2)运行环境 小编使用的环境:Python3、Pycharm社区版、Pygame、 numpy模块部分自带就不一一 展示啦。
模块安装:pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/+模块名
import pygame as pg
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
size = width, height = 600, 400
screen = pg.display.set_mode(size)
f_clock = pg.time.Clock()
fps = 30
background = pg.image.load("background.png").convert_alpha()
glb_pos = [[(90, 40), (190, 40), (290, 40), (390, 40)],
[(90, 140), (190, 140), (290, 140), (390, 140)],
[(90, 240), (190, 240), (290, 240), (390, 240)],
[(90, 340), (190, 340), (290, 340), (390, 340)]]
class ChessPieces():
def __init__(self, img_name):
self.name = img_name
self.id = None
if self.name == 'heart':
self.id = 2
elif self.name == 'spade':
self.id = 3
self.img = pg.image.load(img_name + ".png").convert_alpha()
self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
self.pos_x, self.pos_y = 0, 0
self.alive_state = True
def get_rect(self):
return (self.rect[0], self.rect[1])
def get_pos(self):
return (self.pos_x, self.pos_y)
def update(self):
if self.alive_state == True:
self.rect[0] = glb_pos[self.pos_y][self.pos_x][0]
self.rect[1] = glb_pos[self.pos_y][self.pos_x][1]
screen.blit(self.img, self.rect)
class Pointer():
def __init__(self):
self.img = pg.image.load("pointer.png").convert_alpha()
self.rect = self.img.get_rect()
self.show = False
self.selecting_item = False
def point_to(self, Heart_Blade_class):
if Heart_Blade_class.alive_state:
self.pointing_to_item = Heart_Blade_class
self.item_pos = Heart_Blade_class.get_rect()
self.rect[0], self.rect[1] = self.item_pos[0], self.item_pos[1] - 24
def update(self):
screen.blit(self.img, self.rect)
class GlobalSituation():
def __init__(self):
self.glb_situation = np.array([[2, 2, 2, 2],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[3, 3, 3, 3]], dtype=np.uint8)
self.spade_turn = None
def refresh_situation(self):
self.glb_situation = np.zeros([4, 4], np.uint8)
for i in range(4):
if heart[i].alive_state:
self.glb_situation[heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x] = heart[i].id
for i in range(4):
if spade[i].alive_state:
self.glb_situation[spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x] = spade[i].id
for i in range(4):
print('=' * 12)
if self.spade_turn != None:
self.spade_turn = not self.spade_turn
def check_situation(self, moved_item):
curr_pos_x, curr_pos_y = moved_item.get_pos()
curr_pos_col = self.glb_situation[:, curr_pos_x]
curr_pos_raw = self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, :]
enemy_die = False
if moved_item.id == 2:
if np.sum(curr_pos_col) == 7:
if (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 2, 2, 3])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[3, curr_pos_x] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 3:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([2, 2, 3, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[2, curr_pos_x] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 2:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 3, 2, 2])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[1, curr_pos_x] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 1:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([3, 2, 2, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[0, curr_pos_x] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and spade_i.pos_y == 0:
spade_i.alive_state = False
if np.sum(curr_pos_raw) == 7:
if (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 2, 2, 3])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 3] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 3 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([2, 2, 3, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 2] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 2 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 3, 2, 2])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 1] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 1 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([3, 2, 2, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 0] = 0
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.pos_x == 0 and spade_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
spade_i.alive_state = False
elif moved_item.id == 3:
if np.sum(curr_pos_col) == 8:
if (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 3, 3, 2])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[3, curr_pos_x] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 3:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([3, 3, 2, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[2, curr_pos_x] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 2:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([0, 2, 3, 3])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[1, curr_pos_x] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 1:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_col == np.array([2, 3, 3, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[0, curr_pos_x] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == curr_pos_x and heart_i.pos_y == 0:
heart_i.alive_state = False
if np.sum(curr_pos_raw) == 8:
if (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 3, 3, 2])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 3] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 3 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([3, 3, 2, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 2] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 2 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([0, 2, 3, 3])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 1] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 1 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
heart_i.alive_state = False
elif (curr_pos_raw == np.array([2, 3, 3, 0])).all():
enemy_die = True
self.glb_situation[curr_pos_y, 0] = 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.pos_x == 0 and heart_i.pos_y == curr_pos_y:
heart_i.alive_state = False
if enemy_die == True:
self.glb_situation = np.zeros([4, 4], np.uint8)
for i in range(4):
if heart[i].alive_state:
self.glb_situation[heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x] = heart[i].id
for i in range(4):
if spade[i].alive_state:
self.glb_situation[spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x] = spade[i].id
for i in range(4):
print('=' * 12)
def check_game_over(self):
heart_alive_num, spade_alive_num = 0, 0
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state:
heart_alive_num += 1
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state:
spade_alive_num += 1
if heart_alive_num <= 1:
print('Spades win!')
if spade_alive_num <= 1:
print('Hearts win!')
heart, spade = [None] * 4, [None] * 4
for i in range(4):
heart[i] = ChessPieces('heart')
spade[i] = ChessPieces('spade')
def chess_pieces_init():
for i in range(4):
heart[i].pos_y, heart[i].pos_x = 0, i
spade[i].pos_y, spade[i].pos_x = 3, i
heart[i].alive_state = True
spade[i].alive_state = True
pointer = Pointer()
situation = GlobalSituation()
def check_click_item(c_x, c_y):
selected_item = None
if situation.spade_turn==None:
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
situation.spade_turn = False
selected_item = heart_i
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
situation.spade_turn = True
selected_item = spade_i
if situation.spade_turn:
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.alive_state and spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
selected_item = spade_i
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.alive_state and heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y):
selected_item = heart_i
return selected_item
def move_to_dst_pos(selected_item, c_x, c_y):
update_situation = False
enemy_exist = False
if selected_item.name == 'heart':
for spade_i in spade:
if spade_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y) and spade_i.alive_state:
enemy_exist = True
elif selected_item.name == 'spade':
for heart_i in heart:
if heart_i.rect.collidepoint(c_x, c_y) and heart_i.alive_state:
enemy_exist = True
if enemy_exist == False:
delta_y, delta_x = c_y - selected_item.rect[1], c_x - selected_item.rect[0]
if 80 <= abs(delta_x) <= 120 and abs(delta_y) <= 20:
if delta_x < 0:
if selected_item.pos_x > 0:
selected_item.pos_x -= 1
if selected_item.pos_x < 3:
selected_item.pos_x += 1
update_situation = True
if 80 <= abs(delta_y) <= 120 and abs(delta_x) <= 20:
if delta_y < 0:
if selected_item.pos_y > 0:
selected_item.pos_y -= 1
if selected_item.pos_y < 3:
selected_item.pos_y += 1
update_situation = True
return update_situation
while True:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
cursor_x, cursor_y = pg.mouse.get_pos()
clicked_item = check_click_item(cursor_x, cursor_y)
if clicked_item != None:
pointer.selecting_item = True
if pointer.selecting_item:
update_situation_flag = move_to_dst_pos(pointer.pointing_to_item, cursor_x, cursor_y)
if update_situation_flag:
pointer.selecting_item = False
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
for heart_i in heart:
for spade_i in spade:
if pointer.selecting_item:
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