这篇文章主要讲解了“怎么用JavaScript和jQuery构建一个BS Web的聊天应用程序”,文中的讲解内容简单清晰,易于学习与理解,下面请大家跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来研究和学习“怎么用JavaScript和jQuery构建一个BS Web的聊天应用程序”吧!
JabberHTTPBind是jabber提供的XMPP协议通信的Http bind发送的形式,它可以完成WebBrowser和Openfire建立长连接通信。
登陆成功后,你就可以给指定用户发送消息,且设置你想发送消息的新用户点击new Chat按钮创建新会话
JavaEE Server:Tomcat 5.0.28+/Tomcat 6
WebBrowser:IE6+、Firefox3.5+、Chrome 已经兼容浏览器
JavaSDK:JDK 1.6+
Openfire 3.7.1
IDE:eclipse 3.2、MyEclipse 6.5
jhb-1.0.jar 这个就是JabberHTTPBind,我把编译的class打成jar包了
JavaScript lib
jquery.easydrag.js 窗口拖拽JavaScript lib
jquery-1.7.1.min.js jquery lib
jsjac.js 通信核心库
local.chat-2.0.js 本地会话窗口发送消息JavaScript库
remote.jsjac.chat-2.0.js 远程会话消息JavaScript库
send.message.editor-1.0.js 窗口编辑器JavaScript库
jsjac JavaScript lib下载:https://github.com/sstrigler/JSJaC/
如果你不喜欢用jsjac JavaScript lib和Openfire通信,那么有一款jQuery的plugin可以供你使用,下载地址
jQuery-XMPP-plugin https://github.com/maxpowel/jQuery-XMPP-plugin
这里有所以能支持Openfire通信的第三方库,有兴趣的可以研究下 http://xmpp.org/xmpp-software/libraries/
jquery.easydrag 下载:http://fromvega.com/code/easydrag/jquery.easydrag.js
jquery 下载:http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.1.min.js
JabberHTTPBind jhb.jar 下载:http://download.csdn.net/detail/ibm_hoojo/4489188
images 图片素材:http://download.csdn.net/detail/ibm_hoojo/4489439
1、主界面(登陆、消息提示、日志、建立新聊天窗口)代码 index.jsp
<%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <% String path = request.getContextPath(); String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/"; %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <base href="<%=basePath%>"> <title>WebIM Chat</title> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <meta http-equiv="author" content="hoojo"> <meta http-equiv="email" content="hoojo_@126.com"> <meta http-equiv="blog" content="http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo"> <meta http-equiv="blog" content="http://hoojo.cnblogs.com"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/chat-2.0.css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> window.contextPath = "<%=path%>"; window["serverDomin"] = ""; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/jsjac.js"></script> <!-- script type="text/javascript" src="debugger/Debugger.js"></script--> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/send.message.editor-1.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/jquery.easydrag.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/remote.jsjac.chat-2.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jslib/local.chat-2.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#login").click(function () { var userName = $(":text[name='userName']").val(); var receiver = $("*[name='to']").val(); // 建立一个聊天窗口应用,并设置发送者和消息接收者 $.WebIM({ sender: userName, receiver: receiver }); // 登陆到openfire服务器 remote.jsjac.chat.login(document.userForm); $("label").text(userName); $("form").hide(); $("#newConn").show(); }); $("#logout").click(function () { // 退出openfire登陆,断开链接 remote.jsjac.chat.logout(); $("form").show(); $("#newConn").hide(); $("#chat").hide(800); }); $("#newSession").click(function () { var receiver = $("#sendTo").val(); // 建立一个新聊天窗口,并设置消息接收者(发送给谁?) $.WebIM.newWebIM({ receiver: receiver }); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <!-- 登陆表单 --> <form name="userForm" style="background-color: #fcfcfc; width: 100%;"> userName:<input type="text" name="userName" value="boy"/> password:<input type="password" name="password" value="boy"/> register: <input type="checkbox" name="register"/> sendTo: <input type="text" id="to" name="to" value="hoojo" width="10"/> <input type="button" value="Login" id="login"/> </form> <!-- 新窗口聊天 --> <div id="newConn" style="display: none; background-color: #fcfcfc; width: 100%;"> User:<label></label> sendTo: <input type="text" id="sendTo" value="hoojo" width="10"/> <input type="button" value="new Chat" id="newSession"/> <input type="button" value="Logout" id="logout"/> </div> <!-- 日志信息 --> <div id="error" style="display: ; background-color: red;"></div> <div id="info" style="display: ; background-color: #999999;"></div> <!-- 聊天来消息提示 --> <div class="chat-message"> <img src="images/write_icon.png" class="no-msg"/> <img src="images/write_icon.gif" class="have-msg" style="display: none;"/> </div> </body> </html>
<script type="text/javascript"> window.contextPath = "<%=path%>"; window["serverDomin"] = ""; </script>
$.WebIM({ sender: userName, receiver: receiver }); $.WebIM.newWebIM({ receiver: receiver });
httpbase: window.contextPath + "/JHB/", //请求后台http-bind服务器url domain: window["serverDomin"], //"", // 当前有效域名 username: "", // 登录用户名 pass: "", // 密码 timerval: 2000, // 设置请求超时 resource: "WebIM", // 链接资源标识 register: true // 是否注册
2、本地聊天应用核心代码 local.chat-2.0.js
/*** * jquery local chat * @version v2.0 * @createDate -- 2012-5-28 * @author hoojo * @email hoojo_@126.com * @blog http://hoojo.cnblogs.com & http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later, send.message.editor-1.0.js * Copyright (c) 2012 M. hoo **/ ;(function ($) { if (/1\.(0|1|2)\.(0|1|2)/.test($.fn.jquery) || /^1.1/.test($.fn.jquery)) { alert('WebIM requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v' + $.fn.jquery); return; } var faceTimed, count = 0; var _opts = defaultOptions = { version: 2.0, chat: "#chat", chatEl: function () { var $chat = _opts.chat; if ((typeof _opts.chat) == "string") { $chat = $(_opts.chat); } else if ((typeof _opts.chat) == "object") { if (!$chat.get(0)) { $chat = $($chat); } } return $chat; }, sendMessageIFrame: function (receiverId) { return $("iframe[name='sendMessage" + receiverId + "']").get(0).contentWindow; }, receiveMessageDoc: function (receiverId) { receiverId = receiverId || ""; var docs = []; $.each($("iframe[name^='receiveMessage" + receiverId + "']"), function () { docs.push($(this.contentWindow.document)); }); return docs; //return $($("iframe[name^='receiveMessage" + receiverId + "']").get(0).contentWindow.document); }, sender: "", // 发送者 receiver: "", // 接收者 setTitle: function (chatEl) { var receiver = this.getReceiver(chatEl); chatEl.find(".title").html("和" + receiver + "聊天对话中"); }, getReceiver: function (chatEl) { var receiver = chatEl.attr("receiver"); if (~receiver.indexOf("@")) { receiver = receiver.split("@")[0]; } return receiver; }, // 接收消息iframe样式 receiveStyle: [ '<html>', '<head><style type="text/css">', 'body{border:0;margin:0;padding:3px;height:98%;cursor:text;background-color:white;font-size:12px;font-family:Courier,serif,monospace;}', '.msg{margin-left: 1em;}p{margin:0;padding:0;}.me{color: blue;}.you{color:green;}', '</style></head>', '<body></body>', '</html>' ].join(""), writeReceiveStyle: function (receiverId) { this.receiveMessageDoc(receiverId)[0].get(0).write(this.receiveStyle); }, datetimeFormat: function (v) { if (~~v < 10) { return "0" + v; } return v; }, getDatetime: function () { // 设置当前发送日前 var date = new Date(); var datetime = date.getFullYear() + "-" + date.getMonth() + "-" + date.getDate(); datetime = " " + _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getHours()) + ":" + _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getMinutes()) + ":" + _opts.datetimeFormat(date.getSeconds()); return datetime; }, /*** * 发送消息的格式模板 * flag = true 表示当前user是自己,否则就是对方 **/ receiveMessageTpl: function (userName, styleTpl, content, flag) { var userCls = flag ? "me" : "you"; if (styleTpl && flag) { content = [ "<span style='", styleTpl, "'>", content, "</span>" ].join(""); } return [ '<p class="', userCls, '">', _opts.getDatetime(), ' ', userName, ':</p>', '<p class="msg">', content, '</p>' ].join(""); }, // 工具类按钮触发事件返回html模板 sendMessageStyle: { cssStyle: { bold: "font-weight: bold;", underline: "text-decoration: underline;", italic: "font-style: oblique;" }, setStyle: function (style, val) { if (val) { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = val; } else { var styleVal = _opts.sendMessageStyle[style]; if (styleVal === undefined || !styleVal) { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = true; } else { _opts.sendMessageStyle[style] = false; } } }, getStyleTpl: function () { var tpl = ""; $.each(_opts.sendMessageStyle, function (style, item) { //alert(style + "#" + item + "#" + (typeof item)); if (item === true) { tpl += _opts.sendMessageStyle.cssStyle[style]; } else if ((typeof item) === "string") { //alert(style + "-------------" + sendMessageStyle[style]); tpl += style + ":" + item + ";"; } }); return tpl; } }, // 向接收消息iframe区域写消息 writeReceiveMessage: function (receiverId, userName, content, flag) { if (content) { // 发送消息的样式 var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl(); var receiveMessageDoc = _opts.receiveMessageDoc(receiverId); $.each(receiveMessageDoc, function () { var $body = this.find("body"); // 向接收信息区域写入发送的数据 $body.append(_opts.receiveMessageTpl(userName, styleTpl, content, flag)); // 滚动条滚到底部 this.scrollTop(this.height()); }); } }, // 发送消息 sendHandler: function ($chatMain) { var doc = $chatMain.find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").get(0).contentWindow.document; var content = doc.body.innerHTML; content = $.trim(content); content = content.replace(new RegExp("<br>", "gm"), ""); // 获取即将发送的内容 if (content) { var sender = $chatMain.attr("sender"); var receiverId = $chatMain.attr("id"); // 接收区域写消息 _opts.writeReceiveMessage(receiverId, sender, content, true); //############# XXX var receiver = $chatMain.find("#to").val(); //var receiver = $chatMain.attr("receiver"); // 判断是否是手机端会话,如果是就发送纯text,否则就发送html代码 var flag = _opts.isMobileClient(receiver); if (flag) { var text = $(doc.body).text(); text = $.trim(text); if (text) { // 远程发送消息 remote.jsjac.chat.sendMessage(text, receiver); } } else { // 非手机端通信 可以发送html代码 var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl(); content = [ "<span style='", styleTpl, "'>", content, "</span>" ].join(""); remote.jsjac.chat.sendMessage(content, receiver); } // 清空发送区域 $(doc).find("body").html(""); } }, faceImagePath: "images/emotions/", faceElTpl: function (i) { return [ "<img src='", this.faceImagePath, (i - 1), "fixed.bmp' gif='", this.faceImagePath, (i - 1), ".gif'/>" ].join(""); }, // 创建表情html elements createFaceElement: function ($chat) { var faces = []; for (var i = 1; i < 100; i++) { faces.push(this.faceElTpl(i)); if (i % 11 == 0) { faces.push("<br/>"); } } $chat.find("#face").html(faces.join("")); this.faceHandler($chat); }, // 插入表情 faceHandler: function ($chat) { $chat.find("#face img").click(function () { $chat.find("#face").hide(150); var imgEL = "<img src='" + $(this).attr("gif") + "'/>"; var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); var win = $chatMain.find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").get(0).contentWindow; var doc = win.document; sendMessageEditor.insertAtCursor(imgEL, doc, win); }); // 表情隐藏 $chat.find("#face, #face img").mouseover(function () { window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); }).mouseout(function () { window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); faceTimed = window.setTimeout(function () { $chat.find("#face").hide(150); }, 700); }); }, /*** * 发送消息工具栏按钮事件方法 **/ toolBarHandler: function () { var $chat = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); var targetCls = $(this).attr("class"); if (targetCls == "face") { $chat.find("#face").show(150); window.clearTimeout(faceTimed); faceTimed = window.setTimeout(function () { $chat.find("#face").hide(150); }, 1000); } else if (this.tagName == "DIV") { _opts.sendMessageStyle.setStyle(targetCls); } else if (this.tagName == "SELECT") { _opts.sendMessageStyle.setStyle($(this).attr("name"), $(this).val()); if ($(this).attr("name") == "color") { $(this).css("background-color", $(this).val()); } } // 设置sendMessage iframe的style css _opts.writeSendStyle(); }, // 设置sendMessage iframe的style css writeSendStyle: function () { var styleTpl = _opts.sendMessageStyle.getStyleTpl(); var styleEL = ['<style type="text/css">body{', styleTpl,'}</style>'].join(""); $("body").find("iframe[name^='sendMessage']").each(function () { var $head = $(this.contentWindow.document).find("head"); if ($head.find("style").size() > 1) { $head.find("style:gt(0)").remove(); } if (styleTpl) { $head.append(styleEL); } }); }, isMobileClient: function (receiver) { var moblieClients = ["iphone", "ipad", "ipod", "wp7", "android", "blackberry", "Spark", "warning", "symbian"]; var flag = false; for (var i in moblieClients) { if (~receiver.indexOf(moblieClients[i])) { return true; } } return false; }, // 聊天界面html元素 chatLayoutTemplate: function (userJID, sender, receiver, product, flag) { var display = ""; if (flag) { display = "style='display: none;'"; } return [ '<div class="chat-main" id="', userJID, '" sender="', sender, '" receiver="', receiver, '">', '<div id="chat"><div class="radius">', '<table>', '<tr>', '<td colspan="3" class="title"></td>', '</tr>', '<tr>', '<td class="receive-message">', '<iframe name="receiveMessage', userJID,'" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>', '</td>', '<td rowspan="4" class="split" ', display, '></td>', '<td rowspan="4" class="product-info" ', display, '>', '<ul>', '<div class="header">商品详情</div>', '<li class="pic">', '<img src="', product.pic, '"/></li>', '<li class="product-name">', product.name, '</li>', '<li class="price">团购价:<span>', product.price, '</span>元</li>', '<li class="market-price">市场价:<s><i>', product.marketPrice, '</i></s>元</li>', '<li>快递公司:', product.deliverOrgs, '</li>', '<li>仓库:', product.wareHouses, '</li>', product.skuAttrs, '</ul>', '</td>', '</tr>', '<tr class="tool-bar">', '<td>', '<select name="font-family" class="family">', '<option>宋体</option>', '<option>黑体</option>', '<option>幼圆</option>', '<option>华文行楷</option>', '<option>华文楷体</option>', '<option>华文楷体</option>', '<option>华文彩云</option>', '<option>华文隶书</option>', '<option>微软雅黑</option>', '<option>Fixedsys</option>', '</select>', '<select name="font-size">', '<option value="12px">大小</option>', '<option value="10px">10</option>', '<option value="12px">12</option>', '<option value="14px">14</option>', '<option value="16px">16</option>', '<option value="18px">18</option>', '<option value="20px">20</option>', '<option value="24px">24</option>', '<option value="28px">28</option>', '<option value="36px">36</option>', '<option value="42px">42</option>', '<option value="52px">52</option>', '</select>', '<select name="color">', '<option value="" selected="selected">颜色</option>', '<option value="#000000" style="background-color:#000000"></option>', '<option value="#FFFFFF" style="background-color:#FFFFFF"></option>', '<option value="#008000" style="background-color:#008000"></option>', '<option value="#800000" style="background-color:#800000"></option>', '<option value="#808000" style="background-color:#808000"></option>', '<option value="#000080" style="background-color:#000080"></option>', '<option value="#800080" style="background-color:#800080"></option>', '<option value="#808080" style="background-color:#808080"></option>', '<option value="#FFFF00" style="background-color:#FFFF00"></option>', '<option value="#00FF00" style="background-color:#00FF00"></option>', '<option value="#00FFFF" style="background-color:#00FFFF"></option>', '<option value="#FF00FF" style="background-color:#FF00FF"></option>', '<option value="#FF0000" style="background-color:#FF0000"></option>', '<option value="#0000FF" style="background-color:#0000FF"></option>', '<option value="#008080" style="background-color:#008080"></option>', '</select>', '<div class="bold"></div>', '<div class="underline"></div>', '<div class="italic"></div>', '<div class="face"></div>', '<div class="history">消息记录</div>', '</td>', '</tr>', '<tr class="send-message">', '<td>', '<iframe name="sendMessage', userJID,'" width="100%" height="80px" frameborder="0"></iframe>', '</td>', '</tr>', '<tr class="bottom-bar">', '<td><input type="text" id="to" name="to" value="hoojo" style="width: 100px; display: none;"/><input type="button" value="关闭" id="close"/>', '<input type="button" value="发送(Enter)" id="send"/> </td>', '</tr>', '</table></div>', '<div id="face"></div>', '</div>', '</div>' ].join(""); }, initWebIM: function (userJID, receiver) { var product = { name: "小玩熊", pic: "http://avatar.csdn.net/9/7/A/2_ibm_hoojo.jpg", price: "198.00", marketPrice: "899.90", deliverOrgs: "EMS", wareHouses: "A库", skuAttrs: "" }; var chatEl = $(_opts.chatLayoutTemplate(userJID, _opts.sender, receiver, product)); $("body").append(chatEl); // 拖拽 $("#" + userJID).easydrag(); // 初始化sendMessageEditor相关信息 sendMessageEditor.iframe = this.sendMessageIFrame(userJID); sendMessageEditor.init(userJID); _opts.setTitle(chatEl); _opts.writeReceiveStyle(userJID); _opts.writeSendStyle(); _opts.createFaceElement(chatEl); // 查看更多详情 chatEl.find(".more").click(function () { var $ul = $(this).parents("ul"); $ul.find(".more").toggle(); $ul.find(".info").toggle(); $ul.find(".pic").toggle(); }); // 收缩详情 chatEl.find(".split").toggle(function () { $(".product-info").hide(); $(this).parents(".radius").css("border-right-width", "0"); }, function () { $(".product-info").show(); $(this).parents(".radius").css("border-right-width", "8px"); }); // 工具类绑定事件 settings.toolBarHandler chatEl.find(".tool-bar td").children().click(this.toolBarHandler); chatEl.find("#send").click(function () { var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); _opts.sendHandler($chatMain); }); chatEl.find("#close").click(function () { var $chatMain = $(this).parents(".chat-main"); $chatMain.hide(500); }); // 首先取消事件绑定,当一次性发多条消息的情况下会同时绑定多个相同事件 $(".have-msg, .no-msg, .chat-main").unbind("click"); $(".have-msg").bind("click", function () { $(this).hide(); $(".no-msg").show(); $(".chat-main:hidden").show(150); }); $(".no-msg").click(function () { $(".chat-main:hidden").each(function (i, item) { var top = i * 10 + 50; var left = i * 20 + 50; $(this).show(500).css({top: top, left: left}); }); }); $(".chat-main").click(function () { $(".chat-main").css("z-index", 9999); $(this).css({"z-index": 10000}); }); $(this.sendMessageIFrame(userJID).document).keyup(function (event) { var e = event || window.event; var keyCode = e.which || e.keyCode; if (keyCode == 13) { var $chatMain = $("#" + $(this).find("body").attr("jid")); _opts.sendHandler($chatMain); } }); }, // 建立新聊天窗口 newWebIM: function (settings) { var chatUser = remote.userAddress(settings.receiver); var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(chatUser); _opts.initWebIM(userJID, chatUser); $("#" + userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(chatUser); $("#" + userJID).show(220); }, // 远程发送消息时执行函数 messageHandler: function (user, content) { var userName = user.split("@")[0]; var tempUser = user; if (~tempUser.indexOf("/")) { tempUser = tempUser.substr(0, tempUser.indexOf("/")); } var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(tempUser); // ***初始webIM if (!$("#" + userJID).get(0)) { // 初始IM面板; _opts.initWebIM(userJID, user); } // 设置消息接受者的名称 $("#" + userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(user); if ($("#" + userJID).get(0)) { // 消息提示 if ($("div[id='" + userJID + "']:hidden").get(0)) { var haveMessage = $(".have-msg"); haveMessage.show(); $(".no-msg").hide(); } _opts.messageTip("闪聊有了新消息,请查收!"); // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage(userJID, userName, content); } }, // 消息提示 messageTip: function () { if (count % 2 == 0) { window.focus(); document.title = "你来了新消息,请查收!"; } else { document.title = ""; } if (count > 4) { document.title = ""; count = 0; } else { window.setTimeout(_opts.messageTip, 1000); count ++; } } }; // 初始化远程聊天程序相关方法 var initRemoteIM = function (settings) { // 初始化远程消息 remote.jsjac.chat.init(); // 设置客户端写入信息方法 remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage = settings.writeReceiveMessage; // 注册事件 $(window).bind({ unload: remote.jsjac.chat.unloadHandler, error: remote.jsjac.chat.errorHandler, beforeunload: remote.jsjac.chat.logout }); } $.extend({ WebIM: function (opts) { opts = opts || {}; // 覆盖默认配置 defaultOptions = $.extend(defaultOptions, defaultOptions, opts); var settings = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, opts); initRemoteIM(settings); settings.newWebIM(settings); $.WebIM.settings = settings; } }); $.WebIM.settings = $.WebIM.settings || _opts; $.WebIM.initWebIM = _opts.initWebIM; $.WebIM.newWebIM = _opts.newWebIM; $.WebIM.messageHandler = _opts.messageHandler; })(jQuery);
remote.jsjac.chat.sendMessage(text, receiver); 这个是发送远程消息的方法,参数1是消息内容、参数2是消息的接收者
如果你有看到这篇文章http://www.cnblogs.com/hoojo/archive/2012/06/18/2553886.html 它是一个单纯的WebIM本地的聊天界面。
/** * IM chat jsjac remote message * @author: hoojo * @email: hoojo_@126.com * @blog http://hoojo.cnblogs.com & http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @createDate: 2012-5-24 * @version 2.0 * @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later * Copyright (c) 2012 M. hoo **/ var remote = { debug: "info, error", chat: "body", receiver: "#to", // 接受者jquery expression console: { errorEL: function () { if ($(remote.chat).get(0)) { return $(remote.chat).find("#error"); } else { return $("body").find("#error"); } }, infoEL: function () { if ($(remote.chat).get(0)) { return $(remote.chat).find("#info"); } else { return $("body").find("#info"); } }, // debug info info: function (html) { if (~remote.debug.indexOf("info")) { remote.console.infoEL().append(html); remote.console.infoEL().get(0).lastChild.scrollIntoView(); } }, // debug error error: function (html) { if (~remote.debug.indexOf("error")) { remote.console.errorEL().append(html); } }, // clear info/debug console clear: function (s) { if ("debug" == s) { remote.console.errorEL().html(""); } else { remote.console.infoEL().html(""); } } }, userAddress: function (user) { if (user) { if (!~user.indexOf("@")) { user += "@" + remote.jsjac.domain;// + "/" + remote.jsjac.resource; } else if (~user.indexOf("/")) { user = user.substr(0, user.indexOf("/")); } } return user; }, jsjac: { httpbase: window.contextPath + "/JHB/", //请求后台http-bind服务器url domain: window["serverDomin"], //"", // 当前有效域名 username: "", pass: "", timerval: 2000, // 设置请求超时 resource: "WebIM", // 链接资源标识 register: true // 是否注册 } }; remote.jsjac.chat = { writeReceiveMessage: function () { }, setState: function () { var onlineStatus = new Object(); onlineStatus["available"] = "在线"; onlineStatus["chat"] = "欢迎聊天"; onlineStatus["away"] = "离开"; onlineStatus["xa"] = "不可用"; onlineStatus["dnd"] = "请勿打扰"; onlineStatus["invisible"] = "隐身"; onlineStatus["unavailable"] = "离线"; remote.jsjac.chat.state = onlineStatus; return onlineStatus; }, state: null, init: function () { // Debugger plugin if (typeof (Debugger) == "function") { remote.dbger = new Debugger(2, remote.jsjac.resource); remote.dbger.start(); } else { // if you're using firebug or safari, use this for debugging // oDbg = new JSJaCConsoleLogger(2); // comment in above and remove comments below if you don't need debugging remote.dbger = function () { }; remote.dbger.log = function () { }; } try { // try to resume a session if (JSJaCCookie.read("btype").getValue() == "binding") { remote.connection = new JSJaCHttpBindingConnection({ "oDbg": remote.dbger}); rdbgerjac.chat.setupEvent(remote.connection); if (remote.connection.resume()) { remote.console.clear("debug"); } } } catch (e) { remote.console.errorEL().html(e.name + ":" + e.message); } // reading cookie failed - never mind remote.jsjac.chat.setState(); }, login: function (loginForm) { remote.console.clear("debug"); // reset try { // 链接参数 var connectionConfig = remote.jsjac; // Debugger console if (typeof (oDbg) != "undefined") { connectionConfig.oDbg = oDbg; } var connection = new JSJaCHttpBindingConnection(connectionConfig); remote.connection = connection; // 安装(注册)Connection事件模型 remote.jsjac.chat.setupEvent(connection); // setup args for connect method if (loginForm) { //connectionConfig = new Object(); //connectionConfig.domain = loginForm.domain.value; connectionConfig.username = loginForm.userName.value; connectionConfig.pass = loginForm.password.value; connectionConfig.register = loginForm.register.checked; } // 连接服务器 connection.connect(connectionConfig); //remote.jsjac.chat.changeStatus("available", "online", 1, "chat"); } catch (e) { remote.console.errorEL().html(e.toString()); } finally { return false; } }, // 改变用户状态 changeStatus: function (type, status, priority, show) { type = type || "unavailable"; status = status || "online"; priority = priority || "1"; show = show || "chat"; var presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setType(type); // unavailable invisible if (remote.connection) { //remote.connection.send(presence); } //presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setStatus(status); // online presence.setPriority(priority); // 1 presence.setShow(show); // chat if (remote.connection) { remote.connection.send(presence); } }, // 为Connection注册事件 setupEvent: function (con) { var remoteChat = remote.jsjac.chat; con.registerHandler('message', remoteChat.handleMessage); con.registerHandler('presence', remoteChat.handlePresence); con.registerHandler('iq', remoteChat.handleIQ); con.registerHandler('onconnect', remoteChat.handleConnected); con.registerHandler('onerror', remoteChat.handleError); con.registerHandler('status_changed', remoteChat.handleStatusChanged); con.registerHandler('ondisconnect', remoteChat.handleDisconnected); con.registerIQGet('query', NS_VERSION, remoteChat.handleIqVersion); con.registerIQGet('query', NS_TIME, remoteChat.handleIqTime); }, // 发送远程消息 sendMessage: function (msg, to) { try { if (msg == "") { return false; } var user = ""; if (to) { if (!~to.indexOf("@")) { user += "@" + remote.jsjac.domain; to += "/" + remote.jsjac.resource; } else if (~to.indexOf("/")) { user = to.substr(0, to.indexOf("/")); } } else { // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 if (remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage) { var html = "你没有指定发送者的名称"; alert(html); //remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage(receiverId, "server", html, false); } return false; } var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(user); $("#" + userJID).find(remote.receiver).val(to); // 构建jsjac的message对象 var message = new JSJaCMessage(); message.setTo(new JSJaCJID(to)); message.setType("chat"); // 单独聊天,默认为广播模式 message.setBody(msg); // 发送消息 remote.connection.send(message); return false; } catch (e) { var html = "<div class='msg error''>Error: " + e.message + "</div>"; remote.console.info(html); return false; } }, // 退出、断开链接 logout: function () { var presence = new JSJaCPresence(); presence.setType("unavailable"); if (remote.connection) { remote.connection.send(presence); remote.connection.disconnect(); } }, errorHandler: function (event) { var e = event || window.event; remote.console.errorEL().html(e); if (remote.connection && remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } return false; }, unloadHandler: function () { var con = remote.connection; if (typeof con != "undefined" && con && con.connected()) { // save backend type if (con._hold) { // must be binding (new JSJaCCookie("btype", "binding")).write(); } if (con.suspend) { con.suspend(); } } }, writeMessage: function (userJID, userName, content) { // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 if (remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage && !!content) { remote.jsjac.chat.writeReceiveMessage(userJID, userName, content, false); } }, // 重新连接服务器 reconnection: function () { remote.jsjac.register = false; if (remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } remote.jsjac.chat.login(); }, /* ########################### Handler Event ############################# */ handleIQ: function (aIQ) { var html = "<div class='msg'>IN (raw): " + aIQ.xml().htmlEnc() + "</div>"; remote.console.info(html); remote.connection.send(aIQ.errorReply(ERR_FEATURE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)); }, handleMessage: function (aJSJaCPacket) { var user = aJSJaCPacket.getFromJID().toString(); //var userName = user.split("@")[0]; //var userJID = "u" + hex_md5(user); var content = aJSJaCPacket.getBody(); var html = ""; html += "<div class=\"msg\"><b>消息来自 " + user + ":</b><br/>"; html += content.htmlEnc() + "</div>"; remote.console.info(html); $.WebIM.messageHandler(user, content); }, handlePresence: function (aJSJaCPacket) { var user = aJSJaCPacket.getFromJID(); var userName = user.toString().split("@")[0]; var html = "<div class=\"msg\">"; if (!aJSJaCPacket.getType() && !aJSJaCPacket.getShow()) { html += "<b>" + userName + " 上线了.</b>"; } else { html += "<b>" + userName + " 设置 presence 为: "; if (aJSJaCPacket.getType()) { html += aJSJaCPacket.getType() + ".</b>"; } else { html += aJSJaCPacket.getShow() + ".</b>"; } if (aJSJaCPacket.getStatus()) { html += " (" + aJSJaCPacket.getStatus().htmlEnc() + ")"; } } html += "</div>"; remote.console.info(html); // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage("", userName, html); }, handleError: function (event) { var e = event || window.event; var html = "An error occured:<br />" + ("Code: " + e.getAttribute("code") + "\nType: " + e.getAttribute("type") + "\nCondition: " + e.firstChild.nodeName).htmlEnc(); remote.error(html); var content = ""; switch (e.getAttribute("code")) { case "401": content = "登陆验证失败!"; break; // 当注册发现重复,表明该用户已经注册,那么直接进行登陆操作 case "409": //content = "注册失败!\n\n请换一个用户名!"; remote.jsjac.chat.reconnection(); break; case "503": content = "无法连接到IM服务器,请检查相关配置!"; break; case "500": var contents = "服务器内部错误!\n\n连接断开!<br/><a href='javascript: self.parent.remote.jsjac.chat.reconnection();'>重新连接</a>"; remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage("", "系统", contents); break; default: break; } if (content) { alert("WeIM: " + content); } if (remote.connection.connected()) { remote.connection.disconnect(); } }, // 状态变化触发事件 handleStatusChanged: function (status) { remote.console.info("<div>当前用户状态: " + status + "</div>"); remote.dbger.log("当前用户状态: " + status); if (status == "disconnecting") { var html = "<b style='color:red;'>你离线了!</b>"; // 向chat接收信息区域写消息 remote.jsjac.chat.writeMessage("", "系统", html); } }, // 建立链接触发事件方法 handleConnected: function () { remote.console.clear("debug"); // reset remote.connection.send(new JSJaCPresence()); }, // 断开链接触发事件方法 handleDisconnected: function () { }, handleIqVersion: function (iq) { remote.connection.send(iq.reply([ iq.buildNode("name", remote.jsjac.resource), iq.buildNode("version", JSJaC.Version), iq.buildNode("os", navigator.userAgent) ])); return true; }, handleIqTime: function (iq) { var now = new Date(); remote.connection.send(iq.reply([ iq.buildNode("display", now.toLocaleString()), iq.buildNode("utc", now.jabberDate()), iq.buildNode("tz", now.toLocaleString().substring(now.toLocaleString().lastIndexOf(" ") + 1)) ])); return true; } };
4、消息区域、编辑器代码 send.message.editor-1.0.js
/** * IM chat Send Message iframe editor * @author: hoojo * @email: hoojo_@126.com * @blog: http://blog.csdn.net/IBM_hoojo * @createDate: 2012-5-24 * @version 1.0 **/ var agent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var sendMessageEditor = { // 获取iframe的window对象 getWin: function () { return /*!/firefox/.test(agent)*/false ? sendMessageEditor.iframe.contentWindow : window.frames[sendMessageEditor.iframe.name]; }, //获取iframe的document对象 getDoc: function () { return !/firefox/.test(agent) ? sendMessageEditor.getWin().document : (sendMessageEditor.iframe.contentDocument || sendMessageEditor.getWin().document); }, init: function (userJID) { //打开document对象,向其写入初始化内容,以兼容FireFox var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); doc.open(); var html = [ '<html>', '<head><style type="text/css">body{border:0;margin:0;padding:3px;height:98%;cursor:text;background-color:white;font-size:12px;font-family:Courier,serif,monospace;}</style></head>', '<body jid="', userJID, '"></body>', '</html>'].join(""); doc.write(html); //打开document对象编辑模式 doc.designMode = "on"; doc.close(); }, getContent: function () { var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //获取编辑器的body对象 var body = doc.body || doc.documentElement; //获取编辑器的内容 var content = body.innerHTML; //对内容进行处理,例如替换其中的某些特殊字符等等 //Some code //返回内容 return content; }, //统一的执行命令方法 execCmd: function (cmd, value, d){ var doc = d || sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //doc对象的获取参照上面的代码 //调用execCommand方法执行命令 doc.execCommand(cmd, false, value === undefined ? null : value); }, getStyleState: function (cmd) { var doc = sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); //doc对象的获取参考上面的对面 //光标处是否是粗体 var state = doc.queryCommandState(cmd); if(state){ //改变按钮的样式 } return state; }, insertAtCursor: function (text, d, w){ var doc = d || sendMessageEditor.getDoc(); var win = w || sendMessageEditor.getWin(); //win对象的获取参考上面的代码 if (/msie/.test(agent)) { win.focus(); var r = doc.selection.createRange(); if (r) { r.collapse(true); r.pasteHTML(text); } } else if (/gecko/.test(agent) || /opera/.test(agent)) { win.focus(); sendMessageEditor.execCmd('InsertHTML', text, doc); } else if (/safari/.test(agent)) { sendMessageEditor.execCmd('InsertText', text, doc); } } };
5、css样式 chat-2.0.css
/** * function: im web chat css * author: hoojo * createDate: 2012-5-26 上午11:42:10 */ @CHARSET "UTF-8"; *, body { font-family: Courier,serif,monospace; font-size: 12px; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .chat-main { position: absolute; /*right: 80px;*/ left: 50px; top: 20px; z-index: 999; display: none; } .chat-main .radius { background-color: white; border: 8px solid #94CADF; border-radius: 1em; } #chat { position: relative; /*left: 150px;*/ padding: 0; margin: 0; } #chat table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 435px; *width: 460px; /*width: 410px;*/ /*width: 320px;*/ } #chat table .title { font-weight: bold; color: green; padding: 3px; background-color: #94CADF; } /* 收缩条 */ #chat table .split { background-color: #94CADF; cursor: pointer; } /* ################## product info #################### */ #chat table .product-info { width: 30%; /*display: none;*/ padding: 0; margin: 0; vertical-align: top; } #chat table .product-info ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #chat table .product-info ul div.header { background-color: #EBEFFE; line-height: 22px; font-size: 12px; color: black; } #chat table .product-info ul li { list-style: none outside none; background-color: white; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; padding-left: 5px; line-height: 22px; font-size: 11px; color: #6F6F6F; width: 140px; } #chat table .product-info ul li.pic { height: 200px; padding: 0 5px 0 5px; border: 1px dashed #ccc; text-align: center; } #chat table .product-info ul li.pic img { } #chat table .product-info ul li.product-name { font-weight: bold; color: black; } #chat table .product-info ul li.price span { font-family: Courier; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #ED4E08; } #chat table .product-info ul li.market-price s { color: black; } #chat table .product-info ul li a { float: right; } #chat table .product-info ul li.info { display: none; } /*########### 接收消息区域 ############ */ #chat table .receive-message { height: 250px; } #chat table .send-message { width: 100%; /*height: auto;*/ } #chat table td { /*border: 1px solid white;*/ } #chat table .bottom-bar { background-color: #94CADF; text-align: right; } /* ############## 工具条 ################# start */ #chat table .tool-bar { height: 25px; background-color: #94CADF; } #chat table .tool-bar select { float: left; } #chat table .tool-bar select.family { width: 45px; *width: 55px; } #chat table .tool-bar div { width: 17px; height: 16px; float: left; cursor: pointer; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 1px; *margin-top: 2px; background: transparent url("../images/tb-sprite.gif") no-repeat scroll 0 0; } #chat table .tool-bar .color { margin-left: 2px; background-position: -159px 0; } #chat table .tool-bar .bold { /*background-position: 0 0;*/ } #chat table .tool-bar .italic { background-position: -18px 0; } #chat table .tool-bar .underline { background-position: -32px 0; } #chat table .tool-bar .face { margin: 2px 0 0 3px; background-image: url("../images/facehappy.gif"); } #chat table .tool-bar .history { background-image: none; width: 60px; float: right; margin-top: 3px; font-size: 12px; display: none; } /* ###### 表情 ###### */ #chat #face { border: 1px solid black; width: 275px; *width: 277px; position: relative; left: 8px; top: -370px; _top: -359px; z-index: 3; display: none; } #chat #face img { border: 1px solid #ccc; border-right: none; border-bottom: none; cursor: pointer; } #send { width: 90px; height: 25px; } #close { width: 40px; height: 25px; } .chat-message { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 25px; background-color: #fcfcfc; } .no-msg, .have-msg { cursor: pointer; float: right; margin: 5px 5px 0 0; }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee > <servlet> <servlet-name>Jabber HTTP Binding Servlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.jabber.JabberHTTPBind.JHBServlet</servlet-class> <!-- <init-param> <param-name>debug</param-name> <param-value>1</param-value> </init-param> --> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Jabber HTTP Binding Servlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/JHB/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> </web-app>
感谢各位的阅读,以上就是“怎么用JavaScript和jQuery构建一个BS Web的聊天应用程序”的内容了,经过本文的学习后,相信大家对怎么用JavaScript和jQuery构建一个BS Web的聊天应用程序这一问题有了更深刻的体会,具体使用情况还需要大家实践验证。这里是亿速云,小编将为大家推送更多相关知识点的文章,欢迎关注!
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