AAC ADTS详解 结合:http://blog.csdn.net/jay100500/article/details/52955232 与下面的程序 输入 aac 文件 /** * 最简单的视音频数据处理示例 * Simplest MediaData Test * * 雷霄骅 Lei Xiaohua * leixiaohua1020@126.com * 中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 * Communication University of China / Digital TV Technology * http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020 * * 本项目包含如下几种视音频测试示例: * (1)像素数据处理程序。包含RGB和YUV像素格式处理的函数。 * (2)音频采样数据处理程序。包含PCM音频采样格式处理的函数。 * (3)H.264码流分析程序。可以分离并解析NALU。 * (4)AAC码流分析程序。可以分离并解析ADTS帧。 * (5)FLV封装格式分析程序。可以将FLV中的MP3音频码流分离出来。 * (6)UDP-RTP协议分析程序。可以将分析UDP/RTP/MPEG-TS数据包。 * * This project contains following samples to handling multimedia data: * (1) Video pixel data handling program. It contains several examples to handle RGB and YUV data. * (2) Audio sample data handling program. It contains several examples to handle PCM data. * (3) H.264 stream analysis program. It can parse H.264 bitstream and analysis NALU of stream. * (4) AAC stream analysis program. It can parse AAC bitstream and analysis ADTS frame of stream. * (5) FLV format analysis program. It can analysis FLV file and extract MP3 audio stream. * (6) UDP-RTP protocol analysis program. It can analysis UDP/RTP/MPEG-TS Packet. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int getADTSframe(unsigned char* buffer, int buf_size, unsigned char* data ,int* data_size) { int size = 0; if(!buffer || !data || !data_size ) { return -1; } while(1) { if(buf_size < 7 ) { return -1; } //Sync words if((buffer[0] == 0xff) && ((buffer[1] & 0xf0) == 0xf0) ) { size |= ((buffer[3] & 0x03) <<11); //high 2 bit size |= buffer[4]<<3; //middle 8 bit size |= ((buffer[5] & 0xe0)>>5); //low 3bit break; } --buf_size; ++buffer; } if(buf_size < size) { return 1; } memcpy(data, buffer, size); *data_size = size; return 0; } int simplest_aac_parser(char *url) { int data_size = 0; int size = 0; int cnt=0; int offset=0; //FILE *myout=fopen("output_log.txt","wb+"); FILE *myout=stdout; unsigned char *aacframe=(unsigned char *)malloc(1024*5); unsigned char *aacbuffer=(unsigned char *)malloc(1024*1024); FILE *ifile = fopen(url, "rb"); if(!ifile){ printf("Open file error"); return -1; } printf("-----+- ADTS Frame Table -+------+\n"); printf(" NUM | Profile | Frequency| Size |\n"); printf("-----+---------+----------+------+\n"); while(!feof(ifile)){ data_size = fread(aacbuffer+offset, 1, 1024*1024-offset, ifile); unsigned char* input_data = aacbuffer; while(1) { int ret=getADTSframe(input_data, data_size, aacframe, &size); if(ret==-1){ break; }else if(ret==1){ memcpy(aacbuffer,input_data,data_size); offset=data_size; break; } char profile_str[10]={0}; char frequence_str[10]={0}; unsigned char profile=aacframe[2]&0xC0; profile=profile>>6; switch(profile){ case 0: sprintf(profile_str,"Main");break; case 1: sprintf(profile_str,"LC");break; case 2: sprintf(profile_str,"×××");break; default:sprintf(profile_str,"unknown");break; } unsigned char sampling_frequency_index=aacframe[2]&0x3C; sampling_frequency_index=sampling_frequency_index>>2; switch(sampling_frequency_index){ case 0: sprintf(frequence_str,"96000Hz");break; case 1: sprintf(frequence_str,"88200Hz");break; case 2: sprintf(frequence_str,"64000Hz");break; case 3: sprintf(frequence_str,"48000Hz");break; case 4: sprintf(frequence_str,"44100Hz");break; case 5: sprintf(frequence_str,"32000Hz");break; case 6: sprintf(frequence_str,"24000Hz");break; case 7: sprintf(frequence_str,"22050Hz");break; case 8: sprintf(frequence_str,"16000Hz");break; case 9: sprintf(frequence_str,"12000Hz");break; case 10: sprintf(frequence_str,"11025Hz");break; case 11: sprintf(frequence_str,"8000Hz");break; default:sprintf(frequence_str,"unknown");break; } fprintf(myout,"%5d| %8s| %8s| %5d|\n",cnt,profile_str ,frequence_str,size); data_size -= size; input_data += size; cnt++; } } fclose(ifile); free(aacbuffer); free(aacframe); return 0; }