils.tuple;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration;
import backtype.storm.task.OutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.topology.IBasicBolt;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple;
import storm.contrib.hbase.utils.HBaseCommunicator;
import storm.contrib.hbase.utils.HBaseConnector;
* Reads the specified column of HBase table and emits the row key and the column values in the form of tuples
public class HBaseColumnValueLookUpBolt implements IBasicBolt {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String tableName = null, colFamilyName = null, colName = null, rowKeyField = null, columnValue = null;
private static transient HBaseConnector connector = null;
private static transient HBaseConfiguration conf = null;
private static transient HBaseCommunicator communicator = null;
OutputCollector _collector;
* Constructor initializes the variables storing the hbase table information and connects to hbase
public HBaseColumnValueLookUpBolt(final String hbaseXmlLocation, final String rowKeyField, final String tableName, final String colFamilyName, final String colName) {
this.tableName = tableName;
this.colFamilyName = colFamilyName;
this.colName = colName;
this.rowKeyField = rowKeyField;
connector = new HBaseConnector();
conf = connector.getHBaseConf(hbaseXmlLocation);
communicator = new HBaseCommunicator(conf);
* emits the value of the column with name @colName and rowkey @rowKey
* @see backtype.storm.topology.IBasicBolt#execute(backtype.storm.tuple.Tuple, backtype.storm.topology.BasicOutputCollector)
public void execute(Tuple input, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
String rowKey = input.getStringByField(this.rowKeyField);
//通过指定我们的 表名,行键,列族,列名,直接通过communitor拿到列的值。
columnValue = communicator.getColEntry(this.tableName, rowKey, this.colFamilyName, this.colName);
collector.emit(tuple(rowKey, columnValue));
public void prepare(Map confMap, TopologyContext context,
OutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
public void cleanup() {
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
declarer.declare(new Fields("rowKey", "columnValue"));
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
Map<String, Object> map = null;
return map;
public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context) {
package storm.contrib.hbase.spouts;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.IRichSpout;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
这个Spout主要是用来发射 Hbase的RowKey,rowkey的集合为自己设置的。
* Spout emitting tuples containing the rowkey of the hbase table
public class RowKeyEmitterSpout implements IRichSpout {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6814162766489261607L;
public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RowKeyEmitterSpout.class);
boolean _isDistributed;
SpoutOutputCollector _collector;
public RowKeyEmitterSpout() {
public RowKeyEmitterSpout(boolean isDistributed) {
_isDistributed = isDistributed;
public boolean isDistributed() {
return _isDistributed;
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
public void close() {
public void nextTuple() {
final String[] words = new String[] {"rowKey1", "rowKey2", "rowKey3", "rowKey4"};
final Random rand = new Random();
final String word = words[rand.nextInt(words.length)];
_collector.emit(new Values(word), UUID.randomUUID());
public void ack(Object msgId) {
public void fail(Object msgId) {
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
declarer.declare(new Fields("word"));
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
return null;
// 我们用来简单的测试系统的代码,测试接口是否正确
package storm.contrib.hbase.spouts;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import backtype.storm.spout.SpoutOutputCollector;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.topology.IRichSpout;
import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Values;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
public class TestSpout implements IRichSpout {
SpoutOutputCollector _collector;
Random _rand;
int count = 0;
public boolean isDistributed() {
return true;
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
_rand = new Random();
public void nextTuple() {
String[] words = new String[] { "hello", "tiwari", "indore", "jayati"};
Integer[] numbers = new Integer[] {
if(count == numbers.length -1) {
count = 0;
count ++;
int number = numbers[count];
String word = words[count];
int randomNum = (int) (Math.random()*1000);
_collector.emit(new Values(word, number));
public void close() {
public void ack(Object id) {
public void fail(Object id) {
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
declarer.declare(new Fields("word", "number"));
public void activate() {
public void deactivate() {
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
return null;
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