set serveroutput on size 100000 set termout on set feedback off clear screen spool /opt/soft/bak/make_jobs.sql prompt -- exporting jobs begin << export_jobs >> declare subtype job_type is user_jobs.JOB%type ; subtype max_text_type is varchar2( 8191 char ) ; type job_tab_type is table of job_type index by pls_integer ; type sql_tab_type is table of max_text_type index by pls_integer ; job_tab job_tab_type ; sql_tab sql_tab_type ; job pls_integer ; what pls_integer ; next_date pls_integer ; interval pls_integer ; no_parse pls_integer ; procedure get_jobs is begin select j.JOB bulk collect into job_tab from user_jobs j order by 1 ; end get_jobs ; procedure format( x pls_integer ) is sqlx max_text_type := null ; begin sqlx := 'begin' || chr(10); job := instr( sql_tab(x), '(job=>' ) ; sqlx := sqlx || substr( sql_tab(x), 1, job-1 ) || chr(10) ; what := instr( sql_tab(x),',what=>' ) ; sqlx := sqlx || substr( sql_tab(x), job, what-job ) || chr(10) ; next_date := instr( sql_tab(x),',next_date=>' ) ; sqlx := sqlx || substr( sql_tab(x), what, next_date-what ) || chr(10) ; interval := instr( sql_tab(x),',interval=>' ) ; -- sqlx := sqlx || substr( sql_tab(x), next_date, interval-next_date ) || chr(10) ; sqlx := sqlx || q'|,next_date=>'01-JAN-3000'|' || chr(10) ; no_parse := instr( sql_tab(x),',no_parse=>' ) ; sqlx := sqlx || substr( sql_tab(x), interval, no_parse-interval ) || chr(10) ; sqlx := sqlx || ',no_parse=>TRUE' || chr(10) || ');' || chr(10) ; sqlx := sqlx || 'commit;' || chr(10) || chr(10) ; sqlx := sqlx || 'end;' || chr(10) || '/' || chr(10) ; sql_tab(x) := sqlx; end format ; begin get_jobs; if job_tab.count > 0 then for i in 1 .. job_tab.count loop sql_tab(i) := ' '; sys.dbms_job.user_export ( job => job_tab(i) , mycall => sql_tab(i) ); format(i) ; dbms_output.put_line( sql_tab(i) ) ; end loop ; else dbms_output.put_line( '-- Nothing to do.' ) ; end if ; end export_jobs ; end; / spool off
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYS.I_JOB_JOB) violated
exec dbms_job.remove(25);
ORA-23421: job number 387 is not a job in the job queue
select job,log_user,priv_user,schema from dba_jobs where job=25;