这篇文章主要讲解了“怎么理解PostgreSQL Locks中的The Deadlock Detection Algorithm”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“怎么理解PostgreSQL Locks中的The Deadlock Detection Algorithm”吧!
The Deadlock Detection Algorithm
Since we allow user transactions to request locks in any order, deadlock
is possible. We use a deadlock detection/breaking algorithm that is
fairly standard in essence, but there are many special considerations
needed to deal with Postgres' generalized locking model.
A key design consideration is that we want to make routine operations
(lock grant and release) run quickly when there is no deadlock, and
avoid the overhead of deadlock handling as much as possible. We do this
using an "optimistic waiting" approach: if a process cannot acquire the
lock it wants immediately, it goes to sleep without any deadlock check.
But it also sets a delay timer, with a delay of DeadlockTimeout
milliseconds (typically set to one second). If the delay expires before
the process is granted the lock it wants, it runs the deadlock
detection/breaking code. Normally this code will determine that there is
no deadlock condition, and then the process will go back to sleep and
wait quietly until it is granted the lock. But if a deadlock condition
does exist, it will be resolved, usually by aborting the detecting
process' transaction. In this way, we avoid deadlock handling overhead
whenever the wait time for a lock is less than DeadlockTimeout, while
not imposing an unreasonable delay of detection when there is an error.
Lock acquisition (routines LockAcquire and ProcSleep) follows these rules:
1. A lock request is granted immediately if it does not conflict with
any existing or waiting lock request, or if the process already holds an
instance of the same lock type (eg, there's no penalty to acquire a read
lock twice). Note that a process never conflicts with itself, eg one
can obtain read lock when one already holds exclusive lock.
2. Otherwise the process joins the lock's wait queue. Normally it will
be added to the end of the queue, but there is an exception: if the
process already holds locks on this same lockable object that conflict
with the request of any pending waiter, then the process will be
inserted in the wait queue just ahead of the first such waiter. (If we
did not make this check, the deadlock detection code would adjust the
queue order to resolve the conflict, but it's relatively cheap to make
the check in ProcSleep and avoid a deadlock timeout delay in this case.)
Note special case when inserting before the end of the queue: if the
process's request does not conflict with any existing lock nor any
waiting request before its insertion point, then go ahead and grant the
lock without waiting.
When a lock is released, the lock release routine (ProcLockWakeup) scans
the lock object's wait queue. Each waiter is awoken if (a) its request
does not conflict with already-granted locks, and (b) its request does
not conflict with the requests of prior un-wakable waiters. Rule (b)
ensures that conflicting requests are granted in order of arrival. There
are cases where a later waiter must be allowed to go in front of
conflicting earlier waiters to avoid deadlock, but it is not
ProcLockWakeup's responsibility to recognize these cases; instead, the
deadlock detection code will re-order the wait queue when necessary.
(b)请求与先前未唤醒的waiter不存在冲突 这两个条件的waiter.
To perform deadlock checking, we use the standard method of viewing the
various processes as nodes in a directed graph (the waits-for graph or
WFG). There is a graph edge leading from process A to process B if A
waits for B, ie, A is waiting for some lock and B holds a conflicting
lock. There is a deadlock condition if and only if the WFG contains a
cycle. We detect cycles by searching outward along waits-for edges to
see if we return to our starting point. There are three possible
1. All outgoing paths terminate at a running process (which has no
outgoing edge).
1. 所有出发的路径都终止于一个正在运行的进程(而没有从该进程出发的边).
2. A deadlock is detected by looping back to the start point. We
resolve such a deadlock by canceling the start point's lock request and
reporting an error in that transaction, which normally leads to
transaction abort and release of that transaction's held locks. Note
that it's sufficient to cancel one request to remove the cycle; we don't
need to kill all the transactions involved.
2. 通过判断是否回到开始点来进行死锁检测.
3. Some path(s) loop back to a node other than the start point. This
indicates a deadlock, but one that does not involve our starting
process. We ignore this condition on the grounds that resolving such a
deadlock is the responsibility of the processes involved --- killing our
start-point process would not resolve the deadlock. So, cases 1 and 3
both report "no deadlock".
3. 某些路径回到某些节点而不是开始点.这意味着死锁,但不涉及到开始进程.
因此,第1种和第3种情况会反馈"no deadlock".
Postgres' situation is a little more complex than the standard discussion
of deadlock detection, for two reasons:
1. A process can be waiting for more than one other process, since there
might be multiple PROCLOCKs of (non-conflicting) lock types that all
conflict with the waiter's request. This creates no real difficulty
however; we simply need to be prepared to trace more than one outgoing
1. 进程可等待超过1个其他进程,因为存在多个与等待请求相冲突的锁类型相应的PROCLOCKs.
2. If a process A is behind a process B in some lock's wait queue, and
their requested locks conflict, then we must say that A waits for B, since
ProcLockWakeup will never awaken A before B. This creates additional
edges in the WFG. We call these "soft" edges, as opposed to the "hard"
edges induced by locks already held. Note that if B already holds any
locks conflicting with A's request, then their relationship is a hard edge
not a soft edge.
2. 如果进程A在等待队列中在B进程之后,而它们的请求锁冲突,这时候我们会认为A等待B,
A "soft" block, or wait-priority block, has the same potential for
inducing deadlock as a hard block. However, we may be able to resolve
a soft block without aborting the transactions involved: we can instead
rearrange the order of the wait queue. This rearrangement reverses the
direction of the soft edge between two processes with conflicting requests
whose queue order is reversed. If we can find a rearrangement that
eliminates a cycle without creating new ones, then we can avoid an abort.
Checking for such possible rearrangements is the trickiest part of the
The workhorse of the deadlock detector is a routine FindLockCycle() which
is given a starting point process (which must be a waiting process).
It recursively scans outward across waits-for edges as discussed above.
If it finds no cycle involving the start point, it returns "false".
(As discussed above, we can ignore cycles not involving the start point.)
When such a cycle is found, FindLockCycle() returns "true", and as it
unwinds it also builds a list of any "soft" edges involved in the cycle.
If the resulting list is empty then there is a hard deadlock and the
configuration cannot succeed. However, if the list is not empty, then
reversing any one of the listed edges through wait-queue rearrangement
will eliminate that cycle. Since such a reversal might create cycles
elsewhere, we may need to try every possibility. Therefore, we need to
be able to invoke FindLockCycle() on hypothetical configurations (wait
orders) as well as the current real order.
The easiest way to handle this seems to be to have a lookaside table that
shows the proposed new queue order for each wait queue that we are
considering rearranging. This table is checked by FindLockCycle, and it
believes the proposed queue order rather than the real order for each lock
that has an entry in the lookaside table.
We build a proposed new queue order by doing a "topological sort" of the
existing entries. Each soft edge that we are currently considering
reversing creates a property of the partial order that the topological sort
has to enforce. We must use a sort method that preserves the input
ordering as much as possible, so as not to gratuitously break arrival
order for processes not involved in a deadlock. (This is not true of the
tsort method shown in Knuth, for example, but it's easily done by a simple
doubly-nested-loop method that emits the first legal candidate at each
step. Fortunately, we don't need a highly efficient sort algorithm, since
the number of partial order constraints is not likely to be large.) Note
that failure of the topological sort tells us we have conflicting ordering
constraints, and therefore that the last-added soft edge reversal
conflicts with a prior edge reversal. We need to detect this case to
avoid an infinite loop in the case where no possible rearrangement will
work: otherwise, we might try a reversal, find that it still leads to
a cycle, then try to un-reverse the reversal while trying to get rid of
that cycle, etc etc. Topological sort failure tells us the un-reversal
is not a legitimate move in this context.
对每一存在的条目使用"topological sort"创建可能的新队列顺序.
So, the basic step in our rearrangement method is to take a list of
soft edges in a cycle (as returned by FindLockCycle()) and successively
try the reversal of each one as a topological-sort constraint added to
whatever constraints we are already considering. We recursively search
through all such sets of constraints to see if any one eliminates all
the deadlock cycles at once. Although this might seem impossibly
inefficient, it shouldn't be a big problem in practice, because there
will normally be very few, and not very large, deadlock cycles --- if
any at all. So the combinatorial inefficiency isn't going to hurt us.
Besides, it's better to spend some time to guarantee that we've checked
all possible escape routes than to abort a transaction when we didn't
really have to.
Each edge reversal constraint can be viewed as requesting that the waiting
process A be moved to before the blocking process B in the wait queue they
are both in. This action will reverse the desired soft edge, as well as
any other soft edges between A and other processes it is advanced over.
No other edges will be affected (note this is actually a constraint on our
topological sort method to not re-order the queue more than necessary.)
Therefore, we can be sure we have not created any new deadlock cycles if
neither FindLockCycle(A) nor FindLockCycle(B) discovers any cycle. Given
the above-defined behavior of FindLockCycle, each of these searches is
necessary as well as sufficient, since FindLockCycle starting at the
original start point will not complain about cycles that include A or B
but not the original start point.
这样的做法会反转有向软边,现对于在A和其他进程之间的其他软边,它是advanced over的.
In short then, a proposed rearrangement of the wait queue(s) is determined
by one or more broken soft edges A->B, fully specified by the output of
topological sorts of each wait queue involved, and then tested by invoking
FindLockCycle() starting at the original start point as well as each of
the mentioned processes (A's and B's). If none of the tests detect a
cycle, then we have a valid configuration and can implement it by
reordering the wait queues per the sort outputs (and then applying
ProcLockWakeup on each reordered queue, in case a waiter has become wakable).
If any test detects a soft cycle, we can try to resolve it by adding each
soft link in that cycle, in turn, to the proposed rearrangement list.
This is repeated recursively until we either find a workable rearrangement
or determine that none exists. In the latter case, the outer level
resolves the deadlock by aborting the original start-point transaction.
The particular order in which rearrangements are tried depends on the
order FindLockCycle() happens to scan in, so if there are multiple
workable rearrangements of the wait queues, then it is unspecified which
one will be chosen. What's more important is that we guarantee to try
every queue rearrangement that could lead to success. (For example,
if we have A before B before C and the needed order constraints are
C before A and B before C, we would first discover that A before C
doesn't work and try the rearrangement C before A before B. This would
eventually lead to the discovery of the additional constraint B before C.)
感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“怎么理解PostgreSQL Locks中的The Deadlock Detection Algorithm”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对怎么理解PostgreSQL Locks中的The Deadlock Detection Algorithm这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是亿速云,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!
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