在我们的日志系统中,我们不只希望订阅基于严重程度的日志,同时还希望订阅基于发送来源的日志。Unix 工具 syslog 就是同时基于严重程度 -severity (info/warn/crit…) 和 设备 -facility (auth/cron/kern…) 来路由日志的。
如果这样的话,将会给予我们非常大的灵活性,我们既可以监听来源于”cron” 的严重程度为”critical errors” 的日志,也可以监听来源于”kern” 的所有日志。
为了实现这个目的,接下来我们学习如何使用另一种更复杂的交换器 ——topic exchange。
Topic exchange
topic exchange 与 direct exchange 类似,也是将消息路由到 binding key 与 routing key 相匹配的 Queue 中,但这里的匹配规则有些不同,它约定:
routing key 为一个句点号. 分隔的字符串(我们将被句点号. 分隔开的每一段独立的字符串称为一个单词),如 “stock.usd.nyse”、”nyse.vmw”、”quick.orange.rabbit”
binding key 与 routing key 一样也是句点号. 分隔的字符串
binding key 中可以存在两种特殊字符 * 与#,用于做模糊匹配,其中 * 用于匹配一个单词,#用于匹配多个单词(可以是零个)
这个例子里,我们发送的所有消息都是用来描述小动物的。发送的消息所携带的路由键是由三个单词所组成的,这三个单词被两个。分割开。路由键里的第一个单词描述的是动物的速度,第二个单词是动物的颜色,第三个是动物的种类。所以它看起来是这样的:” 速度。颜色。种类”。
我们创建了三个绑定:Q1 的 binding key 为”.orange.“,Q2 的 binding key 为”…rabbit” 和”lazy.#”。
这三个 binding key 被可以总结为:
Q1 对所有的桔黄色动物都感兴趣。
Q2 则是对所有的兔子和所有懒惰的动物感兴趣。
routingKey=”quick.orange.rabbit” 的消息会同时路由到 Q1 与 Q2
routingKey=”lazy.orange.fox” 的消息会路由到 Q1 与 Q2
routingKey=”lazy.brown.fox” 的消息会路由到 Q2
routingKey=”lazy.pink.rabbit” 的消息会路由到 Q2(只会投递给 Q2 一次,虽然这个 routingKey 与 Q2 的两个 bindingKey 都匹配)
routingKey=”quick.brown.fox”、routingKey=”orange”、routingKey=”quick.orange.male.rabbit” 的消息将会被丢弃,因为它们没有匹配任何 bindingKey
如果我们违反约定,发送了一个 routing key 为一个单词或者四个单词(”orange” or “quick.orange.male.rabbit”)的消息时,该消息不会投递给任何一个队列,而且会丢失掉。
但是,即使”lazy.orange.male.rabbit” 有四个单词,他还是会匹配最后一个绑定,并且被投递到第二个队列中。
topic exchange
topic exchange 是强大的,它可以表现出跟其他 exchange 类似的行为。
当一个队列的 binding key 为 “#”(井号) 的时候,它会接收所有消息,而不考虑 routing key,就像 fanout exchange。
当 * (星号) 和 # (井号) 这两个特殊字符都未在绑定键中出现的时候,此时 topic exchange 会表现得像 direct exchange 一样。
public class Tut5Sender {
private AmqpTemplate template;
private TopicExchange topic;
private int index;
private int count;
private final String[] keys = {"quick.orange.rabbit",
"lazy.orange.elephant", "quick.orange.fox",
"lazy.brown.fox", "lazy.pink.rabbit", "quick.brown.fox"};
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000, initialDelay = 500)
public void send() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello to ");
if (++this.index == keys.length) {
this.index = 0;
String key = keys[this.index];
builder.append(key).append(' ');
String message = builder.toString();
template.convertAndSend(topic.getName(), key, message);
System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'");
public class Tut5Receiver {
@RabbitListener(queues = "#{autoDeleteQueue1}")
public void receiver1(String in) throws InterruptedException {
receive(in, 1);
@RabbitListener(queues = "#{autoDeleteQueue2}")
public void receiver2(String in) throws InterruptedException {
receive(in, 2);
private void receive(String in, int instance) throws InterruptedException {
StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
System.out.println("instance " + instance + " [x] Received '" + in + "'");
System.out.println("instance " + instance + " [x] Done in "
+ watch.getTotalTimeSeconds() + "s");
private void doWork(String in) throws InterruptedException {
for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
if (c == '.') {
@Profile({"tut5", "topics"})
public class Tut5Config {
public TopicExchange topic() {
return new TopicExchange("tut.topic");
private static class ReceiverConfig {
public Queue autoDeleteQueue1() {
return new AnonymousQueue();
public Queue autoDeleteQueue2() {
return new AnonymousQueue();
public Binding binding1a(TopicExchange topic, Queue autoDeleteQueue1) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue1)
public Binding binding2a(TopicExchange topic, Queue autoDeleteQueue2) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue2)
public Binding binding2b(TopicExchange topic, Queue autoDeleteQueue2) {
return BindingBuilder.bind(autoDeleteQueue2)
public Tut5Receiver receiver() {
return new Tut5Receiver();
public Tut5Sender sender() {
return new Tut5Sender();
maven 编译
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar target/rabbitmq-tutorial-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=tut5,receiver --tutorial.client.duration=60000
java -jar target/rabbitmq-tutorial-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.profiles.active=tut5,sender --tutorial.client.duration=60000
// Sender
Ready … running for 60000ms
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 1’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to quick.orange.fox 2’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.brown.fox 3’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.pink.rabbit 4’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to quick.brown.fox 5’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to quick.orange.rabbit 6’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 7’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to quick.orange.fox 8’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.brown.fox 9’
[x] Sent ‘Hello to lazy.pink.rabbit 10’
// Receiver
Ready … running for 60000ms
instance 1 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 1’
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 1’
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.004s
instance 1 [x] Done in 2.004s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.brown.fox 3’
instance 1 [x] Received ‘Hello to quick.orange.fox 2’
instance 1 [x] Done in 2.006s
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.006s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.pink.rabbit 4’
instance 1 [x] Received ‘Hello to quick.orange.rabbit 6’
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.006s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to quick.orange.rabbit 6’
instance 1 [x] Done in 2.007s
instance 1 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 7’
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.006s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.orange.elephant 7’
instance 1 [x] Done in 2.003s
instance 1 [x] Received ‘Hello to quick.orange.fox 8’
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.005s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.brown.fox 9’
instance 1 [x] Done in 2.005s
instance 2 [x] Done in 2.004s
instance 2 [x] Received ‘Hello to lazy.pink.rabbit 10’
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