C++ OpenCV如何进行图像全景拼接,相信很多没有经验的人对此束手无策,为此本文总结了问题出现的原因和解决方法,通过这篇文章希望你能解决这个问题。
下面将使用OpenCV C++ 进行图像全景拼接。目前使用OpenCV对两幅图像进行拼接大致可以分为两类。
一、使用OpenCV内置API Stitcher 进行拼接。
bool OpenCV_Stitching(Mat imageA, Mat imageB) { vector<Mat>images; images.push_back(imageA); images.push_back(imageB); Ptr<Stitcher>stitcher = Stitcher::create(); Mat result; Stitcher::Status status = stitcher->stitch(images, result);// 使用stitch函数进行拼接 if (status != Stitcher::OK) return false; imshow("OpenCV图像全景拼接", result); return true; }
这就是使用OpenCV 内置Stitcher拼接出来的效果。
//创建SURF特征检测器 int Hessian = 800; Ptr<SURF>detector = SURF::create(Hessian); //进行图像特征检测、特征描述 vector<KeyPoint>keypointA, keypointB; Mat descriptorA, descriptorB; detector->detectAndCompute(imageA, Mat(), keypointA, descriptorA); detector->detectAndCompute(imageB, Mat(), keypointB, descriptorB); //使用FLANN算法进行特征描述子的匹配 FlannBasedMatcher matcher; vector<DMatch>matches; matcher.match(descriptorA, descriptorB, matches);
double Max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { //float distance –>代表这一对匹配的特征点描述符(本质是向量)的欧氏距离,数值越小也就说明两个特征点越相像。 double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis > Max) { Max = dis; } } //筛选出匹配程度高的关键点 vector<DMatch>goodmatches; vector<Point2f>goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis < 0.15*Max) { //int queryIdx –>是测试图像的特征点描述符(descriptor)的下标,同时也是描述符对应特征点(keypoint)的下标。 goodkeypointA.push_back(keypointA[matches[i].queryIdx].pt); //int trainIdx –> 是样本图像的特征点描述符的下标,同样也是相应的特征点的下标。 goodkeypointB.push_back(keypointB[matches[i].trainIdx].pt); goodmatches.push_back(matches[i]); } }
//获取图像A到图像B的投影映射矩阵,尺寸为3*3 Mat H = findHomography(goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB, RANSAC); Mat M = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1.0, 0, imageA.cols, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); Mat Homo = M * H;
//进行透视变换 Mat DstImg; warpPerspective(imageA, DstImg, Homo, Size(imageB.cols + imageA.cols, imageB.rows)); imshow("透视变换", DstImg);
imageB.copyTo(DstImg(Rect(imageA.cols, 0, imageB.cols, imageB.rows))); imshow("图像全景拼接", DstImg);
bool Image_Stitching(Mat imageA, Mat imageB, bool draw) { //创建SURF特征检测器 int Hessian = 800; Ptr<SURF>detector = SURF::create(Hessian); //进行图像特征检测、特征描述 vector<KeyPoint>keypointA, keypointB; Mat descriptorA, descriptorB; detector->detectAndCompute(imageA, Mat(), keypointA, descriptorA); detector->detectAndCompute(imageB, Mat(), keypointB, descriptorB); //使用FLANN算法进行特征描述子的匹配 FlannBasedMatcher matcher; vector<DMatch>matches; matcher.match(descriptorA, descriptorB, matches); double Max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { //float distance –>代表这一对匹配的特征点描述符(本质是向量)的欧氏距离,数值越小也就说明两个特征点越相像。 double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis > Max) { Max = dis; } } //筛选出匹配程度高的关键点 vector<DMatch>goodmatches; vector<Point2f>goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis < 0.15*Max) { //int queryIdx –>是测试图像的特征点描述符(descriptor)的下标,同时也是描述符对应特征点(keypoint)的下标。 goodkeypointA.push_back(keypointA[matches[i].queryIdx].pt); //int trainIdx –> 是样本图像的特征点描述符的下标,同样也是相应的特征点的下标。 goodkeypointB.push_back(keypointB[matches[i].trainIdx].pt); goodmatches.push_back(matches[i]); } } if (draw) { Mat result; drawMatches(imageA, keypointA, imageB, keypointB, goodmatches, result); imshow("特征匹配", result); Mat temp_A = imageA.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < goodkeypointA.size(); i++) { circle(temp_A, goodkeypointA[i], 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1); } imshow("goodkeypointA", temp_A); Mat temp_B = imageB.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < goodkeypointB.size(); i++) { circle(temp_B, goodkeypointB[i], 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1); } imshow("goodkeypointB", temp_B); } //findHomography计算单应性矩阵至少需要4个点 /* 计算多个二维点对之间的最优单映射变换矩阵H(3x3),使用MSE或RANSAC方法,找到两平面之间的变换矩阵 */ if (goodkeypointA.size() < 4 || goodkeypointB.size() < 4) return false; //获取图像A到图像B的投影映射矩阵,尺寸为3*3 Mat H = findHomography(goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB, RANSAC); Mat M = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1.0, 0, imageA.cols, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); Mat Homo = M * H; //进行透视变换 Mat DstImg; warpPerspective(imageA, DstImg, Homo, Size(imageB.cols + imageA.cols, imageB.rows)); imshow("透视变换", DstImg); imageB.copyTo(DstImg(Rect(imageA.cols, 0, imageB.cols, imageB.rows))); imshow("图像全景拼接", DstImg); return true; }
#include<iostream> #include<opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include<opencv2/xfeatures2d.hpp> #include<opencv2/stitching.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace cv; using namespace cv::xfeatures2d; //1、使用特征检测算法找到两张图像中相似的点,计算变换矩阵 //2、将A透视变换后得到的图片与B拼接 bool Image_Stitching(Mat imageA, Mat imageB, bool draw) { //创建SURF特征检测器 int Hessian = 800; Ptr<SURF>detector = SURF::create(Hessian); //进行图像特征检测、特征描述 vector<KeyPoint>keypointA, keypointB; Mat descriptorA, descriptorB; detector->detectAndCompute(imageA, Mat(), keypointA, descriptorA); detector->detectAndCompute(imageB, Mat(), keypointB, descriptorB); //使用FLANN算法进行特征描述子的匹配 FlannBasedMatcher matcher; vector<DMatch>matches; matcher.match(descriptorA, descriptorB, matches); double Max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { //float distance –>代表这一对匹配的特征点描述符(本质是向量)的欧氏距离,数值越小也就说明两个特征点越相像。 double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis > Max) { Max = dis; } } //筛选出匹配程度高的关键点 vector<DMatch>goodmatches; vector<Point2f>goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB; for (int i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) { double dis = matches[i].distance; if (dis < 0.15*Max) { //int queryIdx –>是测试图像的特征点描述符(descriptor)的下标,同时也是描述符对应特征点(keypoint)的下标。 goodkeypointA.push_back(keypointA[matches[i].queryIdx].pt); //int trainIdx –> 是样本图像的特征点描述符的下标,同样也是相应的特征点的下标。 goodkeypointB.push_back(keypointB[matches[i].trainIdx].pt); goodmatches.push_back(matches[i]); } } if (draw) { Mat result; drawMatches(imageA, keypointA, imageB, keypointB, goodmatches, result); imshow("特征匹配", result); Mat temp_A = imageA.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < goodkeypointA.size(); i++) { circle(temp_A, goodkeypointA[i], 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1); } imshow("goodkeypointA", temp_A); Mat temp_B = imageB.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < goodkeypointB.size(); i++) { circle(temp_B, goodkeypointB[i], 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1); } imshow("goodkeypointB", temp_B); } //findHomography计算单应性矩阵至少需要4个点 /* 计算多个二维点对之间的最优单映射变换矩阵H(3x3),使用MSE或RANSAC方法,找到两平面之间的变换矩阵 */ if (goodkeypointA.size() < 4 || goodkeypointB.size() < 4) return false; //获取图像A到图像B的投影映射矩阵,尺寸为3*3 Mat H = findHomography(goodkeypointA, goodkeypointB, RANSAC); Mat M = (Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1.0, 0, imageA.cols, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); Mat Homo = M * H; //进行透视变换 Mat DstImg; warpPerspective(imageA, DstImg, Homo, Size(imageB.cols + imageA.cols, imageB.rows)); imshow("透视变换", DstImg); imageB.copyTo(DstImg(Rect(imageA.cols, 0, imageB.cols, imageB.rows))); imshow("图像全景拼接", DstImg); return true; } bool OpenCV_Stitching(Mat imageA, Mat imageB) { vector<Mat>images; images.push_back(imageA); images.push_back(imageB); Ptr<Stitcher>stitcher = Stitcher::create(); Mat result; Stitcher::Status status = stitcher->stitch(images, result);// 使用stitch函数进行拼接 if (status != Stitcher::OK) return false; imshow("OpenCV图像全景拼接", result); return true; } int main() { Mat imageA = imread("image1.jpg"); Mat imageB = imread("image2.jpg"); if (imageA.empty() || imageB.empty()) { cout << "No Image!" << endl; system("pause"); return -1; } if (!Image_Stitching(imageA, imageB, true)) { cout << "can not stitching the image!" << endl; } if (!OpenCV_Stitching(imageA, imageB)) { cout << "can not stitching the image!" << endl; } waitKey(0); system("pause"); return 0; }
小编使用OpenCV C++进行图像全景拼接,关键步骤有以下几点。
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